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Aight well I thought I would post some pix of my new living room setup... here we go!

Here's how my living room USED to look:


Here's how my living room looks NOW:






The transition from PC's to Mac's... Well... minus the one Dell I still have sittin' there, bleh! Hope you like :)
FragTek said:
Aight well I thought I would post some pix of my new living room setup... here we go!

Here's how my living room USED to look:

Here's how my living room looks NOW:

The transition from PC's to Mac's... Well... minus the one Dell I still have sittin' there, bleh! Hope you like :)

Wow...what are you doing with setups like that? You say that's your living room? I'm gonna guess freelance video (video people always have the best mac toys hehe).
FragTek said:
Aight well I thought I would post some pix of my new living room setup... here we go!

Here's how my living room looks NOW:


The transition from PC's to Mac's... Well... minus the one Dell I still have sittin' there, bleh! Hope you like :)

Dude I think I found a violator to the rule you posted in the above picture (3rd of all you posted)... someone has a beer! :O - I think I read the sign right not too sure. So who's limping home?
Xander562 said:
wow, that black laptop looks like it could be inflatable, its all bulgy... weird...
Thats a PowerBook G3, they're great machines. Batteries are useless mind you..

FragTek, your PowerBook G3 can run Tiger with a bit of modding you know, b but maybe you want to run classic. :p Either way. What is model name of the box running system 9.2? I had the same one running 8.6 until last year. I miss it alot. :(
Prom1 said:
Dude I think I found a violator to the rule you posted in the above picture (3rd of all you posted)... someone has a beer! :O - I think I read the sign right not too sure. So who's limping home?
I can violate my own rules :) That's only for guests ;) hehe No one to blame but myself if I spill a beer on my own compy :p

@iDuck: That's a PowerMac G3, runs like a freakin' champ! I absolutely love it.

@dorno: I do quite a bit of photo & video editing, the setup keeps me pretty well set for compatibility.

@Xander: PowerBook G3, great laptop. The only thing I dislike about it is the shoddy LCD. It's pretty much completely horrible, the ghosting is terrible and the image sharpness is pretty dull as well. As far as the computer itself, it runs fast and does every last thing I ask it too!
vohdoun said:
2407? I think the new ones have a freakin sweet stand compared to the D 05's.
ROFL... no that's a 3007WFP :p

Edit @iGary: Yeah I allowed myself to violate my own rule, hehe. Not much I can do if I spill a beer on it myself since I'm the one who bought it. Now, if someone ELSE spills a beer on it then death will quickly follow :)
jdbmac said:
I am 13 and I paid for all of this except for the Festina watch, which I got from my dad.
And how did a 13 year old like yourself afford this nice laptop? Are you in debt or do you have a nice job?
SuperSnake2012 said:
You have to be selling drugs or something, because when I was 13 I could barely afford to buy a Gameboy :rolleyes:

same here lol 5 dollars a week, i got. So it would take me forever to save up for somthing. Thank god i have a nicer job and can afford this nice stuff now lol.
I actually earn a lot of my money by doing video editing, working for our neighbors (yard work etc.), and by saving money from christmas, birthday, etc.
When I was 13 I was making anywhere from $20 to $200 an hour DJing. People think it's entertaining when a 13 year old mixed on the spot like that. But I think I sucked and I haven't DJed in so long now, I've totally changed my interest to the visual arts and persued a nice paying job. Now I'm fourteen and have a steady income to pay off this MacBook and all the crap I got for it.
What are you planning on doing with Flash? Videos? Animations? Web Design? Vector art? Are you learning any actionscript? There are so many things you can do with Flash, you can be an expert at one aspect of the program and never be able to do the other. Also I know what you mean Flash was the only program a book just didn't do it for me, so I bought some video tutorials from Cartoon Smart that place pretty much covers all of Flash no matter what you want to do, unless it's really advanced actionscript, then head on over to Lee Brimelow's tutorials either on Lynda or his own free ones at gotoAndLearn
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