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Meh...all these beautiful set ups are making me feel crap about the new place I'm moving into tomorrow. Some of these desks would literally take up my whole room so there was no room for the bed! There'll be barely enough room for my Macbook, never mind a Mac Pro w/ 30" ACD!!! :eek:
fleurdumal, dont sweat it.
if you can wake up and smile, i'd say you're donig pretty well.
Thanks, Vohdoun! When I bought this condo apartment I had the hardwood floor put in the living room/dining room areas before I moved in. Only problem is that the woman who lives below me can hear when I'm walking around or wheeling my chair on the uncarpeted part so I do have to be considerate of her and not go banging around a lot at night.

Dark, I LOVE the Mac Pro!!!! I still love my G5 rev B iMac, too, but oooh, that Mac Pro runs circles around it! I bought the MP for the exact reasons you mention: I was running out of HD space, even with using external HDs, and I also wanted a bit more power and "oompth" in terms of Ghz, graphics card and RAM. The iMac's 2 GB RAM are fine for most things but I definitely notice the difference in the new machine with its 8 GB. Shooting in RAW was just eating up HD space like crazy. Now I've got two internal 500 GB HDs plus an external 500 GB HD, so that should work out pretty well. When I need them and have the money to do so, I'll add two more internal HDs to the Mac Pro,but this will suit me well for the next few months at least. For the time being I'm still using the iMac for basic internet stuff, email, etc., freeing up the Mac Pro for primarily digital imaging projects. The iMac is only a year old and working perfectly fine so I'm not banishing it to a corner somewhere! I love it too much for that.

On the Mac Pro, Aperture really flies, and since I use Aperture most of the time for my images, this makes me VERY happy!
Holy Crap I diddnt realize the MacPro was so loaded! Man I would really love one but unfortunately, im only 16. I have a Job but nothing extravagant. Its tough considering I payed for mostly all of my camera gear. I was contemplating getting a MacBook for Christmas that I would use for primarily photography, but if they dont get the chip upgrade then forget it.
The nice thing about the Mac Pro is that people can configure it to pretty much whatever it is they want/need/can afford. I was fortunate enough to be able to load mine up, but one can still get a really nice machine when buying the stock one right at the store and then adding stuff later as funds become available and the need more apparent.

As for a MacBook, yes, it would be a good idea to wait until the new Intel chip is in it, but also you might want to check out whether or not it might be more advantageous to go with a MacBook Pro because of the dedicated graphics card....

The advantage of the Mac Pro over either notebook or the iMac is the one starts out with the stock configuration -- still pretty frisky! -- and then as time goes on and funds permit, adds what is needed in terms of RAM or another internal HD or whatever. A lot of people are buying the stock Mac Pro and then getting RAM from third-party vendors at less cost or getting HDs elsewhere and installing them.... The Mac Pro is very flexible and upgradeable, but even at absolute base level is pretty darned good.
Wall mounted arm

anyone got pics of a wall mounted arm holding an Apple Cinema Display? setup is on the previous page

Clix Pix said:

I want that mousepad! :(
So a slight update. I moved the PowerBook to the bottom of the desk as it was cluttering up the desk and made the whole setup look somewhat ugly. Now things are somewhat cleaner and there's air to breathe.

I'd still prefer a dedicated desktop macine though, instead of disconnecting and reconnecting every time i want to be mobile. Might get a mini to play that role when those go C2D.

SBT and ChrisG's combined setup

Here you go!

EDIT: Not shown:
- iPod 4G 20GB (SBT)
- iPod 3G 15GB (ChrisG; at home)
- Logitech Quickcam (SBT)
- Phillips External HD (SBT)
- Apple Mouse & Keyboard (SBT)
- Apple Mighty Mouse (ChrisG)
- Packard Bell PC (SBT; down stairs)
- HP Pavillion (ChrisG; at home; specs in sig)
- Compaq Laptop (SBT's dad; somewhere else)
- Random PC (SBT)
- Server (SBT; Ubuntu)
- Toshiba Msomething (ChrisG's dad; at home)
- Phones and stuff (Samsung E720, Motorola V525, PSP, DS, XBOX, PS2, etc)


  • SBT&ChrisG.jpg
    115.3 KB · Views: 421
I love seeing everyone's setups, so I figured I'd post mine :) My workspace is in what used to be my closet because my room is just 10'x10' and space is at a premium.



