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same issue

I have 2 macbooks - both are doing the bouncing pwnage tool thing

1. black mb core duo 2gb/250gb-hd
-xcode installed, lots of programs on it

2. white mb core 2 duo 1gb/80gb-hd
wifes book - almost nothing installed besides office2008
I have the Dev Tools installed and was thinking about running Pwnage through debugger until I realised it wouldn't work 'cause it's not even launching.

I've dug around the app contents and had a look at the hex but there's nothing glaring at me.
I don't think this issue has an easy fix by anyone apart from the Dev team (unless we all note every application we are running on our computers, and what background processes we are running) I mean some of us can try and reinstall 10.5.. but thats a lot of work to upgrade an iPhone.

Has anyone else looked into this issue?
I looked on the dev teams blog - and it has a lot of people with the same issues.

Does anyone know how to contact them?
I looked on the dev teams blog - and it has a lot of people with the same issues.

Does anyone know how to contact them?

I've been jumping between a few sites, while keeping an eye on the Dev-Team site... Seems MuscleNerd is lurking and helping a few people out here and there, (so they are reading the comments), but this is the one question he hasn't helped out with.
I've been jumping between a few sites, while keeping an eye on the Dev-Team site... Seems MuscleNerd is lurking and helping a few people out here and there, (so they are reading the comments), but this is the one question he hasn't helped out with.

Interesting... It does seem more widespread then I thought! More and More people are having this issue, and ALL on MB and MBP's. Is there any ditrect way to contact the dev team? or a forum or post that has a running contact with the dev team? From what i can see, this could be the only issue outstanding now...
Is there any ditrect way to contact the dev team? or a forum or post that has a running contact with the dev team? From what i can see, this could be the only issue outstanding now...

From their wiki site:

You can find us on the hackint0sh IRC network at irc://

i don't have, or do, irc... so I'm out... anyone else wanna try?

Hey, maybe everyone should post the version of OS X they're using.

Here are my specs

MBP 10.5.4
2.4 c2d
Xcode installed
More and More people are having this issue, and ALL on MB and MBP's.

some one called leebo just said it happend on their iMac

specs: iMac 20" 2.4ghz Intel core 2 duo with 3gb ram and 7.7 Itunes

This could be bad news.

Edit: Seems there are more iMacs now behaving this way.
Right, I'm pretty sure this is a code issue on behalf of the Dev Team.

I'd advise everyone to not get angry about this, these kinds of things happen and I'm sure the Dev Team will fix it pretty sharpish. We'll all just have to live with our 1.1.4 and jailed iPhones for the time being. :D
Right, I'm pretty sure this is a code issue on behalf of the Dev Team.

I'd advise everyone to not get angry about this, these kinds of things happen and I'm sure the Dev Team will fix it pretty sharpish. We'll all just have to live with our 1.1.4 and jailed iPhones for the time being. :D

... Or head over to that mate's house we all have and ask to borrow his BRAND new mac to use for a couple of hours!
I'd advise everyone to not get angry about this, these kinds of things happen and I'm sure the Dev Team will fix it pretty sharpish.
Totally agree!

Personally, I got caught up in the mystery of it! I jailbroke my iPod no more than 30 minutes after the tool was released. Very happy with it, in fact.

I got bored syncing everything back, so I monitored the sites... and saw this and thought, "Wonder why that is? It worked perfectly on my MBP?" Really just trying to help figure it out.

Was kinda fun!

So, all that being said... Any thoughts on what the code issue might be?
delete both the caches folders in user and main library

clear trash


start pwnage!

I thought I'd try to start it up again, and it worked.
I've changed absolutely nothing since the first time I tried.
Not the entire Cache folders, just those for the PwnageTool. However, I just tried it and it didn't work.

On the code issue, I have a feeling it has something to do with the Sparkle framework used by Pwnage: whenever I try to launch Pwnage, Activity Monitor and top in Terminal report at least three processes named update, which is attributed to Sparkle, if I'm not mistaken.

When I force quit Pwnage, I'm left with only one instance of update which suggests that Pwnage is calling up Sparkle more times than it needs to. I'll try messing around with the app a bit more and playing around with whatever processes I'm running in case it's a process conflict that's causing Pwnage to fail to launch.
sorry it didn't work for you, worked for someone's both macbook and macbook pro so i thought id share, isn't working for me right now either .. :/
No resets, no closing of any applications??

Nope, not at all.

I left my macbook for alone for a few hours, got back, saw I still had this thread open... so I tried again, and it popped up within a few seconds of launching the application.

I must've tried launching it a hundred times earlier, and it never worked. 'til now.
Christ, that's odd.

So I've been up all night (it's 7am here, I got the app at 11:30pm) trying to get the same thing to launch and it turns out it's only 'cause it's temperamental. Brilliant. :p
Christ, that's odd.

So I've been up all night (it's 7am here, I got the app at 11:30pm) trying to get the same thing to launch and it turns out it's only 'cause it's temperamental. Brilliant. :p

I would hope it aint just that.. for your sake!
It would be nice if we could speak to a member of the Dev team about this... It just seems really odd that it is working on most, but not on others!!

Interesting it 'just' started working though....
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