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benthewraith said:
Could iGary finally have a major competitor! :eek:

Competitor for what? sorry I'm still kinda new around here :)

cleanup said:
If not the Canon what did you use to shoot these photos?

I used my other canon :)
all 4 pics were shot with a 5D and EF 24-70mm f/2.8L
ISO 1600, converted to B&W in Adobe Lightroom ( cant wait for final release! )
AGoglanian said:
Competitor for what? sorry I'm still kinda new around here :)

I used my other canon :)
all 4 pics were shot with a 5D and EF 24-70mm f/2.8L
ISO 1600, converted to B&W in Adobe Lightroom ( cant wait for final release! )

Competitor for the best setup on MacRumors. :) But I'd like to see some wider-angle shots of yours. To be honest I don't like iGary's that much.

As for the camera, the one you used, same model as the one pictured? I've always wanted a DSLR, but I don't know much about photography, and I kinda have to save up some money first. :D I'm tired of my point-and-shoot. I don't really use it for much, since when I go out most of my girlfriends bring their cameras in their purses so it's really not much use to me because I don't bring a backpack or anything... anyways... what make??

And for a beginner photographer what entry-level DSLR would you recommend? I know the Canon EOS Digital Rebel can be had for under $1000 but I've seen models by Olympus and Pentax for even less...
cleanup said:
Competitor for the best setup on MacRumors. :) But I'd like to see some wider-angle shots of yours. To be honest I don't like iGary's that much.

As for the camera, the one you used, same model as the one pictured? I've always wanted a DSLR, but I don't know much about photography, and I kinda have to save up some money first. :D I'm tired of my point-and-shoot. I don't really use it for much, since when I go out most of my girlfriends bring their cameras in their purses so it's really not much use to me because I don't bring a backpack or anything... anyways... what make??

And for a beginner photographer what entry-level DSLR would you recommend? I know the Canon EOS Digital Rebel can be had for under $1000 but I've seen models by Olympus and Pentax for even less...

Ohh ok, well here is a bit of a wider angle snap for you. ( i'll get a nice one up soon enough. this is a place-holder :) )

Actually the camera used for the shots was NOT the camera pictured. The one that was in the picture is the Canon EOS 1DmkII, it is an 8.3MP camera that is capable of continuous shooting speeds of 8.5fps. it is usually regarded as THE sports camera, but i find it to be fantastic for events and what not because it has 2 memory card slots ( CF & SD )

The camera i used to take these pictures is the EOS 5D, it is a 12.7MP camera and it is Full frame, meaning that the digital sensor is equivalent to the size of a frame of 35mm film. these type cameras are generally slower ( 3.5 fps ) but yield extremely high resolution images and are fantastic for use in a studio environment. Plus the 5D is phenomenal with high ISO shooting.

for a first DSLR what you need to decide is where you are gonna go with it in the future, do you ever plan on buying more lenses? or ever upgrading the body? all these things have to come into play when you decide.

sure the offerings from pentax, olympus and now sony are going to be cheaper and what not, but they leave little room for expandability in the future.

Your BEST bet for the most value and longevity of a system is guaranteed to lie with either Canon or Nikon. both are superb systems and have covered every angle you need in your adventure into digital photography.

I would Highly recommend you look into any of the following cameras:

EOS Digital Rebel ( 6MP, can be had for very cheap these days )
EOS Digital Rebel xt ( 8MP, great starter camera and can also be had for SUB $1k )
EOS 20D ( people are selling these like crazy because of the 30D, still a great camera if you want to spend a little more )
Nikon D50
Nikon D70
Nikon D70s

there are countless options for you to choose from, and I'd be happy to discuss any of it with you over PM or email :).

Very nice setup, AGoglanian! I don't know, but it looks like you could be going toe-to-toe with iGary. However, iGary has 8 Gigs :)eek: ) of RAM, which is pretty darn cool.

