Love the desk. Is that a 21 or 27 iMac?
Thanks! literally waited about 4 months for Ikea to get that desk in stock!
It's the 21.5 i3.
Love the desk. Is that a 21 or 27 iMac?
there's manicho's green pig making the scene!
Beautiful photo - what camera was it taken with? Which iMac is that? How is the speed of the MBA vs the iMac?
I'm guessing the camera in question is a Canon EOS 5D Mk II
I really like the soft touch of the photo. Would you mind sharing what you did to the pic in photoshop ?
Hah, as soon as you said that I thought "I bet he has a link to a Flickr account in his signature that I didn't click on to find out."
Sure enough.
Seconded on the photo question. Man, I can't wait for the 5D Mk III....
The negative ratings in this thread have really gotten out of hand. People are allowed to complement one another or even ask what or where someone got something without needing to be marked negatively. Wanting to know more about a person's setup is a good thing and is helpful for people looking around on this thread. It's really immature and overdone. Let people comment or ask questions.
Hey folks...been ages since I've been in here but I just got a new iMac, and painted my office yesterday too. Figured I'd show the space since I've never shown this room on MR before.
Sorry for the less than great quality, just snapped a quick pic with my iPhone last night after I finished putting everything back together.
Also, I ripped open the iMac as soon as I got it and installed an SSD and 12GB of RAMSucker is fast...
Hey folks...been ages since I've been in here but I just got a new iMac, and painted my office yesterday too. Figured I'd show the space since I've never shown this room on MR before.
Sorry for the less than great quality, just snapped a quick pic with my iPhone last night after I finished putting everything back together.
Also, I ripped open the iMac as soon as I got it and installed an SSD and 12GB of RAMSucker is fast...
Here it is, the M10's look really good, but lack bass.
Bass heads should look at other speakers, don't get me wrong they sound awesome, but little bass.
I don't mind I got them for $70 anyways.
Sorry pic is huge@!
New monitor!
Soon to come:
MacBook Pro stand
New desk
New computer chair
I had my bluray writer and usb/fw hub under my desk, but it was a pain in the butt when I needed them, so I decided to move them. I also had a more generic battery backup, which was kinda loud, so I switched that out with one that cost quite a bit more, but is much more powerful, and completely silent.
Here is my fairly new setup, nothing fancy..
Windows 7 was installed only for that I could play Limbo
Apparently there is some cable management to be done, but I have a subwoofer under my table so what can you do?
My current mobile setup
MBA 13" with PDair case, bottle of water and spicy peanuts![]()
Hey folks...been ages since I've been in here but I just got a new iMac, and painted my office yesterday too. Figured I'd show the space since I've never shown this room on MR before.
Sorry for the less than great quality, just snapped a quick pic with my iPhone last night after I finished putting everything back together.
Also, I ripped open the iMac as soon as I got it and installed an SSD and 12GB of RAMSucker is fast...
What furniture is that? I'm hoping it's Ikea.
It is indeed. The cabinets are Ikea, and then I built and stained the desktop surface myself. The cabinets are mounted onto the walls, but I didn't remove any carpet, so with relatively little effort I could remove them, patch the holes, and paint if for some reason I wanted to reconfigure the room -- but I doubt I'll ever do that.
You don't happen to have the family names or whatever they call it for your furniture do you?
Hey folks...been ages since I've been in here but I just got a new iMac, and painted my office yesterday too. Figured I'd show the space since I've never shown this room on MR before.
Sorry for the less than great quality, just snapped a quick pic with my iPhone last night after I finished putting everything back together.
Also, I ripped open the iMac as soon as I got it and installed an SSD and 12GB of RAMSucker is fast...
Basically all their cabinets (well, most) are the white "Akurum" line, and then you just buy different door styles to put on the front. I bought one of the simplest door styles.
I also have damped hinges on everything, so the doors and drawer don't slam -- they close gracefully. What you see there -- two base cabinets (far left and far right), two wall cabinets (the small one in the middle, and the middle shelving unit underneath the countertop is wall-depth; behind it is my subwoofer and all my cabling mess), plus the three overhead cabinets and all the hardware, hinges, etc all came out to around $500 I think? I don't remember for sure, but it wasn't too bad.
and what chair would that be if you dont mind me asking?