Computer nerds that frequent internet forms define "Pro" and "Computers" and "Pro Computers" as stuff they need to do the stuff they do. Or the stuff they want to think they need to do the stuff they do. Usually there is a hefty dose of the No True Scotsman faulty logic in their reasoning.
Meanwhile actual professionals (doctors, lawyers, engineers) and people that run multi million and billion dollar business could care less as they see a "computer" as a tool to accomplish a job. Some computers come in different form factors (smartphone, tablet, desktop, or laptop) and thats OK because again its a tool to accomplish a job, not a lifestyle accessory.
Meanwhile actual professionals (doctors, lawyers, engineers) and people that run multi million and billion dollar business could care less as they see a "computer" as a tool to accomplish a job. Some computers come in different form factors (smartphone, tablet, desktop, or laptop) and thats OK because again its a tool to accomplish a job, not a lifestyle accessory.