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I used QuickPwn to JB my 3G on my Mac and it worked great (even kept all my old files and settings) but when I tried to sync it against my Windows laptop (that it was normally synced with) it just kept rebooting. iTunes 8 on both sides.

I'm doing a normal restore now; I guess I'll wait a day or two for updates before trying again.

Edited to add: I tried again using a custom firmware built with PwnageTool and tried to restore using iTunes on Windows but it gave me Error 6 and failed.
I used the quickpwn and it worked great. It gave me the option to use the custom boot/restore logos or default ones. I actually chose to keep the default ones. Yesterday I restored my iphone to factory default, then upgraded to firmware 2.1. Today I downloaded quickpwn and pwnage. Since I had already put all my contacts, music, and videos on the phone- I decided to use quickpwn. It worked great. Took like 5 minutes and I was set. I downloaded winterboard, touch springboard theme, and poof. All work great with no complaints and now my phone is just the way I want it to be. I highly recommend this to anyone wanting to customize their phone. I personally have no need for any of the apps on cydia or installer. I just like having a customized dock . Good luck to everyone. BTW- I did this all on a mac.
Posts are getting deleted in the thread...I guess a mod is not happy with the custom fimrware link (s)
Oops, apologies i wasn't aware i was breaking the rules. Well they are out there and relatively easy to find, there on one of the major trackers.
Hey guys,

I'm getting ready to pull the trigger and do this....but before I do, I need your help.

1. Cydia reports update to Categories...can someone try it out on 2.1 and let me know if it works? Categories is a main part of my Theme and I really want to keep it. If it doesn't work properly, I'm going to have to wait.

2. Do cracked iTunes Apps still work?

...standing by ready to pull the trigger

hmmm... trying to go from pwn'd 2.0.2 to 2.1, and everything went smooth(or so i thought) after letting the phone restore from my last backup(last night) and getting no errors, the phone wont completely reboot just sits on the apple with the spinning icon. Trying the restore again...
Just want to let you guys know that I have succesfully upgraded my 2G 2.0 unlocked and jailbroken phone to 2.1 using the new PwnageTool.

Since some seem to be having issues with the process I will quickly delineate what I did:

1. downloaded the firmware through iTunes and installed the new Pwnage, moved it into my Applications folder thereby overwriting the old version
2. removed old backup files in Itunes
3. opened Pwnage, chose Expert Mode and left all settings as they are except for the custom images.
4. Let Pwnage build the new firmware
5. turned off my iphone and plugged it in
6. restarted iphone and went into recovery mode
7. itunes detected my phone in revovery mode and I restored using the custom firmware
8 . the restore took about 15min

Good luck
i hate doing this s!*t to my precious iPhone :S

im still having trouble. but i think i may be makin progress
I was using the pwnage tool and when placed into DFU mode I was getting a 1600 error. I finally got round this by just plugging in the iPhone and pressing option and restore on the main iPhone page in iTunes when you plug it in (not going into DFU mode). This worked like a charm and I am now running the 2.1 firmware.
is it defo in dfu mode?

the screen shud be off if it is.....

Is openSSH workin for ppl on 2.1?
is it defo in dfu mode?

the screen shud be off if it is.....

I hold power + home buttons until the :apple: logo appears, then release the power button. Then the phone goes to the screen with the iTunes and USB icons. Then iTunes opens and says the phone needs to be restored. I hold option and click restore, then select my custom ipsw. Then error 6 pops up and the iphone stays stuck on the :apple: screen. HELP HELP HELP.
Ok, this is weird.... firmware has been updated, and the phone has restored to the last back up, and ive gotten no errors.The issue is, that upon restoring from the last backup, the unit never boots back up entirely it just sits there and vibrates, and all you see is the apple with the little pinwheel spinning.Itunes tells me everything is ok, and i know the backup took because when iphoto opens it shows the last pix i took before the backup last night.Thinking maybe there is something fishy with that last backup though, its just strange that i havent gotten any errors
wierd it just broke :S when i was changing the mobileinstallation file it restarted and got stuck on the apple screen :(
I hold power + home buttons until the :apple: logo appears, then release the power button. Then the phone goes to the screen with the iTunes and USB icons. Then iTunes opens and says the phone needs to be restored. I hold option and click restore, then select my custom ipsw. Then error 6 pops up and the iphone stays stuck on the :apple: screen. HELP HELP HELP.

re run the pwnage tool! and make sure ur in DFU it tells u if u did it right!
Doesn't work for me as well...tried it using Pwnage Tool 2.1 and itunes error 6, 2001 and 1600 after trying a few times...

Built custom firmware 3 times...successfully entered DFU mode everytime...even tried restoring without going into DFU mode...all don't work..

Nearly bricked my phone..can't on it for awhile...finally got it to show up on itunes but in recovery mode...restoring the original firmware as I type...

Any ideas guys?
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