I love those black & white photos. I've always been a big fan, as they make everything appear so much more professional. I'd love to get a nice camera, someday, as well. However, my highschool job/hours really don't give me time to try to afford one. Someday, though, someday...

EDIT: Holy ****! I just realized that you've got 6.5GBs of RAM. Man, how the hell do you guys afford this stuff, lol. Again, very nice setup you've got yourself there.
mattcube64 said:
Very nice setup, AGoglanian! I don't know, but it looks like you could be going toe-to-toe with iGary. However, iGary has 8 Gigs :)eek: ) of RAM, which is pretty darn cool.

I love those black & white photos. I've always been a big fan, as they make everything appear so much more professional. I'd love to get a nice camera, someday, as well. However, my highschool job/hours really don't give me time to try to afford one. Someday, though, someday...

EDIT: Holy ****! I just realized that you've got 6.5GBs of RAM. Man, how the hell do you guys afford this stuff, lol. Again, very nice setup you've got yourself there.

Working my a$$ off as a photog, and holding down a full-time job ( im actually trying to get a job at apple at the moment, go figure )
but for the price of a ds lite, psp, and 30Gb ipod you too could have 6GB of ram lol!
it really wasnt that much. i think maybe $500ish? I got my whole G5 setup ( including the apple display ) for just a hair over $3k. it looks even cooler with my 24" dell doing screen spanning :) ill post pics of that when i bring it back home.

I've spent way more on my camera equipment, but it's all necessities ya know? I think im somewhere in the $10K range right now :(

I've had various loans, and help from my folks to get started, it all just comes down to being diligent and keeping your commitments :)
Wolf River said:
A few more for you....

Network bits, Linksys WAP54G & ADSL2MUE, Linksys Wireless Is New To The Family Since My Belkin POS Died For No Reason

Epson CX6400 All In One - Good Enough Photo Quality While Being Three Other Devices To, Very Happy With It


Yep, I've got a messy bit to, can't make them any tidier :(

Hope you like them :D

I clean mine up like this every spring cleaning when family is coming to visit :) Sad thing is, I really enjoy a clean setup. What get's me is you clean it and have 20 cables that look neat and clean and not messy and then your router or cable modem drops and you have to call tech support after you tried everything so you can. You can always get a new cable modem or send your router off for repairs. After the 2 hours with the tech your wires look messy again :) it's fun ehh?

My netgear router was purchased like 6 months ago, after 1 month of owning it my connection would drop like 3 times a day and I would have to power cycle the router. I emailed tech support as I did not want to spend 2 hours on the phone going over crap. I still have this pos router and I have uninstalled and reinstalled the router a good 10 times.. it's still under warranty, I think I would rather spend another $100-$150 on a new router then spend 2+ hours on the phone with tech support who hardly speaks english.
truz said:
I clean mine up like this every spring cleaning when family is coming to visit :) Sad thing is, I really enjoy a clean setup. What get's me is you clean it and have 20 cables that look neat and clean and not messy and then your router or cable modem drops and you have to call tech support after you tried everything so you can. You can always get a new cable modem or send your router off for repairs. After the 2 hours with the tech your wires look messy again :) it's fun ehh?

My netgear router was purchased like 6 months ago, after 1 month of owning it my connection would drop like 3 times a day and I would have to power cycle the router. I emailed tech support as I did not want to spend 2 hours on the phone going over crap. I still have this pos router and I have uninstalled and reinstalled the router a good 10 times.. it's still under warranty, I think I would rather spend another $100-$150 on a new router then spend 2+ hours on the phone with tech support who hardly speaks english.

