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Here is another way to hide the apps you dont need/want + organize others how you like.

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  • Like
Reactions: MiniApple
Once I have disable '' csrutil and csrutil authenticated-root'' , I will be able to enable them again?

Please dont do this - unless you are 100% sure.
First command disables SIP - but its not enough to edit system files on M1 Mac.
On M1 Macs - second command disables SSV - and according to users you will not be able to re-arm this installation again.
I havent seen one example of (advanced) user who did it on M1.
Happy to learn if someone sends the linked that it worked on M1.

/Volume/Mcintosh HD NOT
/Volumes/Mcintosh HD
Maybe is a dangerous estimate here...
Editing system partition on M1 Macs requires disabling SSV.
That strips off Apple signature from the partition - which now cannot meet safety requirements (cant install iOS apps etc) - and is a 1-way process. (like jailbreaking)
On M1 - such partition (with SSV off) cannot be rearmed.
To get the Apple signature back on - you have to reinstall the OS.
Please dont do this - unless you are 100% sure.
First command disables SIP - but its not enough to edit system files on M1 Mac.
On M1 Macs - second command disables SSV - and according to users you will not be able to re-arm this installation again.
I havent seen one example of (advanced) user who did it on M1.
Happy to learn if someone sends the linked that it worked on M1.

Maybe is a dangerous estimate here...
The OP is no longer a member here.
  • Like
Reactions: Never mind
Happy to learn if someone sends the linked that it worked on M1.
I did.
I'd also suggest to do this as a bashscript. While having my previous laptop with Catalina, I wrote it once and each time after the OS was updated I had to run it (5 seconds and it's good again).

Here's what I've compiled for my MacBook Pro (13-inch, M1, 2020) Big Sur 11.6:

# Macbook Pro M1 Big Sur
# Reboot your Mac into Recovery Mode by restarting while holding power button, then click options, the Terminal from top menu
# csrutil disable
# csrutil authenticated-root disable
# reboot to desktop

# Find your root mount's device - run mount and chop off the last s, e.g. if your / is /dev/disk3s1s1, you'll mount /dev/disk1s2
mkdir -p -m777 ~/mount
sudo mount -o nobrowse -t apfs /dev/disk3s1 ~/mount

sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/Photo\
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/Utilities/VoiceOver\

# Mission Control
defaults write mcx-expose-disabled -bool TRUE
#defaults delete mcx-expose-disabled

# Dashboard
defaults write mcx-disabled -bool TRUE
#defaults delete mcx-disabled

# Spotlight
sudo mdutil -a -i off
sudo chmod 0 ~/mount/System/Library/CoreServices/
#sudo mdutil -a -i on
#sudo chmod 755 /System/Library/CoreServices/

sudo bless --folder ~/mount/System/Library/CoreServices --bootefi --create-snapshot

killall Dock

echo -e "\033[1;31m THANK YOU APPLE \033[0m"

reboot for changes to be applied

This was mentioned countless times, but I will do it again. csrutil commands cause irreversible changes e.g. mac apps won't work etc, that's fine by me, but you need to know exactly what you're doing.
I did.
I'd also suggest to do this as a bashscript. While having my previous laptop with Catalina, I wrote it once and each time after the OS was updated I had to run it (5 seconds and it's good again).

Here's what I've compiled for my MacBook Pro (13-inch, M1, 2020) Big Sur 11.6:

# Macbook Pro M1 Big Sur
# Reboot your Mac into Recovery Mode by restarting while holding power button, then click options, the Terminal from top menu
# csrutil disable
# csrutil authenticated-root disable
# reboot to desktop

# Find your root mount's device - run mount and chop off the last s, e.g. if your / is /dev/disk3s1s1, you'll mount /dev/disk1s2
mkdir -p -m777 ~/mount
sudo mount -o nobrowse -t apfs /dev/disk3s1 ~/mount

sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/Photo\
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/Utilities/VoiceOver\

