I also posted this in the "18 & Under" setups, as I'm 17. I'm really just posting again here so I can get more opinions on a desk...
Well, I finally bought myself my first Mac. I'll be using it mainly for internet, to waste some time, essay writing, and some very light InDesign when I pick up more RAM. Anyhoo, it's a 2GHz White Macbook w/ SuperDrive. I'm kinda broke right now, but I'll pick up some nice speakers, an iCurve, and definitely some more RAM in the next month or so.
I also want to throw in my video game setup, as that is my biggest hobby/passion. I've got a 46" Toshiba HD RPCRT Widescreen (46H84), Toshiba Upconverting DVD Player, Xbox 360, Xbox, GCN w/GB Player, Dreamcast, N64, and PSOne, as well as a PSP, DSLite, and 30GB 5G iPod (Black).
I'm trying to cram all this into my 11'*10" bedroom, and it's getting a bit crowded. Right now I really need a desk, but don't have much room for one. Can anybody reccomend a desk that would fit here, and is less than 100 bucks?
It's about 2.5' wide, and it can't stick out more than 2' at a maximum. I'd prefer it be glass with black accents to match the room. Thanks in advance.
Then, there is the family setup. I didn't purchase any of this except the HD receiver for our Dish Network service. It's a 51" Toshiba Widescreen HDRPCRT (51H81), Toshiba Upconverting DVD Player, Kenwood 800W Surround sound, Samsung VCR, and Dish 811 HD receiver. Both the TV and surround sound is built into the walls.
So, anyways, I'm 17. I've had a fastfood job since I turned 15. My first purchase was a '96 Monte Carlo (Red, Z34). While it had just one owner and was garaged (It really *looks* brand new), it does have over 130K miles on it. So far, I've put over $3500 into just fixing it when it breaks down. So, the stuff I own is what I've been able to save for between car maintenance, insurance, gas, etc. I still cary my near 4.0GPA while working near 30 hours/week during school, and am editor-in-chief of the school paper.
Sorry for the crappy pics. I REALLY need to get a new camera. The family digital is an old HP that pumps out a whooping 3.2 MP, lol. So, they're a bit fuzzy, and tend to have a green tint to them. Anyways, there you go!