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tobefirst said:
Verto, I'm pretty sure Gil was talking about the wallpaper on the computer....although I could be wrong. :)

Haha, it is painfully obvious rereading it now. :p

Yes, let me get you those links right away!
iGary said:
I noticed my old links died.

First - I love bowzers mini setup. It rocks! Very nice!

Latest and greatest:

*wants a mini*

Wow, very nice setup! I love how clean it looks. If only you could get rid of that pc...
iGary said:
I noticed my old links died.

First - I love bowzers mini setup. It rocks! Very nice!

Latest and greatest:

*wants a mini*

Hey Gary, how do you like you 2600n? We did the internal training for that guy ... it was one of the (if not the) first laser printers to ship cartridges inside printer (SCIP). How'd that work for ya'?

peace | neut
neut said:
Hey Gary, how do you like you 2600n? We did the internal training for that guy ... it was one of the (if not the) first laser printers to ship cartridges inside printer (SCIP). How'd that work for ya'?

peace | neut

We have the 2600n at work and it is absaloutely brilliant for the price we have another laser 4 times the price of the 2600 and the quality is worse than the 2600, almost cheap enough to use as a regular printer at home :)
barneygumble said:
We have the 2600n at work and it is absaloutely brilliant for the price we have another laser 4 times the price of the 2600 and the quality is worse than the 2600, almost cheap enough to use as a regular printer at home :)

Yeah, it's a sick price for 4-color laser. Those cartriges aint' cheap though ($80 a cart.). :eek:

Most of the 'high-end' lasers are a rip off.

peace | neut
neut said:
Yeah, it's a sick price for 4-color laser. Those cartriges aint' cheap though ($80 a cart.). :eek:

Most of the 'high-end' lasers are a rip off.

peace | neut

yeah we just ordered replacements for all the cartridges $510AU, pretty steep when the original printer cost $645 :eek:
neut said:
Hey Gary, how do you like you 2600n? We did the internal training for that guy ... it was one of the (if not the) first laser printers to ship cartridges inside printer (SCIP). How'd that work for ya'?

peace | neut

Really like it, and you can't beat the price. Period.

Great printer.

When it comes to Lasers, I don't buy anything but HP.

Their inkjets.....
tobefirst said:
Verto, I'm pretty sure Gil was talking about the wallpaper on the computer....although I could be wrong. :)
You are correct! :p
Verto said:
Here is the Golden Gate Bridge wallpaper I had at the time:

Many thanks for the link! Both of them! :p (although I've not long purchased a new workstation desk!)
Chubypig said:
Thought it was about time to post mine:
Nice. Is your iPod balancing ontop of your iMac?? Or is it in the window?
Ah that Dell, how they have changed!! Used to have similar ones at a company I used to work for. Until we ditched them for nice new HPs! Wow, the aerials on your router are Massive!! :eek: Didn't realise they were that big!
Gil_Grissom said:
Nice. Is your iPod balancing ontop of your iMac?? Or is it in the window?
Ah that Dell, how they have changed!! Used to have similar ones at a company I used to work for. Until we ditched them for nice new HPs! Wow, the aerials on your router are Massive!! :eek: Didn't realise they were that big!

My iPod is on top of the iMac. It balances surprisingly well, even when the iMac is tipped all the way back! And the dell is quite old and frail, but does ok for the few windows apps I use. As for my router, I bought those to try and increase the range, but I haven't seen much of a difference. :mad:
neut said:
FS seems to not live up to vinyl standards ... have you tried a Numark CDX? I absolutely love mine! :D :D :D

peace | neut

I haven't had any problems or complaints with my finalscratch2... I heard some bad things about the first version, but 2 is really solid.
I've tried the CDX in a store, but havent really got to play with it... Im not much for cd's
840quadra said:
Sadly I doubt I will be able to honor that request :( . I am a collector, and that G4 has a special spot in my heart. I built it up from New parts (old apple spares) some from ebay and other places, It was fun to build, and it is in like new condition the case motherboard and power supply were never used.

The Motherboard is actually from a Digital Audio, and with a minor mod can run Quicksilver processors just fine. It is currently running a BTO optioned Dual 533 processor from a Digital Audio.

I am in the process of building up an other one (older graphite case) to give to the friend that is currently using my Quickaudio. I really would like my G4 back at home.

Uhh, I totally understand and hope that it returns soon enough. I think I'll save a good $450CAN and get a 450Mhz/500Mhz G4 PowerMac Cube; I always loved its design. Then maybe bump it up with a 1.42Ghz G4 with 2MB Cache in time. However I'm still eyeing 3 others; an iBook G3 500Mhz Combo for $500 - I crave portability; or go all out and get a slightly used Dual 1.8Ghz G5 PowerMac Superdrive or 17" iMac G5 1.8Ghz with dual-layer SuperDrive as it presents the best value!

I seriously can no longer handle the stress of using WinXP; so in 4 weeks if my local Apple reseller has a G4 Cube; its mine! No more hesitations; I missed the last one. :mad:
Prom1 said:
Uhh, I totally understand and hope that it returns soon enough. I think I'll save a good $450CAN and get a 450Mhz/500Mhz G4 PowerMac Cube; I always loved its design. Then maybe bump it up with a 1.42Ghz G4 with 2MB Cache in time. However I'm still eyeing 3 others; an iBook G3 500Mhz Combo for $500 - I crave portability; or go all out and get a slightly used Dual 1.8Ghz G5 PowerMac Superdrive or 17" iMac G5 1.8Ghz with dual-layer SuperDrive as it presents the best value!

I seriously can no longer handle the stress of using WinXP; so in 4 weeks if my local Apple reseller has a G4 Cube; its mine! No more hesitations; I missed the last one. :mad:

If you have the time and can work with your hands, I would strongly recommend putting together an iBook from parts off of other broken ibooks.

The one I am typing to you on currently cost me $330 to get running. Now with Maxed out memory , I am sitting at ~$400 invested into a fully functioning iBook G3 600 with airport.

here is a link to a post I did in regards to my build, and some tips on how to find things cheap on ebay.
My Setup-Hate my glass desk

Desk is a mess currently, and I have no recent picture. So I will list my stuff then post a pic later tonight or tomorrow.
PowerBook 15"
1.5Ghz 2GB Ram
Altec Lansing FX-6021
Multiple iPods- "iPod "adder"
Altec Lansing inMotion3
Mighty Mouse
BT Keyboard + Mouse
Chubypig said:
Thought it was about time to post mine:

Not sure what version of the iSight kit you have, but if you have one that came with the magnet stand, you can use that on the new iMac G5's. I do it on mine and it looks great.
UMHurricanes34 said:
Desk is a mess currently, and I have no recent picture. So I will list my stuff then post a pic later tonight or tomorrow.
PowerBook 15"
1.5Ghz 2GB Ram
Altec Lansing FX-6021
Multiple iPods- "iPod "adder"
Altec Lansing inMotion3
Mighty Mouse
BT Keyboard + Mouse

Awesome set-up you have there! :D

Welcome to MacRumors!
wwooden said:
Not sure what version of the iSight kit you have, but if you have one that came with the magnet stand, you can use that on the new iMac G5's. I do it on mine and it looks great.

I have an older iSight stand, but I've added a magnet to the bottom of it so it's on the iMac, though, from the pic i guess it looks like the window sill a bit. :p
dietcokevanilla said:
you labelled the wall??!!! is it a special kind of wall?

You never know... some people haven't seen walls before. Consider yourself lucky. ;)

maybe he/she was pointing out the boringness that they look at when they use there computer... compared to some peoples million dollar views!
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