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howinson said:[IMG]

*cough* THUMBNAILS *cough*

I was going to spread that word out as wide as those pictures, but then I remembered that text wraps whereas pictures do not :(

Try [URL=""]]imageshack][/URL] if you haven't already heard of it. It automatically makes forum thumbnails for you that link to your fullsized images ;)
efoto said:
*cough* THUMBNAILS *cough*

I was going to spread that word out as wide as those pictures, but then I remembered that text wraps whereas pictures do not :(

Try]imageshack] if you haven't already heard of it. It automatically makes forum thumbnails for you that link to your fullsized images ;)

After I load my images to imageshack, which option should I choose? There are like 7 options and I can never tell which one will actually do what I want it to do.
Ambient lighting is the way to go if you are a professional mac user (i.e., photo, illu, web, graphics...).

Fluorescent lights are nasty...

Why pay for heating bill when you can have 6 halogens on?
Well this is my new setup, never got round to posting my other setup but i thought this was worth it. not quite finished yet. need to get a new monitor and some cable ties and a few other bits.





i know that this isnt a 'computer setup' but its a setup none the less lol. couldnt show you just my computer setup when this is even better. and no im not a raging alcoholic, really.




Chris3125 said:
Well this is my new setup, never got round to posting my other setup but i thought this was worth it. not quite finished yet. need to get a new monitor and some cable ties and a few other bits.[IMG]




i know that this isnt a 'computer setup' but its a setup none the less lol. couldnt show you just my computer setup when this is even better. and no im not a raging alcoholic, really.





:eek: Simply awesome! Where did you get the measuring dispensers for the liquor? and where did you get that massive zero/hero glass that lays atop the fridge? Awesome setup, simply awesome. Also, those glasses in the very top of the last image, room8.jpg, where did those come from? You have a ton of drinking paraphernalia, well done :D
cheers for the comments, well firstly im in the UK so this may mean nothing to you lol but the dispencers (optics) are from makro the yard is from the gadget shop as are the shot glasses but the shop has closed down now. you might be able to pick them up online. the zero hero half yard ive been able to do, just, but the one next to it standing upright (whole yard) i am yet to conquer. more of an excuse to drink :p
Chris3125 said:
cheers for the comments, well firstly im in the UK so this may mean nothing to you lol but the dispencers (optics) are from makro the yard is from the gadget shop as are the shot glasses but the shop has closed down now. you might be able to pick them up online. the zero hero half yard ive been able to do, just, but the one next to it standing upright (whole yard) i am yet to conquer. more of an excuse to drink :p

Is the point of the yard/half-yard to slam it all at once or simply to drink that much substance? I have seen them before but I can't recall their purpose.

Thanks for the info, I'll be looking around to see what's offered state-side as well as at Makro's there.
Chris3125 said:
all at once matey. and it aint easy lol

Well you certainly have my respect for a large throat then, I know I wasn't made to drink something like that continuously. The amount, fine, but all at once....lets just say I wasn't made that way. :rolleyes: :p
howinson said:


these setups are getting out of hand. :D

how do you like your AKAI 16 controller? I almost bought one of those, but i went with the Trigger Finger instead ... i just got one. :) i may exchange this one because one pad seem to be a bit too sensitive and triggers from impacting the pads above and below.

can't wait to get my hands on Live 5; is that Reason 3 i see ... i really need to upgrade. :(

peace | neut
howinson said:

Ok, I have wanted to get into music production for aslong as I can remember. I am a mac fanatic and I really want to be able to start making some hip hop beats. What would be some good things to get me started? Programs, keyboards ect..? How do people that were discovered through their music production know how to work all of the professional equipment so well without going to a Full Sail type of school? (like kanye west)
Setup 1
Quested monitors
Powermac G4 gigabit ethernet
24 inch Dell
technics 1202mkII
vestax mixer
akai drumpad
macally keyboard
(Oxygen 8) should be in the pic but sent servicing
Kengsinton optical expert
Fatar 88 weighted keys
Rotel radio reciever
Pioneer DVD player
Behringer guitar and bass amp
AKG condenser mic
Ableton Live 5
Reason 3

Set up 2
Behringer studio monitors
philips 15 inch dual
Lexicon omega soundcard
powermac G5 dual 2.0
(Radium 49) should be in the pic but sent servicing
panasonic NV-GS400
Kensington turbo wireless mouse
numark TT500
shure mic
Final cut pro 5, macromedia suite, photoshop CS2,illustrator CS, soundtrack, ableton live 5
Flowbee said:
Nice set-up! It's good to see another Live 5 user here. Where'd you get the black production desk/cabinet in the pic? I'm looking for someting similar myself.

Custom made.
Ask any furniture carpenter to make it
Rob587 said:
Ok, I have wanted to get into music production for aslong as I can remember. I am a mac fanatic and I really want to be able to start making some hip hop beats. What would be some good things to get me started? Programs, keyboards ect..? How do people that were discovered through their music production know how to work all of the professional equipment so well without going to a Full Sail type of school? (like kanye west)

Get yourself Live and u have endless rooms to explore
i really like what im seeing in this thread.

there are very sweet setups in your homes ... i wish i could say that from my room :(
Its a pretty normal set up, I am upgradeing the sawtooth to atleast 1.2 Ghz G4 soon and I will be getting a graphite 20 Apple LCD, oh and sorry for the mess:eek: . But here it is for now.
BTW: Quality sucks I should have really spent more then 90 bucks on a camera!!!


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