First foray into Jailbreaking / Unlocking yesterday. Had a 1.1.1 phone which I believe was unlocked with iPhoneSimFree. I backup all of my stuff and didn't care what I lost.
1) Downloaded and updated iPhone firware to 2.0.2(5C1)
2) Used PwnageTool (for MAC) to create custom IPSW
3) Restored the IPSW using the option-click --> restore trick.
At this point everything is working fine - except the actual PHONE sreen. I can receive calls. I can make calls using the contacts app. Cannot end those calls without rebooting the phone.
The phone app (including favorites, recents, contacts, dialer) is just dead. When I press the phone button - a dialer screen comes up - but with no "call" text on the green call button and no text on the dock functions. Whether I press anything or not - the app just dies after 5 seconds and goes back the home screen. HELP!!!
So far this is the only problem I have with 2.0.2(5C1)/Pwnage2.0.3.1, but it is a big one
Should I try this restore again of 2.0.2?
Is it possible to download 2.0.1 iPhone firmware somewhere and rebuild it? ** FOUND IT - firmware:,1_2.0.1_5B108_Restore.ipsw
I guess I might try Pwnage 2.0.2 w/ Apple Firmware 2.0.1_5B108 soon - if nobody else is having this problem and found a solution...