Doesn't appear that MobileInstallationis working
Doesn't appear that MobileInstallationis working
agreed, my phone wouldnt even reboot after i added it
um... is there a link to one anywhere?I think that happens if you use patched 2.0.x file, use patched 2.1 MobileInstallation.
I hold power + home buttons until thelogo appears, then release the power button. Then the phone goes to the screen with the iTunes and USB icons. Then iTunes opens and says the phone needs to be restored. I hold option and click restore, then select my custom ipsw. Then error 6 pops up and the iphone stays stuck on the
Wait, what's this? What's mobile installation :S?
Allows you to run unsigned .ipa files on your iPhone. Google it and you will find instructions for how to install, only for jailbroken phones obviously.
omg dude u are right. I just uninstall bite SMS , and all the apps work now. I even have couple more like boss preff. Open ssh etc
It appears that bite SMS is causing the app crash
Stay away from it!!
the new mobileinstallation doesn't work for me. going to start from scratch again.
I see no way to pre-load apps like Open SSH via pwnage expert mode anymore. Doesn't work for me. Basically, I'm having issues.
Thanks for sharing. I'm able to see the home screen once again. But when I launch the "patched app", it says cannot be opened.
Any clues?