Is there a location on the iPod to find the default icons b/c I'd really like to just edit them a bit?
You can access those just fine, but, correct me if I am wrong, they are encrypted and cannot be opened by Preview or any other app.
Where did you find that installer icon...?
I emailed them to you.
You can find pictures of the default icons and just edit them from that. I don't know what the original resolution (if it is bigger than 60x60) is, though.
my new theme, slightly modifying the new louie mantia Buuf theme.
That case is out of stock everywhere i've looked online in the UK.
If anyone finds it, let me know! It's lovely.
I ordered it from and the Belkin site has them also.
Hmmm, have you tried googling the case and seeing if other stores carry them that might ship to the UK?Unfortunately the Belkin site does not ship to the UK (and the UK site has them as 'Coming soon'), and I imagine doesn't ship here either. A shame!
Unfortunately the Belkin site does not ship to the UK (and the UK site has them as 'Coming soon'), and I imagine doesn't ship here either. A shame!
dont be too hasty in giving up hope google was your friend today
Saw these on a Chinese board:
Where is the Chinese board download ?
They are here:
(Thanks to -Dark Angel- for pointing this out, in this thread.)