Doubling RAM does not double power.
I have to join the refutation. It never doubles power. Power is a CPU function. 100% of CPU is 100% of CPU. You can't turn it up to 200% by adding RAM. All RAM can do is keep the CPU running efficiently/prevent CPU slowdowns.
RAM is effectively a local reservoir feeding the CPU. If the CPU needs more "water" than the reservoir can deliver, the CPU can't perform at full capacity - it wastes time waiting for input. However, if the reservoir can hold more water than the CPU can use, then it's simply excess water. If the CPU never needs more than 50% of the reservoir's capacity, then you've overbuilt the reservoir.
So, in a convoluted way, yes... increasing RAM in a RAM-starved configuration will have the effect of increasing power, but only because the CPU had been prevented from operating at designed capacity. If RAM is already sufficient to meet computing needs, then adding more RAM will do little or nothing.