Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_7; en-us) AppleWebKit/530.19.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.2 Safari/530.19)
I had it, but put me in the "it just went away" crowd (for now) -touch wood and all that).
I heard about this issue a lot, but never had it. Then, all of a sudden it happened every few minutes. I went and tried whole bunch of suggestions from different forums, and somewhere in the middle of that, it just got better.
I can't even say anything I changed was responsible for fixing it. I tried a few things, it wasn't getting better so I went ot bed thinking I would try other things on my list tomorrow, and by the time I got back to it, it was fine.
What I did do was change the IP (on my wired AppleTV) to static instead of DHCP. I also changed the lease-life of DHCP devices to something stupid like 30 days (for my wireless AppleTV).
I also installed the latest AppleTV software that came out around that time, as well as the iTunes .2 that also came out around the same time. I also installed the Airport Express firmware that I had been avoiding doing since the update previous to that broke my old router.
So, I don't know which of these things fixed my problem, but so far, it's running smoothly.
Edited to add: I made some router config changes, too, but I can't recall exactly what. I was going to kill my "Guest Network" as my next tryme, but I never needed to.
In case it helps anyone, my setup is:
iTunes Library on Drobo FW 800 running to iTunes on an Intel iMac.
AppleTV #1: Ethernet
AppleTV #2: N Wireless
Router: AEBS G/N dual-band with a guest network enabled. I'm not running a "closed" network for my wireless (which I've seen blamed for this issue -no idea how accurate that is though, I just read it on a forum).