Inventory from left to right:
Piece of junk 2.1 Altec Lansing's
Pixar Lamp ha ha that is why I bought it though.....
EyeTV 200 (& Remote) (great for converting DVD's to H.264, removing video DRM....a funny sight when I set resolution to VGA, put the video and audio outs into the EyeTV, and record the full-screen output of the PB)
Apple Bluetooth Keyboard
15" 1.5GHz PB w/backlit, 1GB RAM, 128MB VRAM, 5400rpm HD
Griffin iCurve stand
Griffin SightLight (others badmouth it but I like it)
40GB 4th gen iPod
Motorola bluetooth headset
Apple Bluetooth Mouse
SE phone cradle (for the s710a taking the picture, hence the poor quality)
Under desk:
Airport Express connecting to:
Piece of junk HP printer (only USB peripheral I use regularly thank goodness I don't have to connect it to my PB)
FW hub
Other Misc.
Maxtor 300GB FW800 ext. drive (normally there would be 2 plugs going into the comp, but I guess for the picture only having 1 plug looks pretty good)
Altec IM3 (in motion iPod speakers)
Griffin iTrip LCD (*phenomenal* product....amazing sound quality compared to the original, easy freq.'s something like $60 on but only $40 on anyone wants to pay the few dollars for shipping you can have my old one, but it's kinda going out)
Griffin Powermate (use mostly up @ school for 3D studio max)
TI-89 w/graphlink (sure glad they fixed TI-connect, that was killing me)