I'm not considering buying one till it has a Retina Display.
The iPhone 4 made the iPad Obsolete.
P.S. 128MB RAM? EW.
You'll never own one.
Yea right
Lil girls quit saying ew when they turn 15. It's also 256.
If you had 512, your leaky program would fill the 512 and you would still get the restart device message. (Thats for the appropriate poster, and it's non derogatory.)
iPhones resolution is only 960 x 640, but it's 3.5" so it has a high dot pitch. Are we gonna run quad video cards in our iPads to drive a 2700 x 1950 display? Then you will cry about the five minutes of battery life. Point is if you don't own one, we don't care. (And don't correct me on the exact resolution that it would be, cause I don't care and it's a guesstiment.)