What I'm seeing is that the pointer jumps an unspecified distance every 1-2 seconds when dragging across the screen in the direction of motion.
Example: I put the pointer at the far left middle of the screen and begin to move it to the right at a constant pace. As the pointer moves, every so often it will jump further to the right by a seemingly random distance inline with my direction of motion (eg if I'm moving to the right then the jumps will also be to the right, left if moving left, up if moving up etc). This will happen about every 1-2 seconds while moving in any direction. It's kinda like a hiccup of sorts, sometimes its only a few pixels that it jumps, other times it's a good 20% of the screen distance. It does seem to jump larger distances when moving the pointer faster.
Again, this doesn't happen in XP Pro. I dunno if it's in the apple rom timings or clock speeds? Driver issue (I've tried both the #irc original version and the newer one posed on page 22)? I'm at a loss.
Again any input is appreciated.