pipomolo42, Rominator, Cindori or whoever else might be able to help... I really need some help please!
I'm trying very hard to do this myself but I guess I just don't have the experience. I received my XFX HD 4870 model HD487AYHFC from TigerDirect today. This is a 512MB card, not 1GB. It is a slightly older card. The "companion" 1GB card to this card is the ZHFC. (Z for 1GB, Y for 512MB.) The ZHFC has been successfully flashed by numerous people. But I don't want to try the XFX ROM (rhildinger's ROM) for fear his custom ROM for a 1GB card won't be compatible. So.....
I installed Boot Camp with Windows XP on my Mac Pro 1,1, shut down, and then installed the XFX 4870 512MB in Slot #1, moving my Radeon x1900 to slot 2. After restarting in Windows, I installed the driver's included with the XFX card. After that, it was easy to use GPU-Z to dump the original XFX PC ROM. I then rebooted into Mac OS X (Snow Leopard 10.6.1) and put these three files in a folder on my desktop named "Flash":
• pc4870.rom (the file I dumped in Windows using GPU-Z)
• 4870.ROM (the ROM dump from the Apple 4870 card)
• fixrom.py (the file I downloaded from pipomolo42's attachment in message #344 of this thread)
Then I ran Terminal and changed the directory to the Flash folder (cd /Users/Mark/Desktop/Flash). Then I carefully copied each command line from pipomolo42's message and pasted them into Terminal (I figured copy/paste was safer than typing it). But, unfortunately, I ran into some errors. I've tried multiple times and, though the first few commands seem to work OK, I'm concerned about the errors. Here is a copy/paste of the Terminal window:
Last login: Wed Oct 28 00:41:05 on ttys000
Marks-Mac-Pro:~ Mark$ cd /Users/Mark/Desktop/Flash
Marks-Mac-Pro:Flash Mark$ dd if=4870.ROM of=efi.part bs=1 skip=63488 count=49152
49152+0 records in
49152+0 records out
49152 bytes transferred in 0.266352 secs (184538 bytes/sec)
Marks-Mac-Pro:Flash Mark$ blocknum=`printf %d "'\`dd if=pc4870.rom bs=1 skip=2 count=1 2>/dev/null\`"`
Marks-Mac-Pro:Flash Mark$ size=$(($blocknum * 512))
Marks-Mac-Pro:Flash Mark$ dd if=efi.part of=pc4870.rom bs=$size seek=1 conv=notrunc
dd: bs must be between 1 and -1
Marks-Mac-Pro:Flash Mark$ python fixrom.py pc4870.rom pc4870.rom
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "fixrom.py", line 103, in <module>
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'pc4870.rom'
Marks-Mac-Pro:Flash Mark$
I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. I've checked and triple-checked the spelling and case of the filenames. Yet, I'm getting errors.
pipomolo42 or Rominator, I would REALLY appreciate it if one of you fine gentlemen wouldn't mind taking my ROM dump (attached below) from my HD487AYHFC, add the EFI, and give me back a custom ROM.
Cindori, I'd also REALLY appreciate if you wouldn't mind then taking the new custom ROM (once it's been created) and putting it into the 4870 Flash App.
Honestly, I had every intention of trying to flash this thing tonight without bothering you guys anymore. It's past 1am and my goal before I went to bed was to post a "success" message. But I can't even get past the Terminal commands. HELP PLEASE!
RV770.bin (dumped ROM from my XFX HD487AYHFC) attached below!
Thanks!! Mark
P.S. For the record, the BIOS Version listed in GPU-Z for the XFX HD487AYHFC was: VER011.