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HckySo said:
What are you planning on doing with Flash? Videos? Animations? Web Design? Vector art? Are you learning any actionscript? There are so many things you can do with Flash, you can be an expert at one aspect of the program and never be able to do the other. Also I know what you mean Flash was the only program a book just didn't do it for me, so I bought some video tutorials from Cartoon Smart that place pretty much covers all of Flash no matter what you want to do, unless it's really advanced actionscript, then head on over to Lee Brimelow's tutorials either on Lynda or his own free ones at gotoAndLearn

Cool - thanks for the links - those will certainly help. ;)
iGary said:
I cleaned and moved some things (and I am trying to figure out what the frack is wrong with my FE lens).

Looks great, your PowerMac looks a little..ahem..excited with that usb drive sticking out. :p
Once you have a 30" display like that you find it hard to imagine how you ever lived without it, unless it's a laptop that is.
iGary said:
I cleaned and moved some things (and I am trying to figure out what the frack is wrong with my FE lens).
Which P&S cam is that on the desk? Looks like a PowerShot.

Also -- What happened to the iBook/iCurve combo? Looks like it's been replaced w/ a MBP.
Yeah yeah I meant to say PowerBook, I wasn't thinking when I was typing and wrote the opposite. I could tell by the light on the power adapter and the lack of the build in iSight. I feel like an idiot for writing the opposite of what I was thinking. :p
iGary said:
I cleaned and moved some things (and I am trying to figure out what the frack is wrong with my FE lens).



Awesome setup! I infact have the exact same desk, minus the round extension - very nice! I'll post mine once it gets cleaned up lol...
Holy fock iGary! How can you have all this sweet stuff??:eek:
I have seen your setup before, but must have forgotten the craziness of it. A Quad with 8 GB RAM, a 30" ACD, a 15" Rev. E PowerBook G4...:D
Are you gonna get a MacPro and rev. B MBP when it comes, or you gonna stick with PPC for a few years?:D
1. No one's gonna beat that setup. Never!
2. iFairy, I'll buy an iMac G4, and trade it for your Quad (w. ACD:D )
3. Check his wiring behind the desk, so neat! He once posted a pic, yet I can't find it.
Eidorian said:
iMac G4 lurve...

Omg that wallpaper just bought back a rush of memories...I had the same exact wallpaper in my room growing up, except mine was a mint color, instead of the easter egg yellow.
LCD problems

Roba said:
I changed my setup a bit it will probably stay like this more or less for a good while now.
How are the 940MW and ip90 (or 80 or 70?) treating you? I'm thinking of getting the ip90 to go with my CanoScan LiDE 500F. I just got my 940MW on Friday as a second monitor/tv for my 17" Intel iMac. I think mine is defective. Does your 940MW make any noise? I can hear the backlight in mine. It sounds like lightly running tap water. I'm gonna send it back and shell out the extra dough for a Sony MFM-HT205.
queshy said:
Awesome setup! I infact have the exact same desk, minus the round extension - very nice! I'll post mine once it gets cleaned up lol...

I have to be honest when I say I'm the only one who dislikes iGary's setup. It's not the electronics itself! I want all of that. I just hate the room it's in. It's so tinnnyyy! How do you move around? How do you lean back in your chair? How do you even get in to the room? Do you jump over the round extension? Because I always thought the door on the other end was a closet... :confused:
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