On a 3.5 inch display? Point is 9.7 inch 'retina's' don't exsist in real life, nor do we have the technology to drive one if they did exsist.
I don't know why people keep describing Retina Display as this hard to achieve, expensive feature.
I'm not an expert but if there is anyone here who can prove that Retina Display is un-achievable on a bigger screen now, please chime in...and oh, don't forget to include your title in the industry.
Retina Display (or call it something else if this name gives you the chills) is here now and I have it in the palm of my hands and I didn't pay $1,000 for it, it came with my iPhone.
I can't wait to come here a few months from now, after Apple introduces the next iPad (with Retina Display).