# Mission Control
defaults write mcx-expose-disabled -bool TRUE
#defaults delete mcx-expose-disabled

# Dashboard
defaults write mcx-disabled -bool TRUE
#defaults delete mcx-disabled

# Spotlight
sudo mdutil -a -i off
sudo chmod 0 ~/mount/System/Library/CoreServices/
#sudo mdutil -a -i on
#sudo chmod 755 /System/Library/CoreServices/

sudo bless --folder ~/mount/System/Library/CoreServices --bootefi --create-snapshot

killall Dock

echo -e "\033[1;31m THANK YOU APPLE \033[0m"

reboot for changes to be applied

This was mentioned countless times, but I will do it again. csrutil commands cause irreversible changes e.g. mac apps won't work etc, that's fine by me, but you need to know exactly what you're doing.
Hi Belkodil,
Afer running your script on Macbook pro 14 2021 i can confirm that it still works on MacOs12.1 (21C52).
Big thank for that :)
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I did.
I'd also suggest to do this as a bashscript. While having my previous laptop with Catalina, I wrote it once and each time after the OS was updated I had to run it (5 seconds and it's good again).

Here's what I've compiled for my MacBook Pro (13-inch, M1, 2020) Big Sur 11.6:

# Macbook Pro M1 Big Sur
# Reboot your Mac into Recovery Mode by restarting while holding power button, then click options, the Terminal from top menu
# csrutil disable
# csrutil authenticated-root disable
# reboot to desktop

# Find your root mount's device - run mount and chop off the last s, e.g. if your / is /dev/disk3s1s1, you'll mount /dev/disk1s2
mkdir -p -m777 ~/mount
sudo mount -o nobrowse -t apfs /dev/disk3s1 ~/mount

sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/Photo\
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/
sudo rm -rf ~/mount/System/Applications/Utilities/VoiceOver\

# Mission Control
defaults write mcx-expose-disabled -bool TRUE
#defaults delete mcx-expose-disabled

# Dashboard
defaults write mcx-disabled -bool TRUE
#defaults delete mcx-disabled

# Spotlight
sudo mdutil -a -i off
sudo chmod 0 ~/mount/System/Library/CoreServices/
#sudo mdutil -a -i on
#sudo chmod 755 /System/Library/CoreServices/

sudo bless --folder ~/mount/System/Library/CoreServices --bootefi --create-snapshot

killall Dock

echo -e "\033[1;31m THANK YOU APPLE \033[0m"

reboot for changes to be applied

This was mentioned countless times, but I will do it again. csrutil commands cause irreversible changes e.g. mac apps won't work etc, that's fine by me, but you need to know exactly what you're doing.
Can you clarify on the impact of csrutil and what "mac apps won't work" means? Can you no longer use pages, keynote, messages, etc after running csrutil disable? Are updates broken? Would like to understand impact before running this. Thanks!
For me all mac os apps are working, pages, mail, notes, etc, the only thing not working is to install aps designed for IOS (i use side loading instead), i tried to intall few apps from app store for mac not IOS and it worked fine. Also all apps installed before csrutil are working fine.
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FYI, I posted this elsewhere, but it obviously applies here too. If not, you can read the same at

Hey everybody. Just registered here because I found a very reasonable and EASY workaround for this problem, which is exactly the same for me... (OS X Monterey, M1 chip etc)

  1. Basically start by making a folder for your "Favorite Apps" with any name you want inside the User/Applications folder (not the System one - can't anyway). I called mine simply "*MY APPLICATIONS" (with the asterisk so it gets filed at the top).

  2. One by one, move the Apps you WANT & ENJOY into your personal "Favorite Apps" folder. YES, the ones hard-wired into the System/Applications (like TV, Stocks, Home etc - you know, the bloatware in question) will only Copy to your new folder but that's fine. Other Apps will ask for Authentication (Password or Fingerprint).

  3. You now have a folder of ONLY the Apps you want to quickly reference and / or use regularly. :)

  4. Now here comes the Convenience.... Drag you new personal "Favorite Apps" folder to the Finder Left Sidebar, where you probably see the System / Applications icon as well as Downloads, Desktop etc. I recommend you place your personal "Favorite Apps" folder at The Top of the list.

  5. Move the System / Applications folder (the one you toggle in "Finder / Preferences / Sidebar") to the bottom of the list, and / or switch it off completely from even appearing in the Sidebar.

  6. As others have mentioned, the super-annoying / useless bloatware apps like TV and Home (which use negligible space) are now no longer in your personal "Favorites Apps" folder which has replaced the System Applications folder in the Sidebar. You never have to see or deal with that bloatware again, and when you click your "Favorites Apps" folder on the Sidebar you see Only The Apps You Like. :)

  7. Simple, easy, no hacking or SIP stuff... and you literally never have to look inside the bloated System/Applications folder ever again. :)
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