Please Help, What other files do you have to set the permissions for I cannot find anything on google for the 2.1 setup, on 2.0.2 all I had to do is install the MobileInstallation file and set permissions for that. note(I did use the new file and set it to 775) The apps install but wont launch.
I just get the "The application "pick your fav app" cannot be opened"
Some Help would be great
I also get this error
These are the instructions I've followed:
1) SSH into your phone, navigate to the folder: "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileInstallation.framework"
NOTE: MobileInstallation.framework is a FOLDER!
2) Backup the file "MobileFramework" from the directory above.
NOTE: Rename it to MobileFramework.bak (keep it safe)
3) n/a
4) Copy the patched (2.1) MobileFramework file into the "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileInstallation.framework"
NOTE: MobileInstallation.framework is a FOLDER!
5) Set permissions to that new file to 775
6) Navigate to "/private/var/mobile/"
7) Set permissions to the folder "Applications" to 777
NOTE: make sure reclusive is checked (meaning it sets all files within the folder to 777)
8) Navigate into the "/private/var/mobile/applications/ folder
9) Create a "Documents" folder in the "/private/var/mobile/applications/" folder.
10) Set the permission to 777
11) Navigate to the root level.
12) Navigate into the "/applications/" folder.
13) Create a "Documents" folder in the "/applications/" folder. Set permission to 777
12) Reboot your iPhone - IMPORTANT! Otherwise Apps will not install!
13) Restart iTunes
14) Download one OFFICIAL App from the app store, if you haven't already.
tip: it can be a free app are fine. Just needs to be an OFFICIAL App.