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i never had a problem with ziphone..... what was up with it....

From what I remember..ziphone was a compilation of codes he took from other people that weren't vetted or tested properly. Something like that...anyways, I had all sorts of problems with my wifi not to mention stability problems. He released a patch for the wifi problem and instead of actually fixing the issue, he just assigned a static ip address. thats what I remember. The whole program was nothing but bad news (at least for me anyways)
From what I remember..ziphone was a compilation of codes he took from other people that weren't vetted or tested properly. Something like that...anyways, I had all sorts of problems with my wifi not to mention stability problems. He released a patch for the wifi problem and instead of actually fixing the issue, he just assigned a static ip address. thats what I remember. The whole program was nothing but bad news (at least for me anyways)

I had no problems back in the 1.1 days, but pwnage works great for 2.1!

Just upgraded my 2.0.1 phones (4 Gig main and an 8 Gig backup).

No problems.

I'm hearing anyways that going from 2.0 to 2.1 doesn't even affect the baseband. When pwning them, I saw that Bootneuter ran and said it was already unlocked. :eek:

I guess since all the new phones must be activated when leaving the store, and AT&T and Apple get money anyways, they really are less caring about unlockers. :)
I had no problems back in the 1.1 days, but pwnage works great for 2.1!

Just upgraded my 2.0.1 phones (4 Gig main and an 8 Gig backup).

No problems.

I'm hearing anyways that going from 2.0 to 2.1 doesn't even affect the baseband. When pwning them, I saw that Bootneuter ran and said it was already unlocked. :eek:

I guess since all the new phones must be activated when leaving the store, and AT&T and Apple get money anyways, they really are less caring about unlockers. :)

Pwnage is definitely the way to go. I would of tried the pwnage tool with 2.1, but I had already spent all this time putting all my data back on it. I didnt want to have to redo the process so I stuck with quickpwn. either way, Ive never had issues with either. (keeping fingers crossed)
known_hosts is just a text file with a really easy to read format of an ip:key pair per line. If you desire, instead of deleting the file entirely you can open it up and only delete the ip:key pair for your iphone. This will retain the ssh keys from any other systems you may use for ssh preventing the need to regenerate additional keys.

Thanks, I opened it up in Text Editor and it was a jumbled way to find the key. Since I don't SSH into anything else, I figured it was safe to delete. Is there another editor that I could have opened it with to see the ip:key pair per line?
pwnage works perfectly with the new intunes. it took me a time or 2 to realize that what was messing me up was my backup.also, you need to make sure you have the UPDATED 2.1 mobile installation file when you try to load ipa's. if you have all your ducks in a row, you wont have any issues.

i'm sorry but i'm quite a newbie to this though I've jailbroken my phone twice already as pwnage tool is just too easy to use..this time round I tried to do exactly that same as per the guide but am encountering problems..I have no idea what are the mobile installation files..what must I do differently this time round?
Just Pwnaged my iPhone 3G, no problems expect the first time I retried to restore it in iTunes an error came up (2001 something...). I just put it back into DFU mode and restored it no problem. Seems to be working 100% :D
i just used quickpwn 2.1
how long is my iphone's screen supposed to be white for after transferring the files?
i am getting nervious as nothing seems to be happening but i dont want to touch anything
how long should i wait?

PS the screen just went black should i do something?
Quite possibly my favorite Cydia application biteSMS is making the Springboard freak out. You will be unable to use ANY AppStore Apps with biteSMS installed. There is a Terminal workaround but you're best off just waiting til tomorrow?!
Quite possibly my favorite Cydia application biteSMS is making the Springboard freak out. You will be unable to use ANY AppStore Apps with biteSMS installed. There is a Terminal workaround but you're best off just waiting til tomorrow?!

Thanks for the info, hopefully they'll fix it soon.
And I can't wait for WinPwn! I want it...
Please Help, What other files do you have to set the permissions for I cannot find anything on google for the 2.1 setup, on 2.0.2 all I had to do is install the MobileInstallation file and set permissions for that. note(I did use the new file and set it to 775) The apps install but wont launch.

I just get the "The application "pick your fav app" cannot be opened"

Some Help would be great


I also get this error

Having the same problem...........any solve the problem or need to wait the new mobileinstallation?????

Finally solved my problem with error 6, 1600 and 2001 trying to restore a custom firmware..I just switched USB port from the right on my MBP to the one on the left and VIOLA!
I met a really strange problem after upgrading to 2.1 by QuickPwn.

I used jailbroken 2.0 before and I just need to transfer my apps through WinSCP and everything worked fine.
Today I used Itunes update my Ipod to non-jailbroken 2.1 and use QuickPwn. Everything is perfect until I try to put back my apps. They are not even show up in SpringBoard after respring.
I tried the second way by using moded MobileInstallation and Itunes, all my apps work flawlessly.
I tried everything but my apps still refuse to show up in SpringBoard by using WinSCP even I rebooted, set permission to 755 or 775 and 777.
Do you think it is a serious problem ?
Hi guys,

I've just updated to 2.1 using the latest pwnage tool. I've had no problems with this during the process. I was originally running 2.0.1, unlocked and jailbroken on Orange UK. Everything seems to be fine now and I've had no problems with the custom firmware that the latest pwnage tool built.

I just followed the instructions from iclarified exactly to the letter and all seems good.
Say goodbye to 2.0

Yeah 2.1


  • ipoo.png
    92.9 KB · Views: 75
Please Help, What other files do you have to set the permissions for I cannot find anything on google for the 2.1 setup, on 2.0.2 all I had to do is install the MobileInstallation file and set permissions for that. note(I did use the new file and set it to 775) The apps install but wont launch.

