any idea if its possible to have someone with a mac make a custom firmware and then upload it for the windows user?
... just one more thing, does iTunes 8.0 need to be pwned cuz obviously i cant do that without a mac for now or can we just use shift + restore and then chose the custom firmware?
You should be able to use the shift+restore trick. They said they didn't need to release a patch.
I want to jailbreak as well (for the first time)...but am unsure...what's the shift+restore trick?
Anyway, if anyone jailbreaks 2.1 w/ iTunes 8 tell me how it goes and if I have to do anything extra. Thanks![]()
You hold down shift, or option on a Mac, and then click on the Restore button. It lets you select which firmware you want to use.
just wait for a nice mac user to upload his custom firmware so we can use it on vista![]()
nope its .dmg which is mac only
Couple Questions:
1. For those who are receiving it using Pwnage Tool or QuickPwn? It makes a difference, and I think we need to be specific in order to provide correct information for those getting ready to do this.
2. For those who have successfully updated, are there any issues with the following apps
a. Categories
b. 5 icon Dock
3. As stated above does the "Mobileframwork" patch still work?
I've downloaded and tried to run updating from 2.0 with no luck I just receive errors. Looks like a buggy release to me. Wish I hadn't updated iTunes on both my macs, maybe it's a problem with iTunes 8.0.
I can confirm that 5 icon dock works in 2.1 Never used Categories and have tried to stick away from the patch because I found too many issues with it.
Im trying now... but i updated to normal 2,1 forst now im getting this.