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I'm holding still to pull the trigger.
Sorry for dumb questions, but I'm new to this:
I'm running JB 1.1.4 (4A102) firmware on 2G iPhone 16GB, running OSX Leopard 10.5.4 on iBook G4 and Tiger 10.4.9 on PowerBook.
1. How do i upgrade to 2.1? Do I upgrade 1.1.4 to 2.0, and then 2.0 to 2.1 or
I upgrade straight 1.1.4 straight to 2.1?
2. Also as I havn't got a contract with AT&T (using my own sim on another network provider) i won't be able to activate my iphone over iTunes. Will the Pwnage tool activate it for me?
3. Do I upgrade with iTunes 7 or iTunes 8?
4. Also Do I upgrade to 2.1 using iTunes (7,8?), and then use Pwnage tool or
upgrade straight with pwnage tool.
Thanks for your help
I am having the same problem with Pwnage tool. The phone is in DFU mode and it will not allow me to upgrade to the pwned 2.1 image. It did not work in non DFU mode either. Error 6 is given upon image extraction.

I am back to the default 2.1 image for now. Will try again later with QuickPwn but for now user be warned it may not work for you.
Update: QuickPwn 1.1 worked fine. Unsure why Pwnage tool would not work for me.

Edit: Thanks for the MI link. I was about to go hunting. :)
I hold power + home buttons until the :apple: logo appears, then release the power button. Then the phone goes to the screen with the iTunes and USB icons. Then iTunes opens and says the phone needs to be restored. I hold option and click restore, then select my custom ipsw. Then error 6 pops up and the iphone stays stuck on the :apple: screen. HELP HELP HELP.

You're not in DFU mode if you're seeing the USB logo on the screen. To go into DFU, turn the phone off and hook to the computer. Start iTunes, it shouldn't find your phone because its off. Open up a clock that shows you the seconds because timing is important. Note that the iPhone screen will be dark throughout this entire process. Hold Home + Power for exactly 10 seconds (using the clock on your computer screen) then release the power button but keep the Home button still pressed. In another 10 seconds the phone will go into DFU mode and you should hear the computer recognize it (screen is still dark), release the Home button. iTunes will then tell you that it has detected a device in Restore mode, and you can proceed to install the firmware.
I can never remember. are you sposed to lose all your cydia apps when you update via PwnageTool? Cause i always do. But i don't know how not to. :)

But man, respect to the fleet foxes at iphonedevteam. Works great otherwise.
Hi, Folks!

Just as an interesting data point, my first attempt at using Mac QuickPwn (w/Apple logos) on a 1st gen 8GB iPhone running V2.1 failed (ALoD). This phone had previously had 91 apps loaded onto it. I then did a DFU restore of V2.1 with no syncs onto that same device, and then immediately re-ran QuickPwn. It worked perfectly. I then selected restore from backup (these are clean V2.1 backup files, since I started V2.1 from a DFU restore w/o backups), which ran fine, and the device is now resyncing with all my apps and media.

EDIT: I do not run the MobileInstallation crack, so don't ask. Hacking's fun, but theft isn't my bag.

How to install cracked apps in iPhone 3G FW 2.1 ?

hi all, I was running cracked .iap's successfully on my iPhone 3G 2.0.2 firmware till I upgraded to 2.1.

Went through the normal process again (ie. creating 'Documents' folders, setting 777 permissions, putting up a patched MobileInstallation (775) file in its right place, rebooting etc...) however, none of the installed apps (AppStore & cracked) seem to work.

Whenever I open an app it just quits to Springboard within 2 seconds. I tried putting the new 2.1 MobileInstallation file from the post above as well but nothing works.

Could someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong ?

Wont be able to sleep tonight.... :(


I just found out that the apps installed through iTunes crash not because of the MobileInstallation file. I made a complete reformat on my iPhone, installed a couple of AppStore apps, they worked fine. Right after this I installed biteSMS from Cydia, came back to Springboard and discovered that all the AppStore apps are crashing. Does this have something to do with Cydia or the new jailbreak ??
Hi, Gang!

After reinstalling the 91 apps on my 8GB 1st gen phone, everything works perfectly! I ran Cydia, downloaded SSH, and it runs great, along with my app store apps. In addition, WiFi's fine, as is email.

Next step: repeating the same process with my 16GB iPhone 3G!

EDIT: First pass is exactly the same; QuickPwn failed with an ALoD. No sweat, I'm doing a clean DFU restore now, and then will re-run QuickPWN.

SECOND EDIT: Yup, it works the same. I DFU restored the iPhone 3G back to stock V2.1, and then reran QuickPwn successfully. As with my iPhone 1G, I'm now doing a restore from backup onto the iPhone 3G.

Have Fun!
omg bite SMS burn in hell

omg dude u are right. I just uninstall bite SMS , and all the apps work now. I even have couple more like boss preff. Open ssh etc

It appears that bite SMS is causing the app crash

Stay away from it!!
omg dude u are right. I just uninstall bite SMS , and all the apps work now. I even have couple more like boss preff. Open ssh etc

It appears that bite SMS is causing the app crash

Stay away from it!!

Yes, confirmed : biteSMS is the snitch...

*hysteric cry like Homer Simpson* :(

Why biteSMS of all...! I love it to pieces !!
the new mobileinstallation doesn't work for me. going to start from scratch again.

I see no way to pre-load apps like Open SSH via pwnage expert mode anymore. Doesn't work for me. Basically, I'm having issues.
the new mobileinstallation doesn't work for me. going to start from scratch again.

I see no way to pre-load apps like Open SSH via pwnage expert mode anymore. Doesn't work for me. Basically, I'm having issues.

What's the problem ? I used pwnage tool to JB my iPhone 3G and used this MI to install cracked apps.. everything went smoothly till biteSMS started causing rattles.. :mad:

otherwise things look okay..
Thanks for sharing. I'm able to see the home screen once again. But when I launch the "patched app", it says cannot be opened.

Any clues?

Did you set all the folder permissions, etc? Its more than just replacing the file on your phone.
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