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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 16, 2017
Hi everybody! I will appreciate your opinion on this situation...

I bought an Iphone 6s almost a year ago. During this year I had a lot of problems with it, Battery, Bluetooth, GPS and minor software problems.

They had changed the phone for a "new one" each time (2 times + the original purchase), this is the third time I have problems with it, I´m sick of this and I want my money back, but I don´t think they will do it easy to reimburse me the money.

Is there anybody who has been in this situation or a similar one? Any comments, suggestions, support words?. I want to be prepared. Thanks!

PS: 16 years of being an Apple fan, I had almost every Apple product since then and this is the first time I have to/want to return an apple product. I´m very disappointed and angry on how Apple it´s lowering the bar on quality, innovation, and profesional solutions this last three years.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Hi everybody! I will appreciate your opinion on this situation...

I bought an Iphone 6s almost a year ago. During this year I had a lot of problems with it, Battery, Bluetooth, GPS and minor software problems.

They had changed the phone for a "new one" each time (2 times + the original purchase), this is the third time I have problems with it, I´m sick of this and I want my money back, but I don´t think they will do it easy to reimburse me the money.

Is there anybody who has been in this situation or a similar one? Any comments, suggestions, support words?. I want to be prepared. Thanks!

PS: 16 years of being an Apple fan, I had almost every Apple product since then and this is the first time I have to/want to return an apple product. I´m very disappointed and angry on how Apple it´s lowering the bar on quality, innovation, and profesional solutions this last three years.
I don't believe your situation is everyone else's situation.

I'm on my third iPhone 5 since September 2012.

My iPhone 6s+ will be two years old in September. It's never had a problem and has functioned perfectly since September 2015 when I got it.

I have no advice to give you in what you are seeking. But as long as there are people out there like me who have no issues with their devices Apple is not going to give you your money back. They wouldn't anyway, but in this case they have something to point to as a reason to say "It's just YOU". Or your device. Or whatever.


macrumors G5
Nov 20, 2008
Hi everybody! I will appreciate your opinion on this situation...

I bought an Iphone 6s almost a year ago. During this year I had a lot of problems with it, Battery, Bluetooth, GPS and minor software problems.

They had changed the phone for a "new one" each time (2 times + the original purchase), this is the third time I have problems with it, I´m sick of this and I want my money back, but I don´t think they will do it easy to reimburse me the money.

Is there anybody who has been in this situation or a similar one? Any comments, suggestions, support words?. I want to be prepared. Thanks!

PS: 16 years of being an Apple fan, I had almost every Apple product since then and this is the first time I have to/want to return an apple product. I´m very disappointed and angry on how Apple it´s lowering the bar on quality, innovation, and profesional solutions this last three years.

Not a chance you are getting a refund. Its been almost a year. You have gotten replacement devices, Apple has fulfilled their warranty promise. If the device is still under warranty and experiencing problems, go get a replacement. But you seem to just be having bad luck.


macrumors 68020
Jun 27, 2011
Nothing is going to happen after a year. My advice is you either buy an iPhone 7 or leave iPhones altogether and get a s8.

If you had problem with three different 6s, I wouldn't bother with iPhone.


Mar 3, 2017
High life, High times
Its understandable for some phones to be broke. Out of 4 6S I had two with the battery problem but those were covered under recall and now I have 4 working 6S.

I would think you are having a bad run of luck. They will not refund your purchase now. Sell the phone and move on either to the 7 now, wait for the 8, or switch to a different manufacturer.
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macrumors 68000
Sep 12, 2012
Apple will give you a couple hundred bucks credit I imagine? As far as getting a refund after a year? I have a better chance of becoming the next Queen of England.

i like that last commit you said

better chance of becoming the next Queen of England

LOL that was too funny
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 6, 2010
Once you pass your 14 day return window, that's it. As others have said, you worked with Apple to get it replaced (twice) so they've held up their end. If it's still under warranty, return again and get it repaired. Otherwise, sell it and move on to another phone.
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Jul 12, 2016
Hi everybody! I will appreciate your opinion on this situation...

I bought an Iphone 6s almost a year ago. During this year I had a lot of problems with it, Battery, Bluetooth, GPS and minor software problems.

I´m very disappointed and angry on how Apple it´s lowering the bar on quality, innovation, and profesional solutions this last three years.

You had two faulty iPhones and you're claiming Apple has lowered the bar on their quality? Out of the millions of iPhones Apple sells every year and they manufacture 800,000 iPhones every day, sometimes manufacturing issues happen when you mass produce a product. As others have said, either return it or contact Apple for a warranty/exchange.
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macrumors 68000
May 10, 2012
I find it odd that you would have the same issues with three different phones. Has the thought ever crossed your mind that you just don't like the phone, want something else so your creating the issues yourself? I'm not accusing you of anything just saying maybe your just tired of the iPhone.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
You had two faulty iPhones and you're claiming Apple has lowered the bar on their quality? Out of the millions of iPhones Apple sells every year and they manufacture 800,000 iPhones every day, sometimes manufacturing issues happen can you mass produce a product. As others have said, either return it or contact Apple for a warranty/exchange.

Having gone through three iPhone 5's in a span of nearly five years I could have OP's viewpoint. But my iPhone 6s+ would blow that viewpoint out of the water since it's never needed to be worked on, checked, replaced or anything of that nature. It's been functioning just fine for the last year and a half.

AND! I got it on launch weekend to boot!


Dec 14, 2013
You won't get a refund most likely. I've heard of something called a lemon law but how to enact it is beyond me. I had the same issue with an SE. Went through three in a two month span with faulty logic boards but I ended up sacrificing my last JUMP through T-Mobile to get another 6s.

Right now my T-Mobile 7 Plus is giving me a headache (I've got dual EIP on one phone number). I wish I'd never bought it. Compared with my 6s, my data speeds are horrid, call quality is unstable regardless of if I'm using VoLTE, the screen is obviously more yellow and I can't get the color filter just right, and I am not wanting to bother with the Apple store. It's well documented most of my issues with the Intel version. So I'm just waiting it out until I see what is offered later this year.

Really, just like me, you can either keep trying to get replacements or find a way to get a different device.


Apr 29, 2017
I find it odd that you would have the same issues with three different phones. Has the thought ever crossed your mind that you just don't like the phone, want something else so your creating the issues yourself? I'm not accusing you of anything just saying maybe your just tired of the iPhone.

Exactly what I was going to say. He never even said what the problems were. It could be operator issue not the phone.

Torry Cox

macrumors newbie
Apr 18, 2017
Apple will give you a couple hundred bucks credit I imagine? As far as getting a refund after a year? I have a better chance of becoming the next Queen of England.
About the Queen of England is well said:D
[doublepost=1493976625][/doublepost]And still bad karma in a person. And any device that falls into his hands begins to buggy:) Maybe this is the case?

p.s. no offense


macrumors G3
Feb 13, 2011
Baltimore, Maryland
I've seen one of my clients have to swap an iPhone 6 a couple of times. There was definitely something wrong with both of them but it didn't take more than a week to see the issue.
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