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here's mine. the external screen is 100" and has 1280x720 resolution.


  • dualscreen.jpg
    83 KB · Views: 348
JFreak said:
here's mine. the external screen is 100" and has 1280x720 resolution.

Very nice indeed. Is that the permanent setup of your PowerBook or a fancy show setup? The desk looks a bit low for long comfortable working shifts. But very nice setup. What do you use that big screen for? And do you link anything else up to it? Wish I could see more of the PowerBook.
My set-up

Here's my set-up. I have 15" 1.25 Ghz G4 PBook, with 1.25 GB RAM. 17" external LCD, 250 GB LaCie Hard Drive, Some Creative Speakers and Samsung ML-1740 connected to an airport express.

Just ordered Icurve so I dont have to use math text books to prop up PB.


  • IMG_0651.jpg
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drno9999 said:
Here's my set-up. I have 15" 1.25 Ghz G4 PBook, with 1.25 GB RAM. 17" external LCD, 250 GB LaCie Hard Drive, Some Creative Speakers and Samsung ML-1740 connected to an airport express.

Just ordered Icurve so I dont have to use math text books to prop up PB.
That a HP monitor? My desktop has one like it.
No, Its a MAG monitor that I got at best buy a while back for under 200$, couldnt pass up. Would have prefered an Apple Cinema Display, but i'm on a college student's budget.
drno9999 said:
No, Its a MAG monitor that I got at best buy a while back for under 200$, couldnt pass up. Would have prefered an Apple Cinema Display, but i'm on a college student's budget.
Indeed! Can't complain! Good buy! Well the ACDs are more affordable than ever with student discounts . (I say "more" affordable!, cheaper than before! Unfortunately not totally buyable! Lol) I would love one too! Have no money or space for it either. Waiting for my brother to more out (He's got a pretty funky Dell setup in his room, nice 19" widescreen Dell TV he uses as the PC monitor aswell. Ye I know its Dell, but its his machine!)

That my 12" 1.5GHz SuperDrive PowerBook (80gb/768mb) sitting on a Traveler Pad, hooked up to a massive 21" ViewSonic G220fb CRT that I got free from my dads work. Also show are 2.1 Boston Acoustics Speakers, Apple BT Mouse, Apple Wired Keyboad, 20gb iPod 3rd Generation, Belkin 7port USB Hub (next to the monitor on the left), and motorola house phone.

Not shown: Epson Stylus C86, HP Photosmart 7760 (C86 has better quality and was free), LaserJet 1012, Sony 4mp DSC-P73, HP CanoScan LiDE 30, Sony 128mb memory key, and my Dell 4550 Desktop (see sig).

I'm about to move into a new house so the only thing sitting on my desk is my powerbook and its charger right now. I won't be able to fit my CRT on my new desk (built in, granite top :)) so I'll have to get an LCD.
Gil_Grissom said:
Very nice indeed. Is that the permanent setup of your PowerBook or a fancy show setup? The desk looks a bit low for long comfortable working shifts. But very nice setup. What do you use that big screen for? And do you link anything else up to it? Wish I could see more of the PowerBook.


it's hard to get a picture of a setup this large, but don't we all know how the aluminum powerbook looks like ;) that's a permanent livingroom setup that i use for protools mixing window for final mixdowns - gotta see those sliders move - and for proofing pictures/video that go to production.

yes, you're right, the desk is too low for everyday work. i do most of the mixing elsewhere and only proof the final mixdown in my living room. the projector is a television in everyday life.

what is not shown is my audio gear located on my studio, and an airport express base station connected to a HP laserjet printer located on a storage room. i like to keep cables minimized and stuff out of my way, so that's why only the powerbook and the screen is shown. naturally i have stuff like an ipod, a digicam, a scanner... you name it... but i only connect those when necessary.

iBlue said:
that's insane... tell me that is at work, if not, please lie!

that is at my own living room, where i work every now and then :) it's so nice being able to show pictures for people every now and then. makes them larger than life, totally something different than showing an iphoto slideshow on a 15" powerbook screen...
JFreak said:
yes, you're right, the desk is too low for everyday work. i do most of the mixing elsewhere and only proof the final mixdown in my living room. the projector is a television in everyday life.

what is not shown is my audio gear located on my studio, and an airport express base station connected to a HP laserjet printer located on a storage room. i like to keep cables minimized and stuff out of my way, so that's why only the powerbook and the screen is shown. naturally i have stuff like an ipod, a digicam, a scanner... you name it... but i only connect those when necessary.
Cool. Nice arrangement then! The simplistic style is very good, as you say not much out and no wires. Wish mine was like that! At least you have the space. Very lucky.
neut said:
Are you still VJing on PCs? :p How is that going?

What programs are you using? Glad to see the edit station is a Mac. :)

peace | neut

Those are two older Powerbooks, you fool. Just look at the OS on screen.
CoMpX said:
Those are two older Powerbooks, you fool. Just look at the OS on screen.

What!? Apple made a black Powerbook!?!? Not only that, but they made two of them!?!? :p ... :eek:

I guess i didn't look close enough; i was remebering back in the day when mymemory was VJing on PCs (or so i thought ... ) outside of the US, but he's moved on since then.

So i'll rephrase my question: mymemory - Still VJing on old Powerbooks? (jk- these things aren't cheap) How's that going? What program(s) do you use? I've used Arkaos before and did limited performance at an art show; that was pretty fun ... looks like it can be expensive to be a VJ. It's expensive enough being a DJ.

I'm still playing around with my PB setup; i'll post one of these days.

Thanks for the catch CoMpX. :p

peace | neut
CompUser said:

That my 12" 1.5GHz SuperDrive PowerBook (80gb/768mb) sitting on a Traveler Pad, hooked up to a massive 21" ViewSonic G220fb CRT that I got free from my dads work. Also show are 2.1 Boston Acoustics Speakers, Apple BT Mouse, Apple Wired Keyboad, 20gb iPod 3rd Generation, Belkin 7port USB Hub (next to the monitor on the left), and motorola house phone.
OMG Is that really a motorolla house phone!?! lol
:eek: :eek:
rmhop81 said:
Nice printer, my sister has one!
Nice Dell speaker system, my brother has one!
Nice PowerBook! I have one!
And a small desk, I have one of those too!
Nice screen at the back though, I take it that it's Dell! (No, haven't got one of those! Brother has Dell TV though!)
Like the dual screen arrangement!, can't wait to get a bigger working space and get a monitor to do the same!
I've just had a referb of my room and now have a proper workstation for which to work on. New setup photo here.
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