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Putting every time the Macbook in hibernation means writing 8/16gb of data (depending on your ram) on the SSD, don't know how healthy that might be. However, I just noticed that mine wakes up too when the lid is closed. From my other Macbook every hour I get a notification from Steam saying that the Macbook nTB is available for streaming, and one minute later that is not available anymore.

The default sleep mode is hibernation mode 3. In this mode, the MacBook keeps memory powered AND writes memory out to the SSD (or disk). Sleep in hibernation mode 0 powers memory but does not write memory out to disk and hibernation mode 25 just writes memory out to disk and does not power memory.
Well it seems that my fix isn't actually a fix.. I'm still getting battery drain while my 2016 MBP is sleeping. I had 12% drop after 24 hours but no wake events.. I updated to latest OSX beta last night and 9 hours of sleep had 5% drop. Again no wake events. It also seems that Apple got rid of standby in latest OSX beta which is odd. Prior to updating to OSX beta I saw "standby 1" when running "pmset -g" but now standby isn't listed. I had my doubts that standby (hibernation mode) was even activating because of my battery drain.
I still see "standby 1" listed when I run "pmset -g" and I am running macOS Sierra 10.12.3 beta 4.

Which MBP do you have? I have 2016 13'' non touch bar. So strange. How's your sleep battery life now?

$ pmset -g
System-wide power settings:
Currently in use:
hibernatemode 3
acwake 0
lidwake 1
halfdim 1
sleep 15
ttyskeepawake 0
disksleep 10
hibernatefile /var/vm/sleepimage
gpuswitch 2
displaysleep 8
Look at my signature!

$ pmset -g
System-wide power settings:
Currently in use:
standbydelay 10800
standby 1
womp 0
halfdim 1
hibernatefile /var/vm/sleepimage
powernap 0
gpuswitch 2
networkoversleep 0
disksleep 0
sleep 0
autopoweroffdelay 28800
hibernatemode 3
autopoweroff 1
ttyskeepawake 1
displaysleep 120
acwake 0
lidwake 1
Weird. I definitely didn't mess with those settings. Either way prior to updating to beta when I was on 10.12.2 I had this issue and saw "standby 1". No idea why battery still drains even when there's no wakes
Seems to be working now! I formatted and reinstalled 10.12.2. I see standby is activated if I check pmset. I have all my old programs installed, and I deleted those entries for enhanced notifications then rebooted (note: I deleted them instead of changing them, which is what Seny from that Apple thread did, not sure if this makes any difference though but I updated the OP to reflect this). Left it on overnight and it's still at 100%. Checked my pmset log and I see after 3 hours that its going into standby.

I'm wondering if something got messed up before with restoring from time machine back up. Clean install seems to have fixed it.

Really hoping that when 10.12.3 rolls around, standby doesn't get broken again. It's very strange that it disappeared completely from pmset after I updated to the beta.
Hm, I have to say that setting this solved my battery drain completely, hehe, now I even see it takes long to login to WiFi when I come somewhere - before it was much quicker as the laptop was looking around for wifi networks, with lid closed, since it tried to keep some TCP sessions up with keepalives.

ioreg -l | grep IOPlatformFeatureDefaults
    | | |   "IOPlatformFeatureDefaults" = {"TCPKeepAliveDuringSleep"=No,"DNDWhileDisplaySleeps"=Yes,"TCPKeepAliveExpirationTimeout"=43200,"NotificationWake"=No}
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Glad you found it helpful. I still get like 2% overnight drain but whatever. Good enough. Tired of worrying about this lol
No idea why battery still drains even when there's no wakes

RAM draws power in sleep mode, and the CPU and some other parts may draw a bit in order to be ready to restart quickly. It appears you use about .5 W in sleep mode, don't know if that's high for this model. In standby the RAM data is loaded onto the SSD and the RAM is powered down. Very little power should be drained after that.
yeah it seems that once it goes into standby, it doesn't draw much power.. The 2-3% draw happens within the 3 hours before standby when it is sleeping. Seems to be a bit more than .5W. I can live with this but hope Apple fixes it in the near future. Would be nice to have the same/better battery performance as my 2014 rMBP
yeah it seems that once it goes into standby, it doesn't draw much power.. The 2-3% draw happens within the 3 hours before standby when it is sleeping. Seems to be a bit more than .5W. I can live with this but hope Apple fixes it in the near future. Would be nice to have the same/better battery performance as my 2014 rMBP

Have you installed 10.12.3 yet, and did it overwrite your settings?
Have you installed 10.12.3 yet, and did it overwrite your settings?

