I looked on the dev teams blog - and it has a lot of people with the same issues.
Does anyone know how to contact them?
I've been jumping between a few sites, while keeping an eye on the Dev-Team site... Seems MuscleNerd is lurking and helping a few people out here and there, (so they are reading the comments), but this is the one question he hasn't helped out with.
Is there any ditrect way to contact the dev team? or a forum or post that has a running contact with the dev team? From what i can see, this could be the only issue outstanding now...
More and More people are having this issue, and ALL on MB and MBP's.
Right, I'm pretty sure this is a code issue on behalf of the Dev Team.
I'd advise everyone to not get angry about this, these kinds of things happen and I'm sure the Dev Team will fix it pretty sharpish. We'll all just have to live with our 1.1.4 and jailed iPhones for the time being.![]()
Totally agree!I'd advise everyone to not get angry about this, these kinds of things happen and I'm sure the Dev Team will fix it pretty sharpish.
delete both the caches folders in user and main library
clear trash
start pwnage!
delete both the caches folders in user and main library
clear trash
start pwnage!
Nope.. No Dice
Damn!! I thought that might of done it as well!
I thought I'd try to start it up again, and it worked.
I've changed absolutely nothing since the first time I tried.
No resets, no closing of any applications??
Christ, that's odd.
So I've been up all night (it's 7am here, I got the app at 11:30pm) trying to get the same thing to launch and it turns out it's only 'cause it's temperamental. Brilliant.![]()