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does this work for windows? I have a JB 2.0 w/ Cydia and I'm wondering if all I need to do is the entire process again - backup again->build custom firmware->load cust firmware....not sure if this works for windows or not - thought winpwn was for windows and pwnage tool for mac

If you download a pwned restore file you can restore it through a pwned iTunes... I did this in Windows but the one I downloaded had no carrier information so I get no AT&T signal :)... oh well back to the stock firmware.. Unless I somehow can reactivate in iTunes but I think not.
got mine, but buggy

as mentioned previously

The update works excellent; however Installer keeps crashing and it's buggy. It keeps giving me much for the best app jk

Cidya ftw ATM


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i have iphone 1st gen.
new pwnage worked perfect for me, using tmobile...didnt install the new "Installer or Cymdia" tho...

Windows user already pwnd but stuck now

windows user, iphone 3g, winpwn 2.0, and itunes 7, firmware version they came out with at 3g launch, and not the latest.

Hey, I have my phone pwnd already but i added some app/themes that i can't get rid of (a real girly wallpaper and slider) I need something a little more manlier. Not that theres anything wrong with that (lol). But i can't find what app it is. How can i figure this out? As i have uninstalled winterboard, customize and most of the the other 3rd party apps i added and still no luck.

I am thinkiing of just repwning with the version (bc new windows version not ready for itunes 7.7 and new firmware correct?) and my problem is that when i first pwned the phone it didn't back it up and i had to readd all contacts, music/video/photos and apps and that was a real pain. Does anyone know if this is the best option and how can i make sure it backs up all my info on there if i do.

thanks, windows user not but considering strongly going to a mac.

Windows user already pwnd but stuck now

windows user, iphone 3g, winpwn 2.0, and itunes 7, firmware version they came out with at 3g launch, and not the latest.

Hey, I have my phone pwnd already but i added some app/themes that i can't get rid of (a real girly wallpaper and slider) I need something a little more manlier. Not that theres anything wrong with that (lol). But i can't find what app it is. How can i figure this out? As i have uninstalled winterboard, customize and most of the the other 3rd party apps i added and still no luck.

I am thinkiing of just repwning with the version (bc new windows version not ready for itunes 7.7 and new firmware correct?) and my problem is that when i first pwned the phone it didn't back it up and i had to readd all contacts, music/video/photos and apps and that was a real pain. Does anyone know if this is the best option and how can i make sure it backs up all my info on there if i do.

thanks, windows user not but considering strongly going to a mac.

I repeatedly get a frozen phone after installing something from Cydia. Says the download is complete but it just hangs. I have to hold both buttons down to get out of it then wait forever for the phone to work again (shows Pineapple for a LONG time).

This just happened again installing BossPrefs. Very very tedious process.
It's restoring fine right now, I am speaking of the error on the custom firmware that iTunes gave. I might try again in the morning.

The phone must be in dfu mode AND you must hold down the alt/option key when you press "restore" so you can navigate to your custom .ipsw.
I installed and everything works fine but now when i connect to itunes it always wants to set the damn thing up as a new phone even if i've already restored from an old backup. WTF.

I'm having this problem, too. I'm sure it's a simple fix. Anybody?
The phone must be in dfu mode AND you must hold down the alt/option key when you press "restore" so you can navigate to your custom .ipsw.

Thank you my friend. Your a tad late but help is always appeciated. A new build image & used USB port seemed to do the trick.

I am also happy to announce Netshare is installed and working. Very happy about this. Honestly, this was 90% why I wished to jailbreak and after no longer being able to find 3proxy in Cydia I was very disappointed.

Things are rather stable for me, just a minor iTunes issue and of course Installer is a bit unstable but what can one expect it seems to be a rushed beta.
Cydia is constantly freezing on me. Freezing the whole phone to where I can't get out of anything. This just happened again loading Customize. I have to reboot and now I have the Pineapple which will just sit there for an hour till I restore the phone again. Been at this for hours. Same thing.
Me too-just back up once from your back-up, then when that finishes, set-up as a new phone-all will be well.

I got no WI-FI now though :(

Thanks. I was hesitant to do that, thinking it would erase my contacts, SMS's, calendar info, etc. But it worked like a charm. Sorry to hear about your lack of Wi-Fi though. Think it's related to this update?
Just noticed your post above. I'm on a 2g and my Wi-Fi was unaffected by this update.

ARGGHH-I am currently restoring to Apple 2.01-I have to have Wi-Fi for this thing. I really jailbroke for the tethering application (can't remember the name, Netshare?) but at this point I need Wi-Fi more than tethering...:mad:
What about visual voice mail

I forgot to mention that Visual Voice mail didn't seem to work when pwned. When the 3G was pwned and I chose voice mail-it dialed into the system. Weird-Anyone else notice this? I like the fact that I don't have to waste air time with VVM. :confused:
Lavrishevo - Could you say which instructions you used successfully to get Netshare in there? That's what I'm going to tackle next. (Though so far I can't even get a theme running so I'm not hopeful).
Lavrishevo - Could you say which instructions you used successfully to get Netshare in there? That's what I'm going to tackle next. (Though so far I can't even get a theme running so I'm not hopeful).

Ditto. The install and update went through without a hitch, but my Installer app seems to have a painfully minuscule number of apps, none of which are particularly enticing. No Netshare. I'm happy to manually install sources, but I don't know where to find the proper URLs to put in. Is anybody else having this problem?
Once I stopped using The Unarchiver to unpack the .tbz I was fine. Apparently it "corrupts" things and makes Cydia crash upon launch. Once I unpacked using the command-line things have been excellent.
Lavrishevo - Could you say which instructions you used successfully to get Netshare in there? That's what I'm going to tackle next. (Though so far I can't even get a theme running so I'm not hopeful).

Instructions for an Intel Mac.

Install SSH throgh Cydia and follow the instructions via terminal. They are a little vague but basically you will need a wireless network for this to work. Start the ssh process via terminal on your mac and let it generate the key. It will take a min or two.

Download and install Cyberduck. Add a new connection called SFTP (SSH) and input the tcip address root as the username and alpine as the password.

Cyberduck will allow you to browse the file system. Then all you do is navigate to the root of the iphone and copy the in the applications folder.

If for some reason Netshare does not start properly after a reboot use terminal in OSX to do this:

Copied from the other thread:

"Using an SFTP application (I use Cyberduck), drag the folder from the desktop into the iPhone's /Applications folder.

Open a terminal window, and open an SSH session with the iPhone:

$ ssh root@

(replace the IP address above with your iPhone's IP Wi-Fi address.) The default root login password is "alpine".

Next, go to the folder:

# cd /Applications/

and change the access file mask of the main application file:

# chmod 755 NetShare

Reboot (or re-spring if you know how) your iPhone.

You're done!"


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