As badly as I want those, I'm thinking probably not. It's no longer Apple Computer. No headless macs, no non-glossy imacs, limited choices of video cards, no blu-ray, no $600-$800 mid range laptops, un-updated minis and ACDs for years. Seems I picked a bad time to switch, when computers are not the prime focus. I applaud Apple's, but it's sad to see the computers become the redheaded stepchild after such a glorious history.
During what time period in Apple's history did they embody most of the qualities you're talking about..?
When did they ever have a $6-800 lappy? Macs are the cheapest they've ever been by far.... the first PowerBook G3 (running on the
old architecture- 50 MHz bus, EDO RAM, not 66 MHz/SDRAM- cost what.... $4999?
They've never been quick (or cheap) about upgrading their display lines... remember how much the original "HUGE!" 22" Apple Cinema Display cost? $3999! For something like 1600x1024 res?
And Apple's choice of video cards has always been limited. There was a time the only kind you could get was ATI... and by ATI, I mean a Rage IIc or a Rage Pro... later a Rage 128, then finally we got 3dfx and ATI.. and of course 3dfx went out of business, lol.
I agree with you the options aren't great... and the Mac Mini hasn't been updated in forever, but you picked pretty much the best time you could have as far as I can tell, especially when it comes to the way they're updating their OSes.
As for Blu-Ray, well, Apple's always been something of a latecomer to technology shifts... think PCI, ATA, SATA, AGP, PCI-E, etc. I've heard they've said they're not going to do it, but then, you have to take everything Apple says with a grain of salt.. possibly block of salt. Half the time they make an absolute statement like that it's completely untrue by the next year.
I hear you on the iPod/iPhone thing, though...
Anyway, it's not so bad as it seems