I just get the "The application "pick your fav app" cannot be opened"

Some Help would be great


I also get this error

These are the instructions I've followed:

1) SSH into your phone, navigate to the folder: "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileInstallation.framework"
NOTE: MobileInstallation.framework is a FOLDER!
2) Backup the file "MobileFramework" from the directory above.
NOTE: Rename it to MobileFramework.bak (keep it safe)
3) n/a
4) Copy the patched (2.1) MobileFramework file into the "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileInstallation.framework"
NOTE: MobileInstallation.framework is a FOLDER!
5) Set permissions to that new file to 775
6) Navigate to "/private/var/mobile/"
7) Set permissions to the folder "Applications" to 777
NOTE: make sure reclusive is checked (meaning it sets all files within the folder to 777)
8) Navigate into the "/private/var/mobile/applications/ folder
9) Create a "Documents" folder in the "/private/var/mobile/applications/" folder.
10) Set the permission to 777
11) Navigate to the root level.
12) Navigate into the "/applications/" folder.
13) Create a "Documents" folder in the "/applications/" folder. Set permission to 777
12) Reboot your iPhone - IMPORTANT! Otherwise Apps will not install!
13) Restart iTunes
14) Download one OFFICIAL App from the app store, if you haven't already.
tip: it can be a free app are fine. Just needs to be an OFFICIAL App.
These are the instructions I've followed:

1) SSH into your phone, navigate to the folder: "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileInstallation.framework"
NOTE: MobileInstallation.framework is a FOLDER!
2) Backup the file "MobileFramework" from the directory above.
NOTE: Rename it to MobileFramework.bak (keep it safe)
3) n/a
4) Copy the patched (2.1) MobileFramework file into the "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileInstallation.framework"
NOTE: MobileInstallation.framework is a FOLDER!
5) Set permissions to that new file to 775
6) Navigate to "/private/var/mobile/"
7) Set permissions to the folder "Applications" to 777
NOTE: make sure reclusive is checked (meaning it sets all files within the folder to 777)
8) Navigate into the "/private/var/mobile/applications/ folder
9) Create a "Documents" folder in the "/private/var/mobile/applications/" folder.
10) Set the permission to 777
11) Navigate to the root level.
12) Navigate into the "/applications/" folder.
13) Create a "Documents" folder in the "/applications/" folder. Set permission to 777
12) Reboot your iPhone - IMPORTANT! Otherwise Apps will not install!
13) Restart iTunes
14) Download one OFFICIAL App from the app store, if you haven't already.
tip: it can be a free app are fine. Just needs to be an OFFICIAL App.

THANKYOU very much that is work for me.....
Thanks, I opened it up in Text Editor and it was a jumbled way to find the key. Since I don't SSH into anything else, I figured it was safe to delete. Is there another editor that I could have opened it with to see the ip:key pair per line?

The error message tells you the specific line that's causing the problem. In the example given before:

Last login: Sat Sep 13 19:50:22 on ttys000
Daniels-MBP:~ lavrishevo$ ssh root@
Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!
It is also possible that the RSA host key has just been changed.
The fingerprint for the RSA key sent by the remote host is
(site key here).
Please contact your system administrator.
Add correct host key in /Users/lavrishevo/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message.
[b]Offending key in /Users/lavrishevo/.ssh/known_hosts:4[/b]
RSA host key for has changed and you have requested strict checking.
Host key verification failed.
Daniels-MBP:~ lavrishevo$

It's line 4 that you need to delete. Each entry is only one line, despite being very long and wrapping in your editor, so you should be able to just hit the down arrow 3 times (you're string on line 1) and then delete the line it's on. If you're using vi on a Mac or linux system just press escape to go into command mode and then type ':4' and press return, then 'dd' and then ':wq'.
Just a quick question....I used the pwnage tool to JB my 2.0 and when I did so I had to download two files to create the custom firmware. I have searched the dev teams website for the link for those files but i can't find them. Do you still have to do that for 2.1? or is it different?

plug ur phone in and click update and download only so u download the 2.1 FW and update to the latest pwnage tool how ever u want (direct link, torrent or through the updater)
These are the instructions I've followed:

1) SSH into your phone, navigate to the folder: "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileInstallation.framework"
NOTE: MobileInstallation.framework is a FOLDER!
2) Backup the file "MobileFramework" from the directory above.
NOTE: Rename it to MobileFramework.bak (keep it safe)
3) n/a
4) Copy the patched (2.1) MobileFramework file into the "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileInstallation.framework"
NOTE: MobileInstallation.framework is a FOLDER!
5) Set permissions to that new file to 775
6) Navigate to "/private/var/mobile/"
7) Set permissions to the folder "Applications" to 777
NOTE: make sure reclusive is checked (meaning it sets all files within the folder to 777)
8) Navigate into the "/private/var/mobile/applications/ folder
9) Create a "Documents" folder in the "/private/var/mobile/applications/" folder.
10) Set the permission to 777
11) Navigate to the root level.
12) Navigate into the "/applications/" folder.
13) Create a "Documents" folder in the "/applications/" folder. Set permission to 777

12) Reboot your iPhone - IMPORTANT! Otherwise Apps will not install!
13) Restart iTunes
14) Download one OFFICIAL App from the app store, if you haven't already.
tip: it can be a free app are fine. Just needs to be an OFFICIAL App.

Am I the only person that doesn't have to do this?:eek:
Ok so I currently have a jailbroken iphone 3g 2.0.2 and want to update to the 2.1 firmware but I have a quick question

Can i restore my data from a previous jailbroken backup after I restore to the 2.1 firmware.. Since this will wipe my phone?.. I'm mostly interested in backing up my SMs, Notes, Email Configuration.. Will that be a problem?
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