:D Yep it can be a real pain, those cables, as I said, really are as tidy as I can make them. You may be able to see all the cable ties I've used? I also had the same problem as you when I needed to take my camera power supply on holiday with me, and also install my new Linksys router - just as you get them tidy ay ;)

AGoglanian - Nice rig, any chance of some colour shots? Not really a B&W fan, I tend to find (and this is not directed at you, with the amount of kit you have I'm sure you're an excellent photographer) it makes the subject and the photo look a lot more dramatic and well executed than it actually is, mainly because people are just not used to seeing B&W anymore :rolleyes:
AGoglanian said:
So i figured id join in. just some quick snaps i did about 5 minutes ago of my desk workstation ( my portable made a cameo appearance too! as well as my bludgeoning tool. err.. i mean canon 1DmkII )

1st pic: a nice little in-your-face mug shot of my DP 2.7 G5 w/ my 5G ipod in the background

2nd pic: now with a look to your right, you will see my 23" cinema display, and some gadgets ( woo DS lite! ) and yes. iTunes is pumping out NIN currently

3rd pic: continuing on farther to your right you will see my road warrior. rev. E 15" Powerbook <3

4th pic: and if you swing back over to your left you will see a profile of one of my work-horses. Canon EOS 1DmkII w/ a 35mm f/1.4L currently mounted.

just a ps- sorry the pics arent anything fabulous, my room isnt really laid out right to set up any kind of nice lighting, plus the lighting outside is just awful lol. but you get the idea :)

Wolf River said:
AGoglanian - Nice rig, any chance of some colour shots? Not really a B&W fan, I tend to find (and this is not directed at you, with the amount of kit you have I'm sure you're an excellent photographer) it makes the subject and the photo look a lot more dramatic and well executed than it actually is, mainly because people are just not used to seeing B&W anymore :rolleyes:

you do have a point there, i've just been a b&w fan because i started photography on B&W film ya know? it just has a special quality to it.

but sure thing, I'll do some color shots tonight when i get home from work ( i'll even clean my desk :) )

kristiano said:

thanks! I'm quite happy with my setup. I have no need to switch to intel anytime soon :)
AGoglanian said:
you do have a point there, i've just been a b&w fan because i started photography on B&W film ya know? it just has a special quality to it.

I look forward to them :)

No worries regarding the B&W, it's just a bit of a pet peeve with me :D
Color pictures are delayed tonight because...

I'm bringin the dell monitor home tomorrow! Woo you'll all get to see the glory of the sacrelige ( ACD next to DELL lcd )
AGoglanian said:
Color pictures are delayed tonight because...

I'm bringin the dell monitor home tomorrow! Woo you'll all get to see the glory of the sacrelige ( ACD next to DELL lcd )'s not like it's a Dell computer. And Dell LCD's are okay. As long as it's the same size as your other monitor. Now Dell computers on the other hand...:rolleyes:
benthewraith said:'s not like it's a Dell computer. And Dell LCD's are okay. As long as it's the same size as your other monitor. Now Dell computers on the other hand...:rolleyes:

Haha! how true this is! It's pretty close to the same size as my ACD. 23" ACD / 24" 2405fpw Same resolution at least :)
Cool setups people. I will post an updated pic of my rig, nothing special, just a little update i guess before I get hte macbook pro in a month.
nice setup rickvanr, whats that thing on the wall? speaker? looks lonely up there, maybe add some poster or something
lu0s3r322 said:
nice setup rickvanr, whats that thing on the wall? speaker? looks lonely up there, maybe add some poster or something

Thanks. That is the centre speaker from my 5.1 system. I have four of five framed posters I plan on putting up, I just haven't gotten around to it.


Wow that old pic was quite a while ago. I have since then cleaned things up a bit, well for the most part. No more books on the floor, that 19" tv got the cable outlet ripped out so it is useless. It is no where near the comptuers anymore, it's sitting in my room as dead weight. The green iMac is in pieces and I really have no plans to put it back together.

Ugh I am stuck with these for one more month! Then I shall have a new MacBook Pro in my hands to covet forever!!!!!

PS Ever try recording with an eMac? It's not really fun. MBP will be so very nice because I can bring it to my friend's place and jam there. Instead of moving all the friggin equipment here.
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