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macrumors newbie
Dec 27, 2021
I tried to click on your name and posts but it says your viewers are limited.
No idea why it would do that. Here is the post: "Same problem here on 2017 model, screen has gone black due to backlight problem. Is Apple still not covering the 2017's?"


macrumors newbie
Dec 27, 2021
Just an update, I did contact apple support and asked for my issue with the 2017 MBP to be elevated. A next level person contacted me, but said no go on coverage for the issue. Said Apple would deny any request from him to have it covered, implied the machine is too old at this point for Apple to consider it, which is strange since they ARE covering an even older version of the MBP.


macrumors newbie
Oct 19, 2021
Hmm, I'm not sure why that is, I will copy and paste my post here
This was my earlier post:

Thought I would start a new thread for fear of it getting lost in all the other threads on here about this issue. I have a 2017 13" MacBook Pro that developed the dreaded 'stagelights' effect. I couldn't get it fixed via the consumer law in the UK as it was bought for me through a company that someone worked for at the time but the person no longer worked there.

I spoke to Apple on chat/phone on numerous occasions but all they said was the 2017 Macs were not in the repair programme so I couldn't have a free repair. I took it to my local Apple shop and they told me the same, that it would cost approx £500 - £600. I was also having a problem with sticky keys so I once again went on chat and told them about that issue. They made me an appointment for the Genius Bar to have the keyboard looked at.

I was seen by a great guy at the Genius Bar who explained my Mac was just out of warranty for the keyboard repair, I also bought up the Flexgate problem with the screen. He told me to go home and gave me a number to call for Customer Care, I rang the number and got through to a Senior Technician who said he would issue a 'CS' code (Customer Satisfaction) to give me a free repair.

Back to the Genius Bar and the same guy I saw before told me he would repair everything under the CS code. So Apple gave me a new screen, a new keyboard and put a new battery in my MacBook Pro. As you can imagine I was highly delighted and my faith was restored in Apple. I thought I would share this with you all and tell you that persistence worked in the end and just to add, I never made demands or lost my temper with these guys.
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macrumors newbie
Mar 13, 2022
Valencia, Spain
This was my earlier post:

Thought I would start a new thread for fear of it getting lost in all the other threads on here about this issue. I have a 2017 13" MacBook Pro that developed the dreaded 'stagelights' effect. I couldn't get it fixed via the consumer law in the UK as it was bought for me through a company that someone worked for at the time but the person no longer worked there.

I spoke to Apple on chat/phone on numerous occasions but all they said was the 2017 Macs were not in the repair programme so I couldn't have a free repair. I took it to my local Apple shop and they told me the same, that it would cost approx £500 - £600. I was also having a problem with sticky keys so I once again went on chat and told them about that issue. They made me an appointment for the Genius Bar to have the keyboard looked at.

I was seen by a great guy at the Genius Bar who explained my Mac was just out of warranty for the keyboard repair, I also bought up the Flexgate problem with the screen. He told me to go home and gave me a number to call for Customer Care, I rang the number and got through to a Senior Technician who said he would issue a 'CS' code (Customer Satisfaction) to give me a free repair.

Back to the Genius Bar and the same guy I saw before told me he would repair everything under the CS code. So Apple gave me a new screen, a new keyboard and put a new battery in my MacBook Pro. As you can imagine I was highly delighted and my faith was restored in Apple. I thought I would share this with you all and tell you that persistence worked in the end and just to add, I never made demands or lost my temper with these guys.
Sounds amazing you were able to get it repaired. I bought mine in 2018 back in the US, and started showing this issue in October 2020. I tried to get it fixed in the US, Spain, France and Germany but same answers everywhere. I am now in Buenos Aires and will give it a try again. Honestly, for a 1500$ Mac Book Pro I'm quite disappointed, let's see if I get lucky here!


macrumors newbie
Jan 13, 2022
I have a 2017 macbook pro. I had my macbook recently repaired by Rossman Repair Group NYC. After researching all the options as well as taking it to a apple approved retailer, and being told that it was going to cost $895 because they supposedly needed to give me a new screen as well because this one could not be salvaged, I came about Rossman Repair Group. They told me at first how to spend time on the phone with Apple and how to attempt to get apple to take care of the problem, but I could never spend the full time and could not get past certain people. For reference I live in the US and no where near NY. But I contacted them and they stated that they will repair the problem for $325, I just needed to send in the computer to them and as long as I paid for them to repair the problem, they would send back the computer without extra shipping. I was hesitant, but looked up all their reviews and they were outstanding. They also stated that they put in a longer cable instead of apple putting in the exact same cable if I sent it in. They are open about how they repair the computer (you tube video on the website) and what they do. They send you an invoice which you approve and they do the repairs and then send it back. All in all I was without my computer for about 10 days total (even mailing it to them through USPS). I am completely satisfied with their work. The opening and closing of my computer seems more fluid and not as strained, something I immediately noticed when I got the computer back. So for those of you that can't spend the time, my $325 was well worth it so far. Here is the website for them:
FYI...I don't work for them and I don't get anything free or anything for telling you about this. I just think they are trying to right a wrong that apple made without going overboard in price. Hats off to them for the easy service as well. I'm very impressed!
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macrumors newbie
Apr 2, 2007
I have a 13inch 2017 with the same problem. Apple made me pay for the replacement.... Also not amused.

Milton Alves

macrumors newbie
May 31, 2022
Natal, Brasil
Hi, I'm Milton and I live in Brazil. I'm having the same issue, with the 2017 MacBook Pro having the same issues as the 2016 model (Display backlight has vertical areas lit either continuously or intermittently at the bottom of the screen). I contacted Apple support and they simply told me that it does not fall under the MBP16 recall. They also informed me that it was found that the problem presented cannot be reversed in the assistance because it is related to a hardware failure, and that it would be necessary to change the screen through the exchange system, with the damaged part returning to apple, I would still have everything to pay an amount of R$4,390.

My biggest question is: as a problem that was presented on 2016 macbooks are also presenting on 2017 macbooks, can't they be covered by the service program? I am very disappointed with Apple and I hope they fix the error as soon as possible.


macrumors newbie
Dec 27, 2021
Hi, I'm Milton and I live in Brazil. I'm having the same issue, with the 2017 MacBook Pro having the same issues as the 2016 model (Display backlight has vertical areas lit either continuously or intermittently at the bottom of the screen). I contacted Apple support and they simply told me that it does not fall under the MBP16 recall. They also informed me that it was found that the problem presented cannot be reversed in the assistance because it is related to a hardware failure, and that it would be necessary to change the screen through the exchange system, with the damaged part returning to apple, I would still have everything to pay an amount of R$4,390.

My biggest question is: as a problem that was presented on 2016 macbooks are also presenting on 2017 macbooks, can't they be covered by the service program? I am very disappointed with Apple and I hope they fix the error as soon as possible.
Hi Milton,
Join the club, Apple doesn't seem too inclined to take further action at this point for whatever reason. Perhaps as more people begin to see the problem and contact them they will do something, but I wouldn't hold your breath.
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