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I have 3 :apple:TV's I had this problem, but I have a head injury from Iraq, and cannot for the life of me recall how I fixed it.

BTW I am running latest versions of everything.
Yeah, I've been having this problem, too. It's GOT to be a Leopard issue because everything was fine until I upgraded from Tiger to Leopard. Upgrading to the latest iTunes and the latest Leopard haven't helped. AppleTV just randomly disappears from the Devices list in iTunes.

But today I noticed something new -- just as AppleTV randomly disappears, sometimes it also randomly REappears, without me having to do anything. Is anyone else experiencing this?

Yes, this is exactly what happens to me. DIsappears, I restart my router, restart ATV, close and relaunch iTunes... nothing.

Then for no reason, out of the blue, poof, it reappears by itself. really strange.
But today I noticed something new -- just as AppleTV randomly disappears, sometimes it also randomly REappears, without me having to do anything. Is anyone else experiencing this?

I also am getting the occasional disappearance/reappearance. It seems to only be one of my :apple:tv's though. There is no consistency to when it comes or goes, it just does.

I have both :apple:tv's going through hdmi switching sony a/v receivers. At first I thought it was something to do with the receiver when it was on another input. But I have ruled that out as I have had the device on, been playing a movie (on the hard drive of the :apple:tv) and have noticed it disappear.
This is very frustrating indeed.
I have nothing to add to the thread really but I wanted to keep following the thread as and when there were new posts and was not sure how to do that without posting!

I have been following this and indeed many other threads on problems with Apple TV. I have the same problem with the Apple TV i.e. randomly dropping the connection to Itunes.

The ATV is the only part of my Apple collection that I am dissapointed with. I have given up trying to fix this having tried any number of options. Sorry this posting is not at all constructive but IMHO there is not a solution out there except oen provided by Apple and they do not seem remotely interested. Although there has been reference to recent software upgrades as being the problem but this issue has been around since I first purchased the ATV over a year ago.

Go on - someone prove me wrong out there and come up with the solution!

(iMAc, Mac Mini, Macbook, ATV, Airport Extreme, Airport Express(x2), iphone, ipods)
Go on - someone prove me wrong out there and come up with the solution!

Not me. This started happening with Leopard soon after I upgraded to an earlier version... maybe 10.5.4. I have to reboot the ATV, then enter the code EVERY time I want to use it. I have reported this and will wait patiently for a fix. So hurry up Apple, you're making me NUTS.
OK, here's some more info...

I discovered that if I close and relaunch iTunes, the AppleTV will return to the Devices section -- for a little while, at least.

Also, I found a way to force this WITHOUT relaunching iTunes: Go to Preferences, then the AppleTV tab. Uncheck "Look for AppleTVs" and close Preferences. Then go back into Preferences and re-check "Look for AppleTVs." Your AppleTV will reappear...again, for a little while.

It's not a fix, but it's easier than rebooting routers or AppleTV, etc.
I have two ATVs. The same model, but bought about six months apart. Both are running the up-to-date software. Both disappear from iTunes within minutes of restarting iTunes, unless they're active (syncing or steaming). It's driving me crazy.

Also, I run a dual band network so that the ATVs can run on an unencumbered "N" band while any slower devices are on a separate "B/G/N" band. The problem is that only one of the ATVs picks up the "N" band, while the other sees only the "B/G/N" band. The latter is closer to the WiFi source than the former, and up until I moved house, it saw the "N" band with no problem even though there was more distance and more walls between it and the router than there is now.

Lastly, I have a lot of movies ripped from DVD using Handbrake. I use the same preset every time - the Apple Legacy iPhone preset with the 2-pass scan selected. One ATV will play all the video content while the other will only play certain movies - even though every single one is in the same format. I even tried syncing the movies to the one that misbehaves, and it will sync about 1 in 10.

I love the interface and the theory of the ATV device. The implementation of it is driving me berserk. These units are identical, and yet they behave in very different ways. Except for dropping off iTunes, which they both do. If Apple aren't going to take this device seriously, they should stop selling it (and give us a refund on this flawed product).
OK, here's some more info...

I discovered that if I close and relaunch iTunes, the AppleTV will return to the Devices section -- for a little while, at least.

