ok i got it figured out now... thanks you guys!
and about that program you use to show your current track; what do you use? I use "You control Tunes" i actually like it a lot!
You don't need anything other than QuickSilver. I used to have YouControlTunes or any of a half dozen other programs, but then I discovered that QuickSilver's built-in stuff puts them all to shame. To control/display stuff in iTunes:
1. Make sure you have the iTunes and Growl modules installed (and of course make sure you have Growl itself installed).
2. Go to the "iTunes" panel on the main preferences screen and check "Show Artwork", "Monitor recent tracks", and "Display track notifications".
3. Go to the "Handlers" panel on the main preferences screen and select Growl for Notification.
4. At this point, a notification will pop up whenever iTunes changes tracks. Go to your Growl prefpane to change the display properties for that notification. Additionally, I setup QuickSilver triggers for iTunes; if you set one for "Show playing track" (I use Option-Command-i) it will pop up the same Growl notifier to show you what track is playing at any time when you press that key combo. I also use Option-Command-RightArrow, Option-Command-LeftArrow, and Option-Command-Space for Next, Previous, and Play/Pause respectively.
With QuickSilver and those steps, I have completely eliminated the need for any other iTunes control/info program. QuickSilver's handling of these events is more elegant than any other program I've used AND it conserves resources by allowing you to run fewer apps in the background.
EDIT: If you've seen Growl then you're probably fully aware of this, but see attached screenshot for an example of QuickSilver using Growl to notify me of the track information. Growl style is Music Video.