yeah i use inappropriate words ,but releasing a chip 2 years later with so little improvements isn't really good that's what I meantI wouldn't really call the A12Z a scam, it's a faster version of the A12X chip.
Everyone thinks they have found the loophole that will prove Apple wrong,
Stage Manager requires M1
Swap Memory requires an M1 and at least 128GB.
Based on what you said in your "should I buy" thread, you aren't doing anything on the iPad which would really benefit from swap memory. When asked you also said that not having Stage Manager wouldn't bother you. Its fine if you've changed your mind and want StageManager, but here's the thing window management is only coming to the A12 via jailbreak. Do no update your iPadOS any further and wait until jailbreak works on your OS version. You wont get StageManager specifically, but there are a couple of other Window management tweaks available.
I haven't jailbroken in a long time, but its generally not harmful unless you are using a sketchy source. In some ways JBing makes your device a little more secure because you can change your root passwords from the default which all iOS devices use. Have fun with it but just be aware of which sources you install from.
thanks for the advices ! Im merely discussing of stage manager requirements but I truly am not this interested to have it
I've been rooting my phone for quite some time on Android ,I'd rather use iOS stock even if it "lack features" ,thank u nonetheless