Also, I found a way to force this WITHOUT relaunching iTunes: Go to Preferences, then the AppleTV tab. Uncheck "Look for AppleTVs" and close Preferences. Then go back into Preferences and re-check "Look for AppleTVs." Your AppleTV will reappear...again, for a little while.

It's not a fix, but it's easier than rebooting routers or AppleTV, etc.

Closing and re-opening iTunes gets my ATVs back into the devices list, and is arguably easier than messing around in Preferences.

Rebooting the ATVs, or cancelling the link and then re-linking, or restoring to factory defaults and setting up from scratch, all do nothing. I've tried this multiple times on multiple ATVs, and it's pointless. It's a Leopard / iTunes software issue that needs to get addressed by Apple.
UPDATE: I have read in many places that the recent OS X update to 10.5.8 fixes the problem of dropping ATVs. I installed this update a few hours ago, and the ATVs haven't dropped off since. I also get all the content on both units. I run NetBarrier too.

However, I should point out that, after a couple of hours of trouble-free operation, I finally got my wired network fired up, so everything is now connected via Ethernet. The wireless connection seemed to rock solid ahead of that though.
UPDATE: I have read in many places that the recent OS X update to 10.5.8 fixes the problem of dropping ATVs. I installed this update a few hours ago, and the ATVs haven't dropped off since. I also get all the content on both units. I run NetBarrier too.

Nope -- wish this was the case, but I have 10.5.8, too, and I'm still having trouble.

I have Boxee installed on my ATV, too -- anyone withOUT Boxee having these problems?
This is why I hate Apple TV....

Its been working fine for week, months in fact. Then today I start getting the white screen while trying to play video, or the video cannot be played message. Reboot Apple TV and its gone, won't come up in iTunes no matter what I do.

Its such a frustrating device, but when it decides to play up, it does it so well that I'm damned if I know what's going on.

Setup here is:

Mac Pro w/shared iTunes library connected via CAT5 cable to the same AEBS that the ATV is connected in to, also hard-wired.

And they can't see each other.

my ATVs no longer drop out

Nope -- wish this was the case, but I have 10.5.8, too, and I'm still having trouble.

I have Boxee installed on my ATV, too -- anyone withOUT Boxee having these problems?

currently have all of the latest software and run 10.6.1 and itunes 9.0
I have two ATV's and no longer having issues. Several things to think about
1) i switched from N mode to compatibilty mode on my AEBS. the 2.4Ghz signal seems to be much stronger and doesnt cause any drop outs.

2) i noticed that when it did happen before i could turn wireless on and off and it fixed it - didnt have to restart itunes - even though the iMac is hooked up to ethernet and wireless.

I actually really like the ATV. i dont care about DVD's as i rip them all
and use the cable box for a DVR.

The best solution is to put a large hdd in them 320-500GB and then sync it all. never have a drop out again.
I'm running 10.6.1 and iTunes 9, too, and I'm getting drop-outs all over the place now. It's frustrating as hell -- it worked perfectly for months, then problems started. Then I upgraded to Snow Leopard and the problems went away. Now -- without me changing ANYTHING about my set-up -- the problems have started again. It's ridiculous.

Again: Is anyone who does NOT have Boxee installed having this problem? If it turns out to be a Boxee issue, then I'll yank Boxee, no problem!

ETA: Oh, and I can't switch over to N-only because I still have an iPhone and an old iBook on this wireless network.
I'm running 10.6.1 and iTunes 9, too, and I'm getting drop-outs all over the place now. It's frustrating as hell -- it worked perfectly for months, then problems started. Then I upgraded to Snow Leopard and the problems went away. Now -- without me changing ANYTHING about my set-up -- the problems have started again. It's ridiculous.

Again: Is anyone who does NOT have Boxee installed having this problem? If it turns out to be a Boxee issue, then I'll yank Boxee, no problem!

ETA: Oh, and I can't switch over to N-only because I still have an iPhone and an old iBook on this wireless network.

See my post above, its not Boxee to blame. I've got a really simple, all-wired, all-Apple setup and it still does this from time to time unfortunately.

Have you tried disconnecting from the shared library and re-connecting?
Might still be too early to celebrate, but so far no drop outs (3 Apple TVs) since doing the 10.6.1 + iTunes 9 upgrade.

