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rickvanr said:
Nice camera lilstewart, thats one of the next big purchases I'll make. A nice DSLR.

Im Looking for a glass Desk-Table EXACTLY like that

where you got that one
anywhere else that has some good clean ones
Thanks everyone for the comments on the iBook here is the iBook taking in the sun and hopefully these large pictures are more better it is hard to take a picture of the true color it is darker blue.


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Actually it wasn't to risky taking apart the iBook :) and since I took it apart I ordered a SuperDrive with DL to backup and to use it using Final Cut Express, iDVD, and iPhoto. I also upgraded the hard drive to a Seagate 120GB for the extra storage :D one more picture


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Thanks xPismo, what I did was take it all apart by going to this site.
1. I sprayed several coats of Silver base coat the trick is to wet sand the base coat after applying 3 coats then spray another 3 coats and wet sand again.
2. I then sprayed about 3 coats of the Candy Blue color and wet sanded then applied another 3 coats wet sand and did this two more times.
3. The final step was applying the clear coat which I did the same applying 3 coats and wet sanding in between coats I applied 9 coats I let it dry for about 3 days and did a final wet sand on the clear coat but buffed it by using light rubbing compound and then a final wax job to give it the mirror finish.
Heres my setup. My printer in the first one and the computer in the second. Sorry for the bad quality photo.


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ElCamino said:
Actually it wasn't to risky taking apart the iBook :) and since I took it apart I ordered a SuperDrive with DL to backup and to use it using Final Cut Express, iDVD, and iPhoto. I also upgraded the hard drive to a Seagate 120GB for the extra storage :D one more picture

Does that all void the warranty?
Hopefully nothing goes wrong with the iBook I sure wouldn't be able to have them fix anything on it. I do have all the orginal parts just in case I can put everything back like when I bought it. I have the 40GB hard drive, the orginal ComboDrive, and the orginal top and bottom case to put back. I bought a top and bottom on ebay to paint for $40.00 brand new. :D The best part I like now is the bigger hard drive and the SuperDrive now I can burn on the road and don't have to wait til I get home like before. ;)
w_parietti22 said:
If you do it yourself. If you have apple ot an authorised Apple Authrised Service Provider it wont void the warrenty on the computer.

Apple/Authorized Service Providers don't support paint jobs? :confused:
ElCamino said:
Hopefully nothing goes wrong with the iBook I sure wouldn't be able to have them fix anything on it. I do have all the orginal parts just in case I can put everything back like when I bought it. I have the 40GB hard drive, the orginal ComboDrive, and the orginal top and bottom case to put back. I bought a top and bottom on ebay to paint for $40.00 brand new. :D The best part I like now is the bigger hard drive and the SuperDrive now I can burn on the road and don't have to wait til I get home like before. ;)

Nothing should go wrong with the iBook, espically sense its the last rev. The only thing that might be a problem would be the HD, but Apple wouldnt fix that anyway because its not the original.

Oh, my 2407WFP and HDTV tuner have arrived. Unfortunately I still don't have a digital camera. I could always pick up the iMac and aim it... or the giant mirror route. I don't have a mirror that big though. Oh well. I'll post some pics in a few weeks. Gotta go. :D
Here is a crappy photo of my monitor finally mounted on my wall. Because I value my lease I am not going to hide the cables. I don't know how long I'll be here so I didn't want to go through the trouble.

I bought some universal wall mount bracket from Best Buy for $50. The kid tried to sell me some $200 one and I couldn't see what made it better. I mean we're talking 20" and under 20lbs to hang on a wall.

I found a stud after the second try using a super slim drill bit and drilled the holes as instructed. Now, the long screws provided with the mount were nice, but they were alan key heads...not great if you're trying to screw into a piece of 2x4. I tried anyway, stripped the ****ers in under 10 minutes. I went back to the hardware store and bought some drywall anchors and such. I originally wanted to get it into a stud, but they could not replace the screws I messed up so I decided to try this. Doing it this way also let me center the monitor again, unlike before.

In short, the issue i then faced was the faint sound of AH-HA hitting me in the head when I figured out why the need for the lame alan key head screws. You're supposed to screw the screws into the wall until you hit about 1/4" left of the way to screw. Then you hang your monitor and screw the rest in. Well, the problem now with the drywall screws I bought was that I couldn't hang the monitor and get a screw driver back in-between the monitor and the wall. I had to monkey it a bit, screw the screws in nearly all the way and tap on the metal mount lightly with a mallet until they clicked. It's not the best way, but it worked.

The only issue I see right now aside from the cables is that it seems about 1/8" crooked. Turns out it's just the way it hung, but it still shows level so I'm guessing I'll monkey with the shelf above it to make it seem straight.

I thought this might be too far for me, but so far I'm loving it, and the extra space. God willing, this space is needed since most of my finance books are bigger than my head and I usually have more than one thing in front of me at any given time while doing homework. So without further adieu...


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sorry for the mess

The room is sort of a cluster f**k right now because i'm gettin ready to move and had to get all my stuff out to pack it up, but still use it


Sony KDF-E42A10
Samsung LNS2641D (monitor hooked up to 12" PB)
Yamaha RX-V45
Sony DVPNS90V DVD Player
Xbox 360
Klipsch RSX3 speakers
(Cinema 6 Series)
Klipsch RW-10 Subwoofer
17" MacBook Pro
12" PowerBook
G4 Mac Mini
Motorola Cable Modem
Linksys Router
Peavey 12" Bass Amp
Logitech MX1000
(hooked up to 12" PB)
Microsoft Ergonomic Keyboard 4000 (again on 12" PB)
Logitech Optical Keyboard/Mouse combo (for 17" MBP while hooked up to KDF-E42A10)
... i think that's it... here's the pics





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