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Were are not talking about a product fault but a customer fault. Buyers remorse is a personal problem and not Apple or BB fault.

actually there is a product fault as i mentioned above, the thin black strip around my bezel is popped up towards the bottom of my ipad, and i also have problems with my wifi to the point to when i leave my house and go to try to connect to another wifi somewhere else, it will not see the signal, and i have to restart the iPad everytime so it will recognize the new wifi signals. I also have the problem of it dropping and asking my password a few times. So i do have problems but at the same time a little remorse. Either way, I could take it back due to the issues above, just a matter if they are gonna charge me a restocking fee or not.
Im seriously considering returning my 32 GB iPad to best buy. Why? Cause i find myself asking, do I have to have this? My answer is clearly no. I dont see a reason why I couldnt just wait till a new better one comes out. I LOVE using it rather than my macbook but im just having a hard time thinking it is worth paying $630 and it does what my macbook does and less. Does anyone know if Best Buy does a stocking fee on these? Im not a silver member or anything but wasnt sure if these qualified for a stocking fee or not...any help would be appreciated!

look around your house. I bet almost everything in there you don't really need. Do I need an iPad...probably not. Do I like using it....definitely. Am I keeping it....yep.
It may be a reason for an exchange but not an excuse to scam.

how is it scamming? its MY money to begin with...I seriously doubt BB loses anything on me returning probably goes right back to apple and fixed up and shipped back out.....Besides, like i said, I could return it due to the Bezel problem alone, just a matter of if i want to exhange for a new one or simply just get MY money back
how is it scamming? its MY money to begin with...I seriously doubt BB loses anything on me returning probably goes right back to apple and fixed up and shipped back out.....Besides, like i said, I could return it due to the Bezel problem alone, just a matter of if i want to exhange for a new one or simply just get MY money back

Because they can only sell it as refurbished no matter how mint condition the product is. Therefore, they pretty much just spent money to make a new iPad only to sell it as a refurbished. Now if there was something wrong with it, then that's a whole different situation. By all means return it. Julien was talking to CrAkD, who's attitude was that you should be able to return regardless of condition.
Were are not talking about a product fault but a customer fault. Buyers remorse is a personal problem and not Apple or BB fault.

If there is a small fault it's a fault. If he was happy with the product he might accept this small fault - just like a lot of 27" iMac owners are happy with their off yellow displays, but he's not happy with the product and wants to return it.

I personally cannot see an issue with this. It's not as if it's been connected up to the mains supply and been zapped with 110volts.
how is it scamming? its MY money to begin with...I seriously doubt BB loses anything on me returning probably goes right back to apple and fixed up and shipped back out.....Besides, like i said, I could return it due to the Bezel problem alone, just a matter of if i want to exhange for a new one or simply just get MY money back

if you were exchanging it, it wouldn't be a scam. you are screwing apple out of money due to them having to sell it as a refurbished unit because of your buyers remorse. pay the restocking fee or sell online. i'm not going to waste more of my time giving you a lesson on morals because its obvious that you are looking for any reason to justify having to be held accountable for your mistake.
lol. try the wifi excuse. Dont mind the old rich moral crusaders here. Best Buy won't go out of business because of it I assure you.

Right. Circuit City didn't have a restocking fee and they didn't.......oh. Never mind.
if u walk into an apple store. its a restocking fee for computers too.
Best Buy is owned by right wing scum, infamous for its CEO declaring that people who come in only for Sunday discounts were "devils."

Remember: it's a company that gave very generously to George W. Bush. You do recall him, don't you? The guy who wrecked your economy, launched two screwed up wars?

Take it back to Best Buy, tell them anything, make them swallow the restocking fee, and resolve never to shop there again.
lol. try the wifi excuse. Dont mind the old rich moral crusaders here. Best Buy won't go out of business because of it I assure you.

I agree. Do what you gotta do man. Don't listen to these guys that pretend they are angels ..:p
I don't how many times you try to make me believe that it's "stealing" people return stuff all the time and most stores don't have the bogus restocking fee. So no one is going to make me believe that doing anything you can to avoid that fee is "scamming" or "stealing". I don't know why you people find it so hard to side with the consumer. If you left it up Tobit corporations they'd attach these "fees" to everything so the CEO can get 1 more bentley. Have any of you guys tried buying tickets from ticketmaster lately? It's flipping out of control.
Pay the restocking fee.

Why should Best Buy take a loss on a new iPad because you have buyer's remorse?

No one held a gun to your head to purchase the thing.

The restocking fee was created for situations like you explained.