Two of the Apple TVs are wired, one is wireless on an 801.11n-only 5GHz Time Machine-based wifi network.
I've been having dropouts ever since i got my AppleTV, and no update to iTunes, the AppleTV software, or OSX has ever fixed it. Currently on OSX 10.6.1, iTunes 9.0, and whatever the newest AppleTV software is.

I really do think Apple's abandoned this box entirely, which is extremely unfortunate as it's one Apple product I rely on multiple times daily.
I'm running 10.6.1 and iTunes 9, too, and I'm getting drop-outs all over the place now. It's frustrating as hell -- it worked perfectly for months, then problems started. Then I upgraded to Snow Leopard and the problems went away. Now -- without me changing ANYTHING about my set-up -- the problems have started again. It's ridiculous.

I have the reverse situation. Everything was rock-solid until I upgraded to Snow Leopard, then my ATVs started dropping off iTunes like flies. I have an ethernet network, so everything's hard-wired, and still they disappear. It's really starting to annoy me.

They all come back on when I restart iTunes, then drop almost instantly, while still being shown under "Devices" in the sidebar.
Well for me it works on 10.6.1 but is not working at all on 10.5.8, which is a real problem for me. I use Handbrake to encode my movies to :apple:TV, but HB is totally broken under SL at least for me; it will look like it is converting just fine but the resulting files either won't play at all or play only with video, no audio. Also Plex, Boxee, and XBMC don't totally work yet in SL, so this means that for most things I work in Leopard but when I want to watch :apple:TV I have to switch to SL. This is a real bummer.
See my post above, its not Boxee to blame. I've got a really simple, all-wired, all-Apple setup and it still does this from time to time unfortunately.

Have you tried disconnecting from the shared library and re-connecting?

Yeah, I disconnected, then re-synced overnight. The problem is still occurring. Tried changing the channel on my Airport Extreme. No luck. Fiddled with Interference Robustness. No luck.

Downloading iTunes 9.0.1 right now. At this point, I have precisely ZERO confidence that this issue will ever be solved or even acknowledged. I have seen people on the Apple support boards blaming the users for "network problems," but this issue cropped for me without me ever once touching my network or its settings. The damn thing just broke.
I've had the same problem. I just did a factory reset, and it seems better now. We'll see. APple MUST stop giving us the old line about interference when youtube and the trailers work fine. It's an itunes problem, most likely.

No, Apple is probably 100% correct in their assessment. It usually IS interference that causes them to get dropped from what I've experienced personally with my own two Apple TV units. The PROBLEM, though is iTunes. That is to say, the reason it will connect to YouTube and even the iTunes Store is that that those connections are restored shortly after the interference ends. iTunes, however, will usually NOT reconnect to an Apple TV device on its own once it's dropped it. So what happens, you get some kind of interference that temporarily breaks your connection in iTunes (iTunes thinks the device is gone) and then when the interference stops, the AppleTV reconnects to the wireless router, but iTunes just sits there and doesn't try to find the device again. iTunes only seems to do an active search for Apple TV units when it's first started. After that, it couldn't care less unless the Apple TV unit signals it. You can verify this behavior from either end.

For example, after you've lost the Apple TV unit, try resetting your Apple TV and see if it magically reconnects (a hacked unit only requires the finder to be restarted from the main menu to accomplish the same thing). Now the next time it happens, instead try quitting iTunes and restarting it and see if the Apple TV doesn't magically reappear again. Usually either one of these methods will get it to reappear. You can also select in iTunes preferences to not look for Apple TV units and then hit OK and then go back and tell it to look for them again and it will then magically find the unit again without quitting or resetting the Apple TV unit.

Apple could possibly largely fix this problem by having iTunes actively search like it does on startup for Apple TV units once a minute or so. But like most problems, they neither acknowledge it even exists or attempt to fix it.

But the fundamental problem is the same, regardless. Your wireless connection is being interrupted for a reason. Very short interruptions don't appear to cause this. If I use my Airport Express, for example, Apple TV functions normally most of the time. However, I know there is interference because if I run XBMC, the video loads tend to stutter quite often (whereas Apple's own interface seem to buffer it better). If I use my NetGear router, XBMC runs perfectly fine and Apple's own interface loads movies faster, etc. (you can test this by sending/syncing a test file to the unit while observing from the Activity Monitor on your Mac and you'll see exactly how throughput behaves in real time).

