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vohdoun said:
Look at the size of that dudes trash dock icon!
I'm thinking about getting one of them, but it worries me that people can see everything you put in the trash :eek:
Shotglass said:
I'm thinking about getting one of them, but it worries me that people can see everything you put in the trash :eek:
What?! You throw away unused condoms and overused pornmags? We all do ;)
Last shot before I change the look of my setup

zflauaus said:

Heh, I did it as a joke but it really really irritates my boss, so I'm leaving it as long as it gets under his skin :)

menziep said:

What job do you have again?:D

Embedded software engineer. I spent most of my career in OS/2 and Windows, but nowadays I do a lot of embedded Linux. I actually have some code shipping in/with some consumer electronics devices.

Rickay726 said:
look at all those 360 games !!!@#$!%^&*()!_

The back stack is old X-Box games. The front stack is 360 games. What, do you think I'm crazy? ;)
Shotglass said:
I'm thinking about getting one of them, but it worries me that people can see everything you put in the trash :eek:

Heh heh. Well mine has a trash bag in it now because I went to throw away some of my bird's food and realized the complete uselessness of a trash can without a bag =/

cleanup said:
Well, since I can't see the photos, yet others can, and I can view them when I use a proxy server, I believe it's safe to say that the Chinese government has embargoed :D Don't ask me why. They're funny like that.

I guess it's good I don't use it for anything but random picture storage, then. o_o;.

Finally got around to clearing the tangled mess of wires that was my setup. tucked them all down the back of the desk. HDD's in a more accessible place, Pocket PC connected and in use. fixed monitors stand. fixed lava lamp fuse. didn't fix the mess of DVD's or replace the ceilings bulb :D
janstett said:
Heh, I did it as a joke but it really really irritates my boss, so I'm leaving it as long as it gets under his skin :)

I've been toying with adding one to my buddies MBP when he isn't looking. It would drive him nuts too. :)

Embedded software engineer. I spent most of my career in OS/2 and Windows, but nowadays I do a lot of embedded Linux. I actually have some code shipping in/with some consumer electronics devices.

Very cool.

The back stack is old X-Box games. The front stack is 360 games. What, do you think I'm crazy? ;)

Heck, there aren't even that many good games for the xb360 yet. :eek: ;)
raggedjimmi said:

Finally got around to clearing the tangled mess of wires that was my setup. tucked them all down the back of the desk. HDD's in a more accessible place, Pocket PC connected and in use. fixed monitors stand. fixed lava lamp fuse. didn't fix the mess of DVD's or replace the ceilings bulb :D

What happened to that PowerBook? The bottom looks like it was twisted. :eek:
janstett said:
I am ready with photographic evidence to prove just how insane I am (a realization I came to while taking these pictures). In my defense I am a software engineer (at least that's the excuse I tell my wife).

Desktops: Windows (XP & Vista), Mac (OSX & XP), Linux (Fedora Core 5)


Laptops: Both active duty, although I do have a laptop from work (Dell) so I don't use them as much as before.

Gadgets: I spend about 15 hours a week commuting so I have lots of audio toys. From top left -- normal PSP, hacked white PSP with hard disk, Motorola Razr, 3rd gen iPod (classical/jazz music), 4th gen iPod (will hold my lossless collection), 5th gen black (videos/movies), 80 gig 5.5 gen white (will hold my full rock collection), Nano (holds the latest entries because my 60g 4th gen was so stuffed I have zero room left, means deleting something to add something else), Sirius Stilletto.

Media Server: UPnP server, file sharing server, download mule.

G4 Mac Mini: My wife's surfing machine in the kitchen

Media Center in the living room: Didn't need it until I started downloading a lot of shows from the internet (Top Gear, Doctor Who, Battlestar Galacitca) and the Digital Media Adapters I used couldn't keep up with all the formats.

Home Theater PC (and 360/PS2): Now I have to cross my fingers for a PC-based HD-DVD/Blu-Ray solution.

