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nice setup afro - the chrome and glass with the silver Creatures is very nice indeed. The XBOX 360 makes it all look like crap, though, ha! :)-p)

Curious though, how often you have to clean the glass - seems to me I would go nuts over all the smudges from palms, fingers, etc...

I have kids with grimey hands, so maybe I'm just skeptical due to that, lol.
Thanks for all the compliments people! :D The desk is called the A-Line computer desk, which I bought online for around $220. Here's a link to it. That site is a little overpriced though.

To answer your question about smudging, I have only had to clean it off a few times in the past month because I'm an only child and only my friends come into my room most of the time. The glass is beautiful though. Nice, thick, and sturdy. The only thing you have to think about is the amount of wires you have under the desk because you are always looking through it.

No real problem with smudges though. Cleaning the glass is very easy with Windex. Takes a few seconds!
A follow-up on motherduce's question:

My hands are usually resting on the keyboard pull-out thing so there's another reason why I never get any smudges.
Afro1989 said:
Thanks for all the compliments people! :D The desk is called the A-Line computer desk, which I bought online for around $220. Here's a link to it. That site is a little overpriced though.
That's a beautiful desk... when I start my next setup I'll have to keep that in mind. Nice, clean setup you have by the way... impressive.
Afro1989 said:
Thanks for all the compliments people! :D The desk is called the A-Line computer desk, which I bought online for around $220. Here's a link to it. That site is a little overpriced though.

It's a lovely desk and does remind me of the one at Staples because of the shape of the legs. Is the keyboard pullout tray metal or glass? It's hard to tell in the photos, either yours or the one in the website.

I really like it....
The keyboard pullout is metal, which is great because you can rest your hands/wrists on it without getting any smudges all over it.
Here's my new setup

I bought Powermac G5 Dualcore and sold Cube.
PM is now just basic but I buy more memory and HDD as soon as possible.

In summer I buy ACD 20"-display.

It's not a finally setup,I must clean it up first.Then I got a new pictures.
Here is my current home setup. I think it looks a little better in person and with natural lighting. Camera flashes suck:p The iMac is just a toy to me. I'll hopefully have the girlfriend converted soon and it'll be hers...

Also I am currently saving up for a Apple Cinema Display. The TV beside the desk is setup up as my dual/2nd monitor. It's great for watching movies while working.


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Kyle Nerder said:
Here is my current home setup. I think it looks a little better in person and with natural lighting. Camera flashes suck:p The iMac is just a toy to me. I'll hopefully have the girlfriend converted soon and it'll be hers...

Also I am currently saving up for a Apple Cinema Display. The TV beside the desk is setup up as my dual/2nd monitor. It's great for watching movies while working.

You still play the gameboy?
No mac to speak of yet, but I think that will change in a couple of weeks here.

I will get a picture of my current PC setup when I clean up my room..:D
I finally got me new iCurve and Apple Bluetooth Keyboard setup. :D I also have my Dell monitor designated as my primary display. It feels great to have the Dock and everything on the larger monitor. More screen real estate for me!

Edit: I also mounted my iSight. :D
p0intblank said:
I finally got me new iCurve and Apple Bluetooth Keyboard setup. :D I also have my Dell monitor designated as my primary display. It feels great to have the Dock and everything on the larger monitor. More screen real estate for me!

Edit: I also mounted my iSight. :D

Isn't it frustrating how much dimmer the Powerbook LCD is compared to the Dell? I had my Powerbook hooked up to a 2005fpw for a while, but I just couldn't read from the Powerbook anymore, the Dell was just so much nicer!
livingfortoday said:
Isn't it frustrating how much dimmer the Powerbook LCD is compared to the Dell? I had my Powerbook hooked up to a 2005fpw for a while, but I just couldn't read from the Powerbook anymore, the Dell was just so much nicer!

Yes, as you can see the Dell display is MUCH brighter than my PowerBook. I hate to see it, but that's just how it is. :( I wonder how the MacBook Pro's screen brightness compares to the Dell 2005FPW. Anyone know?
allenmertes said:
You still play the gameboy?
Yeah man. Gameboy rocks. I welded in Tetris. That's the only game I play. But I have a newer Gameboy though. It's much slimer and clear in colour.

Heck! I broke out the 1st generation Nintendo about a month ago too.
the_insider said:
My Setup:

iMac Core Duo 2.0 GHz
2Gb DDR2 Ram
ATI X1600 w/256Vram
250Gb HDD
La Cie D2 Extreme 300Gb

Powerbook 1.67Ghz
ATI Mobility Radeon 9700 w/128Vram
100Gb HDD

my GOD PLEASE post that Heineken Wallpaper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
p0intblank said:
Yes, as you can see the Dell display is MUCH brighter than my PowerBook. I hate to see it, but that's just how it is. :( I wonder how the MacBook Pro's screen brightness compares to the Dell 2005FPW. Anyone know?

I heard that the Dell FPW displays use the exact same panels as Apple's displays. So if that's right, and Apple isn't that the macbook pro screens are as bright as the cinema display screens, then they should be equal, though its hard to believe.
M-theory said:
...sounds sinister...what are you converting her to? :D
She is quite stuburn on swithing to a Mac. She uses mine all the time with ease and swears at her pc, but still won't switch. I think I will switch her setup on her in her sleep this weekend. Muhahaha
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