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Lord Blackadder said:
One thing I'd really like to have for entertainment value is an x86 Intel verison of Rhapsody/OS X Server so I could run it on a PC. There are a few copies floating around here and there but it is probably a PITA to get software for it.
While not as plentiful as the software for the PowerPC version of Rhapsody, there is software out there for the Intel version.

For a long time my only Rhapsody system was my ThinkPad, and it is still a great system!

I tried to outline what someone would need to get a Rhapsody for Intel system usable for most common tasks on my Rhapsody Resource Page... the best place to start would be the "Rhapsody 5.1 for Intel, Getting Started" page. It covers a number of important aspects of getting the system to a functional state for the average user (of course, there is no such thing as an average user of Rhapsody :D ).

After that I would suggest looking at the "Applications for Rhapsody" page to see if there is anything available there that would cover the tasks you might use a Rhapsody system for. Some of the links are broken as I recall, but I think I can still find any of the software listed on this page.

For example, if I spent more time writing more detailed documents (than TextEdit could handle, which is pretty much what I use in OPENSTEP, Rhapsody and Mac OS X for word processing) I would consider getting WriteUp and maybe PasteUp. As it stands most of my page layout, illustration and web design needs are covered with Create 5.1 (which I have a license for and I put up a copy of the Create 5 online manual on the site here).

Similarly, I'm able to cover my image editing needs with TIFFany3, PixelNhance and CuttingRoom.

Plus I've been very happy with PDFView, which had more features than the version of Acrobat Reader Adobe was giving away back then. I cover the PDF stuff on this page.

I even cover how I've used Rhapsody to create all of the pages on on this page. Originally this was to answer the question I get asked quite a bit... "What can you do in Rhapsody?" These days I spend a lot of time in Rhapsody because I like the tools I have to work with.

I would guess that the biggest thing would be getting used to the system... which was it's major hurdle originally. But these days most anyone who is pretty good at working with Mac OS X shouldn't have too many problems with Rhapsody. Specially if you have the software resources to make the system usable for your needs.

ehurtley, you can find OmniWeb 4.2 and any of Omni Group software for Mac OS X v10.1 here.
I fell in love with Rhapsody Server......

Mac OS X Server 1.0 was such a beautiful new Mac experience from the worsening Mac OS 8 and 9.

Steve Jobs was back.... and so was his OS ;)

What a step that was!
We just needed the Carbon API, and a new look.
And.... we got them gradually with the DP1 - DP4 of Mac OS X... gr8 times.
Apple Yellow Box

Turns out that Rhapsody disc for x86 I had was actually Apple Yellow Box for Windows. I have it installed (did I already tell you guys this??) I'll post some screenshots in a bit, it's so cool :D
LimeiBook86 said:
Turns out that Rhapsody disc for x86 I had was actually Apple Yellow Box for Windows. I have it installed (did I already tell you guys this??) I'll post some screenshots in a bit, it's so cool :D
I posted some shots of Yellow Box on my site a few years back...

I guess while I'm pointing at those, I'll link to some other pages of screen shots I put up too...

Mac OS X Public Beta

Here's a screenshot I took today of Mac OS X Public Beta. I installed it on my PowerMac G3 Blue & White (400mhz 512mb RAM, ATI Rage), it installed in under 10 minutes and runs pretty well. I don't like how you have to restart for simple things like changing a network connection or enabling AppleTalk, so I'm happy we have 10.4 and we don't have to restart every 5 minutes :p :D


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LimeiBook86 said:
Here's a screenshot I took today of Mac OS X Public Beta. I installed it on my PowerMac G3 Blue & White (400mhz 512mb RAM, ATI Rage), it installed in under 10 minutes and runs pretty well. I don't like how you have to restart for simple things like changing a network connection or enabling AppleTalk, so I'm happy we have 10.4 and we don't have to restart every 5 minutes :p :D

Wow...I remember those days. OS X has come a long way since the Public Beta. That was a truly horrendous operating system. Although at the time, I thought it had great potential. And of course, as we all know, it's grown to become the best operating system in the world. :)
LimeiBook86 said:
Here's a screenshot I took today of Mac OS X Public Beta. I installed it on my PowerMac G3 Blue & White (400mhz 512mb RAM, ATI Rage), it installed in under 10 minutes and runs pretty well. I don't like how you have to restart for simple things like changing a network connection or enabling AppleTalk, so I'm happy we have 10.4 and we don't have to restart every 5 minutes :p :D

Wow, very nice! Thanks for the screenshot, man! I really wish I would have won that auction for OS X Public Beta for my Lombard. I really wanted to mess around with it and see how much OS X has evolved from the Beta.
ehurtley said:
hehehe... The 7.1 compatibility checker. I just ran that myself. Got the same humorous 'error'.

Oh, and as for Jschultz's post asking about web browsers for 10.1?

There's iCab 2.9.8, Opera 7.54, Internet Explorer 5.2.3, Mozilla 1.7,Firefox 1.0.7, Camino 0.8.4, and OmniWeb 4.2.1. (I just had to go find them for a customer, some will take some digging on their respective websites.)

Thanks! I'm happy to know that in case this hard drive dies (and die it might, with all of it's clicking!) I can still productively use the internet on 10.1. The guy I bought my computer from doesn't have the Tiger discs, so I'm afraid of what may happen!
Sorry to bump again, but....

I recently had some problems with Tiger, and it needed to repair the disk...unlucky for me the guy I bought my TiBook from didn't have the Tiger discs...however, he did have the 10.1 upgrade disc. So, as I type, it's from 10.1 ...I'm surprised how smooth it runs for being an older system. At one point, I used 10.0 on an original iceBook, and it wasn't too great. Maybe 10.1 has alot less overhead than Tiger, but I'm smooth sailing from Camino v. 0.8 ...heres a screen shot for those who never tire from pinstripes...oh how I've missed them!!


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Jschultz said:
Sorry to bump again, but....

I recently had some problems with Tiger, and it needed to repair the disk...unlucky for me the guy I bought my TiBook from didn't have the Tiger discs...however, he did have the 10.1 upgrade disc. So, as I type, it's from 10.1 ...I'm surprised how smooth it runs for being an older system. At one point, I used 10.0 on an original iceBook, and it wasn't too great. Maybe 10.1 has alot less overhead than Tiger, but I'm smooth sailing from Camino v. 0.8 ...heres a screen shot for those who never tire from pinstripes...oh how I've missed them!!

Very cool! Thanks for the screenshot!
Jschultz said:
You mean those of Sherlock? Clicking on Finder in the dock does nothing. It's kind of weird not having Spotlight either.

You can't bring up a Finder window by clicking on it in the dock? That's odd. It may be normal behavior in 10.1, though. I've never used it.
Ok! Here is the finder window, as promised. Notice how the computer icon looks to be a blueberry G3 iMac! very odd, but unique. I remember having jaguar on an iBook I had, and it's icon was a G4 iMac. I forget, what does Tiger show?


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wwooden said:
God, I can't believe I was reluctant to switch from OS 9 to OS X. 9 looks sooo bad now, so clunky and unorganized.

Funny... people will be saying that about the PPC to Intel switch in a few years.
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