Hey, is that a Razer mouse I see? What kind is it? I have a Copperhead and I love it.
How do you get the copperhead to work in OSX? I have one that I'm desperate to use but it doesn't work.
Hey, is that a Razer mouse I see? What kind is it? I have a Copperhead and I love it.
I've got a lot of 4 of these on there way to my home...from Ebay. If even one or two of them are in decent shape, then I got a heck of a deal!
Right, I've moved into my new flat now in Rickmansworth, only took my PowerBook down for the first week, bringing the 20" iMac and everything else down with me next week.
This is how my setup looks currently. I have no broadband set up yet...grrr...or anything fancy...but I thought I'd share it with you all anyway.
Hoping to get my main setup looking half decent when the iMac comes down.
They are brilliant machines. It was my very first Mac, bless it. Even though I have my 20" iMac now, the old PowerBook still gets used a lot (but I think it appreciates the rest from being the main machine!)I love those Powerbooks. I wish Apple would make a 12" pro machine again.
It's a Razer Pro|Click v1.6.Hey, is that a Razer mouse I see? What kind is it? I have a Copperhead and I love it.
They are brilliant machines. It was my very first Mac, bless it. Even though I have my 20" iMac now, the old PowerBook still gets used a lot (but I think it appreciates the rest from being the main machine!)
They are brilliant machines. It was my very first Mac, bless it. Even though I have my 20" iMac now, the old PowerBook still gets used a lot (but I think it appreciates the rest from being the main machine!)
This is the sickest Megan Fox pic I found (lost Link, Google 1920x1200), I ****ing love it. It's very soothing.
Just got a new MBP. The PB (with the sticker) will soon go to my dad).
<snip image>
This is the sickest Megan Fox pic I found (lost Link, Google 1920x1200), I ****ing love it. It's very soothing.
Borrowed Sony's DSC-H7 today. Sure beats my Sony W810i. LOL I gave (okay, sold it for $500) my old 17" 2.0GHz iMac to my brother.
24" iMac @ 2.4GHz
320GB HDD | 256MB ATi HD2600 | 3GB RAM (1GB Apple, 2GB Kingston)
I live in Old England, and here, Stella is known as 'Wife Beater'.![]()
so, you like musicals? you're a man or a woman?
I don't know....maybe the Mac stereotype is reversible?I'm going to go ahead and guess thats a poster for the John Travolta movie, not a musical. And a fiver says its a dude.
How do kids say it nowadays? Oh yeah...
"That is a sick set-up, yo!"![]()
I prefer the New England white kid's "Thats wicked aw-sum dawg"
Emma Watson fan?
Pedophile imo
Finally posting my setup.
13" MacBook Core Duo for e-mail, browsing, iTunes, etc.
20" iMac Core 2 Duo for Recording, Mixing, Mastering
Dynaudio BM5A Monitors
In the rack below:
Presonus Central Station
Digi002 Rack
Rupert Neve Portico 5043 Compressor/Limiter Duo x 2
API 512c microphone preamp x 2
Grace Designs m101 microphone preamp x 2
XLR patchbay