The long term solution (without any changes from iTunes) remains the same. You need a better connection to the unit. This can often be as simple as changing the channel you're broadcasting on to the unit (5GHz is LESS reliable here in that regard for me, which goes contrary to most recommendations, for example). You might also try moving the router around the room or to a different room, if possible. In my case, a different brand router worked MUCH better (i.e. Netgear) than Apple's own Airport Express. But getting a reliable connection with as little interference as possible is the key to a reliable Apple TV connection. With the Airport Express, it was dropping all the time. I experimented with the Airport Utility, manually changing channels while watching the units with the monitor mode and I could plainly see within a few minutes which channels got the best connection by the transfer rates being stable. By switching to the most reliable channel, my Apple TV units stopped getting dropped. It was night and day so that's how I know Apple is correct about interference and the Airport Utility made it very obvious to see by watching the monitor mode across channels. But even then, XBMC wasn't fully stable until I used a different router altogether (I have two anyway). But generally speaking, the channel information was correct there as well. Some were more reliable than others. It's also sitting in a different location in the same room.

Basically, if you get your wireless network stable, the Apple TV issue with dropping from iTunes will just disappear. The reason updates from Apple can affect it probably has to do with how well it works with their own network products. Gaging by how poorly the Airport Express does compared to the Netgear unit I have with large file transfers (i.e. movies over wireless) when running XMBC on the Apple TV, I can only conclude that Apple networking products aren't all that great. I've read endless complaints about Airport connection problems over the past few years since buying a Mac. Clearly, there are times when buying from Apple isn't the best choice.
I had several issues with my appletv previously, it would disappear from itunes and also sometimes it would completely have to resync all content.

I threw away my old POS cheap $20 router I bought from fry's and bought a newer linksys router and my problems disappeared! so This makes me believe the router was the issue.
Basically, if you get your wireless network stable, the Apple TV issue with dropping from iTunes will just disappear.

If it was an interference problem, why is this problem also affecting users who have their systems wired instead of wireless?
If it was an interference problem, why is this problem also affecting users who have their systems wired instead of wireless?

And why did it only start for me after I upgraded from Tiger? When I was on Tiger, I had not a single dropout for a year. As soon as I upgraded, the dropouts began and have not stopped since.
Why is it NOT affecting other users period if it's an OS issue?

But this problem is affecting other users and its clearly not an OS-specific issue as its affecting different versions of OS X.

You'll probably see more evidence of it on the Apple discussion forums, but its been going on for a very long time now. One of the frustrating things with Apple TV is that it seems very sensitive to changes in any part of the end-to-end chain of connectivity from the Mac through to the ATV.

Often there will be no change to anything, it can be working for months and then it will lose its connection to iTunes. The only way to rectify it might be to disconnect and reconnect the library, or sometimes restore the device.

Every version of the ATV software has had similar problems or other issues, which have plagued certain users but not others.

I spent a lot of time troubleshooting a stuttering video issue on ATV last year. As part of that, when speaking with Apple, they recommended me moving to a wired solution and all-Apple hardware to assist with troubleshooting. I did this, had my ATV box replaced and still had some problems. But at some point they disappeared of their own accord. Was that due to an ATV update? A firmware update to the AEBS? OS X update? No idea.

My ATV was working fine for months. Even a couple of weeks of SL without problems, then it lost its connection following no change in any of the elements.

Look at the other issues on the ATV forums. There's been some problems that crop up from time to time which have been around since day 1. Like when it can't play a music or video file that 5 minutes ago it was playing just fine. A reboot is needed, but that problem has been around in every revision of the software.

Sorry, got a bit off track. The point I was trying to make was that some people seemed to think this issue was definitely due to wireless. I was just trying to point out that I've removed wireless from the equation and still occassionally had this problem, so its worth looking at other things as well. On the flip side of the coin, you may find that in your case it is due to wireless.

That's part of the problem with ATV, troubleshooting it can be a very time-consuming and frustrating process. Yes, there can be people with lots of different manufacturers kit involved from routers, switches, wireless cards etc, but once you start looking in to things, you'll also see people will all-Apple kit having similar problems.

I love the Apple TV when it works, but when it doesn't, its a real pita.
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