Low life Best Buy will turn around and resell it as new! I bought a camera from them and it looked like the box had been opened, sure enough someone ELSE had filled out the warranty card. I do not trust these people.:mad:
I don't how many times you try to make me believe that it's "stealing" people return stuff all the time and most stores don't have the bogus restocking fee. So no one is going to make me believe that doing anything you can to avoid that fee is "scamming" or "stealing". I don't know why you people find it so hard to side with the consumer. If you left it up Tobit corporations they'd attach these "fees" to everything so the CEO can get 1 more bentley. Have any of you guys tried buying tickets from ticketmaster lately? It's flipping out of control.

You are trying to excuse being a low life! Restocking fees were unheard of till these same low life's would buy something and use it for the weekend and they return it just for the heck of it. This practice costs the store money. I am no fan of Best Buy and would not buy from them, period. But saying it is OK or you are not siding with the consumer is low life, as are you for doing it.:mad:
Were are not talking about a product fault but a customer fault. Buyers remorse is a personal problem and not Apple or BB fault.

Apple and Best Buy have considered product returns when pricing their products and in establishing their return policies. I wouldn't feel sorry for them that a few hundred iPads get returned because the customer changed their mind. It's all included in the cost of doing business.

People are reacting as if they've never returned anything. That's nonsense.
I just sent back my 16g due to yellowing Apple is giving me my full payment back no restocking yea!Keeping my 32g.
if you were exchanging it, it wouldn't be a scam. you are screwing apple out of money due to them having to sell it as a refurbished unit because of your buyers remorse. pay the restocking fee or sell online. i'm not going to waste more of my time giving you a lesson on morals because its obvious that you are looking for any reason to justify having to be held accountable for your mistake.

LOL at someone with "Sleazy E" as their username giving lectures on morals.

Geez...Apple can handle a few returns. Give the OP a break. Have YOU never returned anything? Ever?

If Best Buy were worried about people changing their minds they would institute a NO RETURNS policy. They haven't.

Also, it's good business. It keeps customers happy and coming back.
LOL at someone with "Sleazy E" as their username giving lectures on morals.

Geez...Apple can handle a few returns. Give the OP a break. Have YOU never returned anything? Ever?

Because my name equates to me not having morals? Wow we have some bright ones on this forum lately :p
Low life Best Buy will turn around and resell it as new! I bought a camera from them and it looked like the box had been opened, sure enough someone ELSE had filled out the warranty card. I do not trust these people.:mad:

that was gonna be my Next point. All these people defend retailers like they own a portion of the company. These retailers screw the consumer every chance they get so why can't we return the favor? Gamestop? Pays $17 for a game that sells for $70 new then turns around and sells it for $65. Screw em.
Because my name equates to me not having morals? Wow we have some bright ones on this forum lately :p

I was just LOLing at the irony of it.

GEEZ, do you HAVE a sense of humor???

I guess not.

Go back to worrying about Apple's bottom line due to immoral returns then...enjoy!
I just was in bestbuy and asked 4 employees and one guy was the apple specialist the return policy. My response from 2 BB reps and the apple specialist was 14 days, no restocking, but they plan on implementing a restocking fee soon. The other employee was clueless and said 30 days with a 15% restocking fee, he thought, lol.
RZ Silver policy

And just kinda random, but all Apple computer products are 15% restocking fee at BestBuy regardless of silver membership (all that does is extend your return window to 45 days instead of 30 and give you 25% more points). At least that's for the couple of BestBuys I have around here.

From BB website:
Restocking fee
A restocking fee is applicable in some product categories, unless you are a Reward Zone Program Premier Silver member, the item is defective, or the fee is prohibited by law.
The restocking fee charges are:
25% for Special Order Products, including appliances
15% for opened notebook computers, projectors, camcorders, digital cameras, radar detectors, GPS navigation and in-car video systems
10% for Apple® iPhones

Do your research and stick to your guns.
From BB website:
Restocking fee
A restocking fee is applicable in some product categories, unless you are a Reward Zone Program Premier Silver member, the item is defective, or the fee is prohibited by law.
The restocking fee charges are:
25% for Special Order Products, including appliances
15% for opened notebook computers, projectors, camcorders, digital cameras, radar detectors, GPS navigation and in-car video systems
10% for Apple® iPhones

Do your research and stick to your guns.

I know, but also read again and note that I said "At least that's for the couple of BestBuys I have around here." Prolly should bring it up next time I'm in the store returning one of those :/.
Prolly should bring it up next time I'm in the store returning one of those :/.
I've had some employees try to reinterpret policy from time to time. When they do I just reference the website.
Fortunately, my iPhone and a solid 3G connection helps... Otherwise I bring hard copy.
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