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marissaaa said:
This is probably my most favorite thread. I'm finally contributing..

Thats the MBP that you got back? How are the heat issues with a 2nd display? Mine is very hot and I've just been surfing the net the past week. I'm worried as to how hot it will get when i start doing extensive things in Adobe programs and hook up a second display.
Here is my workstation set up.

Dual screens, keyboard, powermac...logic user :)


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Moshiiii said:
Thats the MBP that you got back? How are the heat issues with a 2nd display? Mine is very hot and I've just been surfing the net the past week. I'm worried as to how hot it will get when i start doing extensive things in Adobe programs and hook up a second display.

It is SOOOO hot. Regardless of whether I'm using the computer's LCD or an external display. Or if I'm idle or using several programs at a time. :(
marissaaa said:
It is SOOOO hot. Regardless of whether I'm using the computer's LCD or an external display. Or if I'm idle or using several programs at a time. :(

Do you have a temp widget running? Mine only gets like 117* F but gdi if I put it on my lap I would burn myself.
miniConvert said:
That's very cool :D Since visiting my nearest Apple store the whole Macs+Music thing has been playing on my mind...

Well having used PC's up until 2 years ago, a change to Macs was so refreshing it's untrue.

The "mac and music" certainly go hand in hand - get yourself some gear!! I run a completly software based studio as you can see, and it gets me by. (btw what you don't see is a yamaha motif plus a piano - the M-Audio Keystation only handles very basic input.)
munkees said:
My wife and I think, you must be a Female, so clean, so neat. It is impossible for me to make a space so tidy. Very nice setup.

Nope...all dude

*checks* all dude...probably a metrosexual or something though


I realized the only thing I used my PB screen for was iTunes and Adium, and I've always hated how I had to look "up" at my 2005FPW, so I picked up a BT Apple KB today, and started using the PB in clamshell mode. I love it so far. :D
miniConvert said:
Fantastic, congratulations on choosing the ACD - I also have the Mac mini/ACD combo and find it just looks stunning. So well done you!

cool :) love the screen! are you using the ipod hifi as speakers for your mini via the 3.5mm connection on the back ?
Moved into a new home office

Finally got all my setup done :p
Still waiting for my ipod though :(


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calebjohnston said:
All your computer are belong to me.

Why is that one powerbook bent? Or it looks like it anyway.

Im using a wide angle 12-24mm lens ...distortion plus it's resting on top of the mouse pad.
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