This is a really nice talk from one of the architects behind imagination technologies CXT photon ray tracing hardware.
Ray Tracing Hardware Levels
Ray Tracing hardware benefits for developers
PowerVR photon benefits over other solutions
Summary :
Based on his definitions of ray tracing levels :
Level 1 : ray tracing is entire in software. Full compute on the CPU
Level 2: hardware acceleration. Takes a box and triangle ray intersection calculation and puts into dedicated hardware. Bounding logic is still managed in software. Cannot be handled efficiently in shader code because shaders tend not to like branching!
Level 3: Dedicated hardware for BVH walking and determining boundary logic. Processing is still divergent and conditional. Still heavily memory inefficient
Level 4: PowerVR photon architecture. Coherency gathering. Grouping rays and threads and rays that do the same thing together for higher efficiency processing.
Some additional links and research I’ve been taking a look at to get up to speed :
Based on PowerVR’s definition of the different ray trace levels, current RTX hardware could be considered to sit at Level 3. I’m working my way through whatever documentation that is available to see what ‘level 4’ means.
What I have read so far, (beyond the marketing hyperbole) suggests that
cohernency gathering from PowerVR perspective means that parallel dispatches of rays can have similar properties when executed by the hardware in parallel.
Really nice article here:
Despite the theoretically infinite ways to implement a modern GPU, the truly efficient ways to make one come to life in silicon tend to force the hands of those making them for real. The reality of manufacturing modern high-performance semiconductors, and the problem at hand when trying to...
I’m going to go out on a limb here (and wildly assume), that a PowerVR CXT licensed IP derivative will be included in Apple’s future silicon.
This would be huge!