This is my last big purchase. Had it for about two weeks now. Upgraded from a D3100. Love it!!! Image
I couldn't help but notice that there is absolutely no benefit in getting an Time Capsule if you're already TimeMachining it like Doc Brown in November, nor is there any benefit in an AirPort Extreme over any other router whatsoever, either.
So I got myself a Netgear Nighthawk R7000 to replace an older Time Capsule, extended by a Linksys router.
While it may look like something that was taken out of some storage room at an US Army base:
It delivers.
You plug it in, and that's that's all the setup required. In places where I had flaky reception which required some gymnastics to load webpages, this thing gives you three bars of glory without a repeater. It even gave me two bars in the most remote spaces that didn't had any coverage before at all.
Great router literally. It's huge. But it works fantastically.
But how is the software? My net gear can't even block internet acces for people who are on the network...
Bought this yesterday and I'm liking it so far. Now I'm contemplating Battlefield 4 or Call of Duty Ghosts.
Ended up buying Battlefield 4. Used my powerup points put it towards a $25 off coupon. I'll get COD eventually just to satisfy the itch to play. I've played all of them and I told myself I wouldn't be buying the next installment but ended up buying it anyway
Amazon has CoD on sale for $40, decisions decisions.
ghosts is absolutely terrible, do not get it.
I guess I'll rent it whenever RedBox gets Xbox One/PS4 games.
the only good thing about it is that its new and that is it. maps are too big, and it gets old fast. i actually wrote a paper in my english class last semester bashing it.