Do you live in a large metro area? A quick Wikipedia shows that Cedar City, Utah (where Beck lives) has like 25 000 people. In Toronto I pay about $1400 a month. In Shanghai, my family forked out $6000 a month. If you want to save a lot of cash, move far far away from everything. Move out of Australia, as a matter of fact. I can't believe the cost of living over there sometimes.
Its not that far from civilization : ). It has around 40,000 people (your wik reference was of the 2000 census). It's also 40 miles or so from St. George, 2 1/2 hours from Las Vegas and about the same from Salt Lake City. It's got a university, and has a major international ski resort 15 miles from it. It's not so bad. It's by no means metro (I am orig. from San Diego, only moving here when I was 18), but it suffices.
That really is a good description though. You can get ahead, and you can make money right now by just moving somewhere developing or smaller-ish.
We're only paying about a grand a month for both the apartment and the studio. As of next week we're going through another big change though.
We're moving in with my older brother. He started a business here 10 years ago (glass glazier) and owns his own 5,000 square foot home. So we're taking the basement. No rent! So we're saving up every single check my wife gets (besides paying the rent for the studio) and saving the profit from the studio business and then in around 6-8 months we're moving to St. George or Salt Lake.
If the business goes well (sorry about the huge discussion in this thread) here, then we may kick it at brother's for a bit more. The only other expense besides studio rent we have is our Gold's membership, and 1500$ we have to pay off to the local movie theaters in Southern Utah. I am taking out a 30 second ad to be shown before the movies here, for my business.
I hope it goes well though, thank GOD for cheap rent. Yah I am thankful for scoring this, and for my brother. Now I can finally get ahead. I'm on Facebook if anyone wants to see more photos of the studio and whatever.
As far as the setup goes, I need... NEED a new chair. ahhaa I would also like a couch. I love those leather ikea ones that are low profile. I have that little art gallery in my front area and need some seating.
*** I wanna add that usually around here a spot like I am renting, would go for 1000+ a month. The guy was desperate and the economy sucks. Plus the lure of a steady good renter was too much to pass up.