The point you where making was that I recommended that drive over an identical product with USB 3. Which I did not.
You are now making a different point, let me address that as well.
It is relevant because you can get some sense of what the additional cost is of the inclusion of Thunderbolt in a product, that was the purpose of my post. Can you accept that and move on now please?
Yes, thunderbolt is more expensive than USB 3.0. This isn't news. We've established that and we established why. USB 3.0 is more expensive than 2.0. Go figure!
Bulk of my income is from Art Direction for TV biz here in LA. Have been here just under 20 years doing the same.
Last month I dod a campaign for Amazon Kindle & Prime. Felt guilty at the time, not so much now.
Anyhow, you seem rather angry. Perhaps cool off in the shade with an Iced Tea?
Nowhere did I say I knew better then Apple's marketing department. My opinion and your opinion are both ultimately pointless. Market will determine if the "iTrashCan" is what the world needs or not.
Art director/video card modder. Very interesting. You keep suggesting that Apple doesn't know what it's getting into and that it's going to lose a number of 'valuable' customers. I'm questioning whether or not that is true. Maybe those customers aren't valuable as Apple wasn't going to be able to keep them around very long anyway. Maybe you are only talking about a few thousand people in the US at most. Great point on the trashcan! looool so dumb rite?