Didn't realize it was out! I'll install now and will see how it goes. I tried the beta before but it screwed up standby so I reverted back. Hopefully they fixed that issue.

Honestly 2-3% overnight drain isn't a huge deal.. I can live with it. I just find it odd that this is happening and 2014 rMBP had no drain at all
Yep battery drain while sleeping seems fixed for me in 10.12.3 - 24 hours and still 100%. And looks like the fix is still in place.

$ ioreg -l | grep IOPlatformFeatureDefaults
    | | |   "IOPlatformFeatureDefaults" = {"DNDWhileDisplaySleeps"=Yes,"TCPKeepAliveDuringSleep"=No,"NotificationWake"=No}
In order to change this, first you have to turn off SIP. Boot into recovery mode (CMR+R) then "csrutil disable" (don't forget to enable again later). Then in Finder menu Go to folder "/System/Library/Extensions/IOPlatformPluginFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/X86PlatformPlugin.kext/Contents/Resources" Depending on which MBP you have, the file you have to edit is different. Run " ioreg -l | grep board-id" in terminal to figure out the correct file.

Thank you. I am having the same issue. Spent time on the phone with Apple support, who tried to convince me it was normal.

I tried to follow your instructions. A few issues:

It isn't clear to reboot after turning off SIP. I figured that part out.

I have no idea what I'm looking for when I try the command in Terminal. I get thousands of lines of text when I run " ioreg -l | grep board-id" Would you be so kind as to clarify what I should look for?

Thank you. I am having the same issue. Spent time on the phone with Apple support, who tried to convince me it was normal.

I tried to follow your instructions. A few issues:

It isn't clear to reboot after turning off SIP. I figured that part out.

I have no idea what I'm looking for when I try the command in Terminal. I get thousands of lines of text when I run " ioreg -l | grep board-id" Would you be so kind as to clarify what I should look for?


I don't have my macbook here at work but when you run the command you should see towards the top a line of text with letters and numbers which corresponds to a file in that folder
After making the modification my Energy Saver has changed with +1 extra slider and looks like this:

Screen Shot 2017-01-26 at 11.05.11.png

Is it normal? Also if the computer goes to sleep with lid open I cannot wake it up by pressing any key or with the trackpad. It only wakes up by pressing the power key. If the lid is closed then it automatically wakes up after opening it.
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@Mixolyd My problem is a lil bit the same with you, but it's more confusing me. 2 days ago, i used my rmbp 2015 as usual, and i turn on the bluetooth after sent some pictures via airdrop, then my usb cable is hanging on the right! The problem is.. I left my mac while the battery was around 80%, when i came back *after a view hours* i shocked!!! the temperature is heating up, it's like you can make scramble egg on it, than the battery is in 13%. Then, while i'm typing the password my mac is shutting down!! So, can you tell me what's going on in my mac?
Thankyou so much
should I change something ?

"IOPlatformFeatureDefaults" = {"TCPKeepAliveDuringSleep"=Yes,"DNDWhileDisplaySleeps"=No,"TCPKeepAliveExpirationTimeout"=43200,"NotificationWake"=Yes}

Terminal commands are unnecessary. DND can be enforced by following the instructions listed at the Apple KB article linked above.

In theory yes, but, as in my case, toggling DND settings does nothing. It will always remain in the bellow settings:

> <key>TCPKeepAliveDuringSleep</key>
> <true/>
> <key>TCPKeepAliveExpirationTimeout</key>
> <integer>43200</integer>
> <key>NotificationWake</key>
> <true/>
> <key>DNDWhileDisplaySleeps</key>

So, some macbooks DND settings must have been software locked by apple by unknown purposes.:cool: Maybe they are using some of our laptops for something at night?o_O
So updating to 10.12.4 reverted settings. Strange, I left my MBP sleeping overnight and in the morning it's still at 100%, so no drain, but pmset log shows wakes every hour or so and no deep sleep. It seems Apple made some changes to how this works. I really do not see what the benefit of this is at all, but at least the drain is no longer an issue.
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That's good. 100% now means a range of charge remaining that's actually several percent, so you may still be losing charge. You have to check the actual charge remaining to know now. But since you were getting below "100%" regularly before, it does seem likely the problem has been at least ameliorated.
Battery Health showed about 100 mAh drain over 8 hours. This comes out to a 2% drain actually. I'm going to disable it again to maximize battery life while sleeping.
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Well after disabling using the instructions in the OP, i can say that the drain seems to be about the same lol. Even when it's completely in deep sleep with no wakes for several hours, there's still like 2-3% drain overnight. Very weird. Seems there's no point in changing anything
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