Lavrishevo - Could you say which instructions you used successfully to get Netshare in there? That's what I'm going to tackle next. (Though so far I can't even get a theme running so I'm not hopeful).
Instructions for an Intel Mac.
Install SSH throgh Cydia and follow the instructions via terminal. They are a little vague but basically you will need a wireless network for this to work. Start the ssh process via terminal on your mac and let it generate the key. It will take a min or two.
Download and install Cyberduck. Add a new connection called SFTP (SSH) and input the tcip address
root as the username and
alpine as the password.
Cyberduck will allow you to browse the file system. Then all you do is navigate to the root of the iphone and copy the in the applications folder.
If for some reason Netshare does not start properly after a reboot use terminal in OSX to do this:
Copied from the other thread:
"Using an SFTP application (I use Cyberduck), drag the folder from the desktop into the iPhone's /Applications folder.
Open a terminal window, and open an SSH session with the iPhone:
$ ssh root@
(replace the IP address above with your iPhone's IP Wi-Fi address.) The default root login password is "alpine".
Next, go to the folder:
# cd /Applications/
and change the access file mask of the main application file:
# chmod 755 NetShare
Reboot (or re-spring if you know how) your iPhone.
You're done!"