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I just moved into a new office, downtown. :D

Here's the setup in my new edit suite (the photo was taken for an article Post magazine is writing - more on that soon :p - but that's why I'm in this one.)

EDIT: In case you're wondering, the spots on my shoe are from painting. You should have seen the office before we fixed it up - yay 70s avacado green! ;) :D :p


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840quadra said:
Great looking setup!

I love the Painting allot! The one looks like a Psychedelic pizza oven :)

thank you! :) that's a cool description for the painting. i don't put that much thought into what i paint though, but it's not a difficult concept to understand - the tagged bird, volatile environment, the powercord (which incidentally has a hand at the end of it) i did that a long long time ago. those are some of the smallest things i've painted, most are 4' x 4' on average.

mad jew said:
I love it iBlue. I really love the artwork though. I wish I was artistic. I'd love to be able to paint like that. :eek:

Does the new iMac mean you've been able to reinstall the OS on your PowerBook too? Is that all up and running again? :)


the powerbook is still not up and running but i've been distracted :) it should be fairly simple to get the hard drive all backed up now though with the iMac and firewire i got ;) i just haven't gotten around to working on it yet. i am sure you'll know when i do, because knowing me something odd will happen and i'll most likely need help. :eek:

cruxed said:
How does the performance of the PowerBook match up to your new iMac... oh, and nice paintings!:rolleyes:

powerbook is slower but (when it's working) it serves its purpose. it is a laptop though and they always seem to be slightly slower than their equals in "larger" desktop form. <shrugs> but it's also up against a G5 with slightly more processing speed too, so i'd say the competition is as it should be. i love them both. i miss the portability of my powerbook though. (here only a few days without it and i mourn) :p
iBlue said:
and for those wondering - yes that is the powerbook doing its "i don't want to go past this damn login window starting phase" thing. <sigh> but hey, the problem inspired me to finally get an iMac :D

there it is, it even has that new smell; i love it!

P.S. yes i painted those, not that it's much to speak of but in the interest of efficient explanation... ;)
That exact thing happened to my PowerBook. I think it got messed up with I turned it off before ejecting it from the G5. I had to completely reinstall the OS.
benjamindaines said:
That exact thing happened to my PowerBook. I think it got messed up with I turned it off before ejecting it from the G5. I had to completely reinstall the OS.

Whats this? Another student asked me about something like this whith her powerbook but I had never heard of it before. :confused:
xPismo said:
Whats this? Another student asked me about something like this whith her powerbook but I had never heard of it before. :confused:

it's the one and only problem i've ever had with my powerbook, it's happened twice. just gets stuck at the "starting login window" part of the boot-up and won't proceed. TERRIBLY annoying problem. i was not able to find an easy solution for it, at least not for me. i did however start a thread about it here which has tons of useful hints and info in it. it's in the OS X room - thread here
In the spirit of things and the fact that I have a final in one hour, might as well wast sometime. Here is my setup during summer school.


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Nice Setups

Alot of you have some great extraordinary setups. Alot of them i liked, Alot have many many monitors and screens, some are nice and unique and small, Some have an awsome scenery around them to make the "Picture worth 1000 words" feeling. I cant wait to get home tommorrow and open my mac mini and post some pics when i re-arrange my desk.

iGary, your at the acadamey in Annapolis? I live right near there. Like to come by and see your setup. Im in the CG. Parents and family live in Annapolis.
maz94protege said:
Alot of you have some great extraordinary setups. Alot of them i liked, Alot have many many monitors and screens, some are nice and unique and small, Some have an awsome scenery around them to make the "Picture worth 1000 words" feeling. I cant wait to get home tommorrow and open my mac mini and post some pics when i re-arrange my desk.

iGary, your at the acadamey in Annapolis? I live right near there. Like to come by and see your setup. Im in the CG. Parents and family live in Annapolis.

Not IN the academy, but near by - You must be stationed at Thomas Point or in Baltimore.
I too have enjoyed viewing everyone's setup. My original setup was supposed to be in place in October, but thanks to a bad powerbook 15" and the events that took place from that, I haven't gotten my mac yet, hence no setup.

However, hopefully all will be in place next week, as I just ordered a refurb 17" G5 iMac, and will be going to IKEA this weekend in Frisco, TX to pick up my Galant desk with extensions to span my office. I will post pics of my office ugprade for sure, with final results in this thread. I'm also finalizing my new gaming rig on Friday, with it setup by next week as well - w00t!

Thanks again to everyone for all your ideas and pics. It really does help knowing what's a good product, how it looks with a Mac sitting on it, and just seeing the different accompanying artwork, gadgets and items is a nice insight.

iBlue said:
the new set up ...


and a thumbnail of it just resting

and for those wondering - yes that is the powerbook doing its "i don't want to go past this damn login window starting phase" thing. <sigh> but hey, the problem inspired me to finally get an iMac :D

there it is, it even has that new smell; i love it!

P.S. yes i painted those, not that it's much to speak of but in the interest of efficient explanation... ;)

where did you get that excellent mouse mat ??!!!?
This is my setup as of 12/07/05. My iBook gained the old CRT monitor. If you look at the second image, the PC is now my Windows server. It is a slave.:D


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zflauaus said:
This is my setup as of 12/07/05. My iBook gained the old CRT monitor. If you look at the second image, the PC is now my Windows server. It is a slave.:D

Altec Lansing 2100's. I have the same speakers. How do you like them? I think they sound great.
FadeToBlack said:
Altec Lansing 2100's. I have the same speakers. How do you like them? I think they sound great.
I love them. They sound absolutely great. Plus, the bass.
zflauaus said:
I love them. They sound absolutely great. Plus, the bass.

Yes, they definitely do and the bass is amazing. I've had mine for like 3 years or something like that and they are listened to A LOT and they are still just like when I got 'em.
Heres my iBook in its new home at my room in the University halls of residence.

Yes that is a Ethernet wire.... I was a bit shocked that the halls wernt wired up for wireless, but there you go. (at least the Libary does tho!)
IanC said:
Heres my iBook in its new home at my room in the University halls of residence.

Yes that is a Ethernet wire.... I was a bit shocked that the halls wernt wired up for wireless, but there you go. (at least the Libary does tho!)

Hmm, might wanna hide the KY next time. ;) Is that coming in handy? :p

peace | neut
neut said:
Hmm, might wanna hide the KY next time. ;) Is that coming in handy? :p

peace | neut
Hahahahahaha, I saw that and thought to myself "No..." Then I looked again, and thought to myself "Yes he did..." :p
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