MAME PC: I want to make a cabinet at some point, but for now it just works. It's going in the basement with my foosball table.
Clix Pix said:
It's been a long time coming, but finally....the year-old G5 iMac has a space of its own (no more perching on the dining table, no more sharing a crowded workstation) and the 30" ACD reigns supreme over its own space, a separate workstation, with the brand-new Mac Pro snuggled up on the floor nearby....

Thought I'd better take photos quick before I manage to clutter up both workstations! Neither will ever look THIS clean again! :D


sIMPLE, clean. one word = NICE!! :D :D
janstett said:
Heh, I did it as a joke but it really really irritates my boss, so I'm leaving it as long as it gets under his skin :)
Well, if it's for irritating the boss, you can leave it. But on one condition, when you get home, you must take the sticker off.

Of course, you could just ignore my instructions since I am in no position to make you.
zflauaus said:
What do you for a living?

And what is it with people coming out with like the 10+ computer setups valued at $30,000+?

Yeah honestly. No single person NEEDS that setup regardless of what they do.
zflauaus said:
What do you for a living?

And what is it with people coming out with like the 10+ computer setups valued at $30,000+?

From the looks of it, he seems to be a pro video editor of some kind. The keyboard on the left gave it away. :) I'm jealous!
p0intblank said:
From the looks of it, he seems to be a pro video editor of some kind. The keyboard on the left gave it away. :) I'm jealous!

Yes, I am a video editor. But, I have migrated into some really cool stuff. I also develop business applications for the MS world. Over the past couple years, I have been developing applications which use audiovisual media, incorporated with traditional data. I am also working to move Apple into the business mainstream with applications which leap-frog those currently available.

I use the 10 processors of the PM's/MP's for Qmaster/Compressor. But, I will also use all of them together for organizing my post-production flow.

I am often developing VB code on the Dell concurrently. It is attached to a database Server Cluster at work, which I am accessing through Citrix.

Actually, as I write this, I know I am going to get going sideways talking about it. Basically, I am using all of these machines for various reasons and functions. I use a couple machines (Mini & a Dell) to simulate network nodes to test my work. Most of these machines have some special configuration I can easily switch to.

The fact is, I am not done yet. I recently purchased, and am now configuring an HP Proliant BL-460c Server to move my SQL Server databases/Active Directory/Exchange Server local. I will also add an Apple XServe/Xraid when the Clovertowns arrive. The idea is to make your only creative limitation your imagination. It should not be constrained by your toolbox.
Dark said:
Yeah honestly. No single person NEEDS that setup regardless of what they do.
Wow... Somebody agreed with me for once! (Pulls string, balloons fall out a la Family Guy)
SMM said:
Yes, I am a video editor. But, I have migrated into some really cool stuff. I also develop business applications for the MS world. Over the past couple years, I have been developing applications which use audiovisual media, incorporated with traditional data. I am also working to move Apple into the business mainstream with applications which leap-frog those currently available.
Ahh... Makes sense now.

SMM said:
I use the 10 processors of the PM's/MP's for Qmaster/Compressor. But, I will also use all of them together for organizing my post-production flow.
~Drools at the thought of 10 processors~ I really need a Core Duo Mac.

SMM said:
I am often developing VB code on the Dell concurrently. It is attached to a database Server Cluster at work, which I am accessing through Citrix.
I have no idea what that is but it sounds very, very techincal, and I know technical stuff.

SMM said:
Actually, as I write this, I know I am going to get going sideways talking about it. Basically, I am using all of these machines for various reasons and functions. I use a couple machines (Mini & a Dell) to simulate network nodes to test my work. Most of these machines have some special configuration I can easily switch to.

The fact is, I am not done yet. I recently purchased, and am now configuring an HP Proliant BL-460c Server to move my SQL Server databases/Active Directory/Exchange Server local. I will also add an Apple XServe/Xraid when the Clovertowns arrive. The idea is to make your only creative limitation your imagination. It should not be constrained by your toolbox.
So that means you have what, like 12-14, soon to be 16-18 processors at your disposal, not including the Mini's and Dell's?

~Faints from the thought~:eek:
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