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You have no idea how bad my 5x5 closet looks stuffed with 36 computers :eek:

We would like to see that picture. Some of the people here are pack-rats, well, like me.

please post!

Figures 8 months later I see this. Most (Ok, nearly ALL) of my collection has been sold to pay for my iBook G3 mentioned in my sig, but here's what's left. My grand plan is too move my mini onto the desk the iMac sits on (Don't worry, it's a lot cleaner now.)




Keep in mind I have 12 computers outside this closet, too. (I'd add them to this post, but it would take forever; however, I'll do it by request. :))
oh man glenn, that is gotta be one the best setups i've ever seen. where did you get those lamps, i must have them.
Not looking too shabby Glenn, so it finally came for you then nice one, how long did it take to get delivered? and i'm bet ur glad u went for an acd!

Enjoy ur new workstation!!! Adam.
Sorry, this may sound a little random, but I have seen these speakers all over this thread and I really like them them and I found them on amazon for 140 so does anyone have the Altec Lansing FX6021, do you recommend them? I really like the fact that they're wireless and heard that they produce pretty good sound but wasn't sure if they were worth it. It was either these or the Logitech Z-4's ($70 on amazon). Thanks for your help! :)

I have the FX6021s and they're great. Really good sound quality. They aren't wireless though. They have one cable coming out from each speaker going to the sub. It's kind of like the wire on the ACDs. They're definitely great speakers. Very good sound quality and they look awesome too.
Why don't we just turn off the [/B] all together and just allow [b][img][/b], we would never have to deal with this issue again.[/QUOTE]

It cannot distinguish between something above or below the resolution it resizes them to. For example, if you were to link to a custom emoticon, it would be blown up.
Jealous? – you bet!!!
Can't wait until I get my MacPro + 30" ACD, but i'm kinda hanging on for a revision.

That keyboard is amazing too, was wondering if there was any reason for choosing it over an Apple one other than looks?
I actually prefer the look of the Apple keyboard.
I actually prefer the look of the Apple keyboard.

Yeah, I think I too would prefer the Apple keyboard, just so I felt like I was using a Mac and not a PC, plus I'm too familiar with the Apple keyboard now to change. Nonetheless, that is still a nice keyboard. Maybe Apple will be updating its keyboard soon anyway?
Once again, I've updated my setup. Replaced uncomfortable Wireless Apple Mouse with Logitech MX Revolution, new Apple Wireless Keyboard w/ iSkin, 20" Apple Cinema Display (Beautiful!).

Mac Mini | Xbox 360 | 40" Samsung | 5.1 Dolby Digital


Is that the 24" dell? i'm thinking of getting one, do you recommend it?

Sure is. I love the thing, highly recommended. Not as pretty as the Apple, but right now I have my Macbook hooked up to it and a Windows machine, and my Gamecube which has resently been demoted off the Big screen.

4 in 1 card reader

All for much less then Apples 23"
Nonetheless, that is still a nice keyboard. Maybe Apple will be updating its keyboard soon anyway?

Even if they didn't, I don't mind the current keyboard offerings they have now. It's nice going from something big, clunky, and has a bunch of useless buttons to something simple and elegant.
Sadly most of the keys wont work apart from the standard typing keys. As its a Windows media type keyboard.
Unless theres 3rd party OS X software for it...

It's a sexy looking keyboard nonetheless. I love the glossy look it has and how incredibly thin it is. It's so expensive though :/

Actually, you can get those keys to work with some shareware apps out there. The most recommended one is ControllerMate, I believe.
Here's my new setup:

linked image

It's actually a little clutered for my taste, but I have no other options.

Hey, are you duel screening the macbook? Do you like the way it works? I'm planning on getting either a macbook or a macbook pro and wasn't sure if a 22" external display would make a huge difference, thanks a lot

nice setups everyone:cool:
Hey, are you duel screening the macbook? Do you like the way it works? I'm planning on getting either a macbook or a macbook pro and wasn't sure if a 22" external display would make a huge difference, thanks a lot

nice setups everyone:cool:
You can buy a Mini-DVI to VGA or Mini-DVI to a regular DVI port, then plug your monitor into that. MacOS should detect it and every thing else is basically automatic. You can then go to system prefs and customize it as you see fit.
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