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Im getting an error after i restore it Error (6).
My options were, uncheck activate, uncheck custom logos, keep installer beta and cydia
Im on a 3G too
Did pwnage ask you to locate the bootloader files?

Mine doesn't which is weird, it all completed and I have a valid restore file so I guess all is ok? Is that your experience too?

No bootloader files are used because there is no unlock, just jailbreak. That is for the 3G iPhone
Did pwnage ask you to locate the bootloader files?

Mine doesn't which is weird, it all completed and I have a valid restore file so I guess all is ok? Is that your experience too?

No it did not ask for bootloader files (at least when I did my 3g phone, it may be different on the 2g phone)
Can you tell me if the new Pwnage update allows you to unlock the 3G for any type of sim card.

Im in the uk where you can't buy one without a 1 and a half year contract, so Im thinking of buying one from new zealand and Pwnageing it, will that mean any type of pay as you go sim will work in it?
Oh I see, did you already have them downloaded and in the directory it liked? When I unlocked my 2G it did not ask for the files because it found them itself.

Yes they are all in the iTunes software restore folder.

I've just downloaded the .tgz pwnage instead of just incase.

Will have a crack at it now! :D
Good news. It seemed the third time and a different usb port worked. New firmware on and restoring my backup as we speak, which is a painfully slow process...
Be careful restoring from a backup when using going from a normal to pwned firmware image, it can create problems.
I'm not getting any signal when I "activate" the 3g phone. I am going to try to restore with a non-activation firmware. Could just be my phone, I'm getting it replaced tomorrow for bad signal strength.
My Lord is this restoring your backup taking forever!!! Here I am dieing to get to my phone and make sure all the feature are working yet it feels like it is restoring my backup from a 5 1/4 inch floppy!
when you guys dont get any signal are you doing advanced mode or simple mode?? i did advanced and i didnt get signal so i tried simple and it asked me if it needs to be activated. might wanna give that a try.

confirmed mine is working, went the simple route after the expert mode didn't get me any signal.
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