There's a third picture of the bookshelf next to the desk here.
pidwidget said:
I love seeing everyone's setups, so I figured I'd post mine :) My workspace is in what used to be my closet because my room is just 10'x10' and space is at a premium.

There's a third picture of the bookshelf next to the desk here.
That is quite beautiful, if I say so myself. Except for the bookcase. :O

I was also thinking of excavating (literally) my stuff out of my closet and put a dresser in there to give me more room.

Once again, wow.
I am ready with photographic evidence to prove just how insane I am (a realization I came to while taking these pictures). In my defense I am a software engineer (at least that's the excuse I tell my wife).

Desktops: Windows (XP & Vista), Mac (OSX & XP), Linux (Fedora Core 5)


Laptops: Both active duty, although I do have a laptop from work (Dell) so I don't use them as much as before.

Gadgets: I spend about 15 hours a week commuting so I have lots of audio toys. From top left -- normal PSP, hacked white PSP with hard disk, Motorola Razr, 3rd gen iPod (classical/jazz music), 4th gen iPod (will hold my lossless collection), 5th gen black (videos/movies), 80 gig 5.5 gen white (will hold my full rock collection), Nano (holds the latest entries because my 60g 4th gen was so stuffed I have zero room left, means deleting something to add something else), Sirius Stilletto.

Media Server: UPnP server, file sharing server, download mule.

G4 Mac Mini: My wife's surfing machine in the kitchen

Media Center in the living room: Didn't need it until I started downloading a lot of shows from the internet (Top Gear, Doctor Who, Battlestar Galacitca) and the Digital Media Adapters I used couldn't keep up with all the formats.

Home Theater PC (and 360/PS2): Now I have to cross my fingers for a PC-based HD-DVD/Blu-Ray solution.

MAME PC: I want to make a cabinet at some point, but for now it just works. It's going in the basement with my foosball table.
Janstett, that is absolutely beautiful, rediculous, outrageous, and why-the-hell-do-you-need-all-that-stuff-ness.

Sweet mother janstett, have mercy! You are an inspiration for the rest. While it's nice to see PCs and Macs is a sin to place a Windows sticker on that MBP :D

Edit: Holy crap, I looked at the pictures again and am floored once more over.
janstett said:
I am ready with photographic evidence to prove just how insane I am (a realization I came to while taking these pictures). In my defense I am a software engineer (at least that's the excuse I tell my wife).

I spend about 15 hours a week commuting so I have lots of audio toys. From top left -- normal PSP, hacked white PSP with hard disk, Motorola Razr, 3rd gen iPod (classical/jazz music), 4th gen iPod (will hold my lossless collection), 5th gen black (videos/movies), 80 gig 5.5 gen white (will hold my full rock collection), Nano (holds the latest entries because my 60g 4th gen was so stuffed I have zero room left, means deleting something to add something else), Sirius Stilletto.

Media Server: UPnP server, file sharing server, download mule.

G4 Mac Mini: My wife's surfing machine in the kitchen

Media Center in the living room: Didn't need it until I started downloading a lot of shows from the internet (Top Gear, Doctor Who, Battlestar Galacitca) and the Digital Media Adapters I used couldn't keep up with all the formats.

Home Theater PC (and 360/PS2): Now I have to cross my fingers for a PC-based HD-DVD/Blu-Ray solution.

MAME PC: I want to make a cabinet at some point, but for now it just works. It's going in the basement with my foosball table.

pidwidget said:
I love seeing everyone's setups, so I figured I'd post mine :) My workspace is in what used to be my closet because my room is just 10'x10' and space is at a premium.



There's a third picture of the bookshelf next to the desk here.

Well, since I can't see the photos, yet others can, and I can view them when I use a proxy server, I believe it's safe to say that the Chinese government has embargoed :D Don't ask me why. They're funny like that.
janstett said:
I am ready with photographic evidence to prove just how insane I am (a realization I came to while taking these pictures). In my defense I am a software engineer (at least that's the excuse I tell my wife).

look at all those 360 games !!!@#$!%^&*()!_
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