I am ready with photographic evidence to prove just how insane I am (a realization I came to while taking these pictures). In my defense I am a software engineer (at least that's the excuse I tell my wife).
Desktops: Windows (XP & Vista), Mac (OSX & XP), Linux (Fedora Core 5)
Laptops: Both active duty, although I do have a laptop from work (Dell) so I don't use them as much as before.
Gadgets: I spend about 15 hours a week commuting so I have lots of audio toys. From top left -- normal PSP, hacked white PSP with hard disk, Motorola Razr, 3rd gen iPod (classical/jazz music), 4th gen iPod (will hold my lossless collection), 5th gen black (videos/movies), 80 gig 5.5 gen white (will hold my full rock collection), Nano (holds the latest entries because my 60g 4th gen was so stuffed I have zero room left, means deleting something to add something else), Sirius Stilletto.
Media Server: UPnP server, file sharing server, download mule.
G4 Mac Mini: My wife's surfing machine in the kitchen
Media Center in the living room: Didn't need it until I started downloading a lot of shows from the internet (Top Gear, Doctor Who, Battlestar Galacitca) and the Digital Media Adapters I used couldn't keep up with all the formats.
Home Theater PC (and 360/PS2): Now I have to cross my fingers for a PC-based HD-DVD/Blu-Ray solution.
MAME PC: I want to make a cabinet at some point, but for now it just works. It's going in the basement with my foosball table.