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Circling even faster now...

...They've hired banks to look at a sale or other similar options.

Plus, they're piling up inventory very quickly now...
...They've hired banks to look at a sale or other similar options.

Plus, they're piling up inventory very quickly now...

I think two things are going to occur
1. They'll be writing down inventory again
2. Those bankers will look for a buyer, or some other strategic alliance. That is RIM will no longer be a stand along entity that designed, built their phones and OS. They may license the OS, or some other alternative.

Either way this will accelerate people dropping RIM and moving to a different platform. Why buy a product from a company that may not be there.
Stock price less than $10 now, first time since 2003.

This is from an all-time high of $145.

A year ago it was $40.
More bad luck and when I say bad luck, I mean RIM is hemorrhaging cash now at an alarming rate. blackberry 10 has been officially pushed back until 2013 Q1 and yet another round of layoffs restructering.

At this point, I think people will start avoiding RIM devices much like they did with Palm when they saw how quickly Palm went down.

Engadget news story

I feel bad for the people who work hard at RIM yet are the ones to suffer the consequence for mismanagement that thee executives are guilty of
RIM's inability to deliver the BB10 this quarter was their death knell.

If its not their death knell, it certainly pushed them into that direction. They showed off some features that they tried to differentiate BB10 versus iOS and android. That differentiate could be a moot point as both Apple and Google continually improve their OS. Just look at Jelly Bean and its predictive keyboard. BB10 was touted with a much superior keyboard, that feature may be blunted by Android 4.1

Except for enterprise, I think the consumer all but has fled from BlackBerry and the Enterprise sector sees the hand writing on the wall as well.
Pretty sure someone will buy RIM and get Nokia free with a new 24 month contract. :D

RIM is worth well under $2 billion now according to a story I read and can't find right now.
Pretty sure someone will buy RIM and get Nokia free with a new 24 month contract. :D

RIM is worth well under $2 billion now according to a story I read and can't find right now.

Wall Street Journal - RIMM down 19% today after being down 7% yesterday.

This may end very abruptly.
Wall Street Journal - RIMM down 19% today after being down 7% yesterday.

This may end very abruptly.

Yeah the real question is if there is anything RIM has worth buying. I guess they have some good patents and engineers.
I dread the idea that the only vendor for all my computing needs will be Apple. I believe the future of freedom in computing is riding on the success of Windows 8. This is about a blow against mono-tech. Essentially the "big brother" figure in the Apple Macintosh ad from 1984 is now Apple themselves. It's chilling to even think about the irony of that.

How exactly is Apple a threat to freedom on computing? Is Apple somehow forcing you to buy their products?
How exactly is Apple a threat to freedom on computing? Is Apple somehow forcing you to buy their products?

Apple is cretianly attempting to take choices away from consumers via lawsuits, at least they tend to lose outside of the USA.

Apple is very much against things like Open Source Non Profit Software, look at Android. Its free, and yet they still attack it. Because they see an Android device sold, as an iPhone that has not been sold. Yes, you need to license to use the play store and a couple other things, but the fact of the matter is. Its a free OS, that anyone can take and use for whatever they want, and its FREE. Apple doesn't want this. They want iOS to be the only real smartphone you can buy.
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No, if others are going to profit from their innovations and R&D in which their have patents for they want them to stop or pay a licensing fee.

For their design patents they want others to use their own unique designs not profit by mirroring Apple.

Pretty simple, just fair play.

If what you say was true the wouldn't of made licensing agreements with Microsoft.
Apple is cretianly attempting to take choices away from consumers via lawsuits, at least they tend to lose outside of the USA.

Apple is very much against things like Open Source Non Profit Software, look at Android. Its free, and yet they still attack it. Because they see an Android device sold, as an iPhone that has not been sold. Yes, you need to license to use the play store and a couple other things, but the fact of the matter is. Its a free OS, that anyone can take and use for whatever they want, and its FREE. Apple doesn't want this. They want iOS to be the only real smartphone you can buy.

Let's say you invest time and resources into developing a product. Then, someone else copies your product and gives it away for free. How would you feel if they did that?

Apple could care less that Android is a free OS. But it's unacceptable for Google to use patented technologies that Apple has a legitimate patent claim to and give it away for free.

Apple did not send its henchmen after competitors. Apple went to an impartial third-party judge and duly won a judgment. I see nothing wrong with this. It's called business, and frankly, I think you would do exactly what Apple is doing if you were in their position.
Let's say you invest time and resources into developing a product. Then, someone else copies your product and gives it away for free. How would you feel if they did that?

If your talking about Samsung's touchwiz the galaxy S2, yes I'll give you that. That was a clear copy.

I'm talking about Android, stock. Which runs on my S3, got rid of nasty Samsungized ICS.

Android was in development long before iOS, and they don't work the same, at all. They are 100 different in the front of house, and 100% different in the back of the house. As as patents with stock android? I think they were only violating the 915 patent, which JB has worked around. ( Which is funny, the workaround, is MUCH better than the orginal )

Android isn't a copy of iOS at all, they were even touch capable before the iPhone ( Sooner ), and there were touch screen phones before the iPhone as well, there is no copying going on imo.

Apple could care less that Android is a free OS. But it's unacceptable for Google to use patented technologies that Apple has a legitimate patent claim to and give it away for free.

Other than 915, and I did some research, Android did not violate any Apple patents, and Android has worked around it.

And you bet Apple cares that Android is a free OS, it gives Handset makers a mostly free mobile OS that's imo, better than iOS. Apple sees that as lost iPhone sales, they want Android gone. Because they see android sales as money that could be in their pocket.

Apple did not send its henchmen after competitors. Apple went to an impartial third-party judge and duly won a judgment. I see nothing wrong with this. It's called business, and frankly, I think you would do exactly what Apple is doing if you were in their position.

They did go a judge who lets be honest, with held a lot of prior art evidence. And a jury who most likely didn't care, and the entire case is already being appealed. And notice, Apple tends to lose cases like this in places outside the US.

And of course they aren't sending henchmen...just lawyers...and they would never sue over anything stupid......,281.../pcmag/breakingnews+(

Yeah. Right......

Whats next, they try to get Apples taken off the shelfs at super markets because they look like the Apple logo:rolleyes:
...They've hired banks to look at a sale or other similar options.

Plus, they're piling up inventory very quickly now...

Took a while longer than I thought (my post was from a year ago), but it's happened:

Bottom line, these idiots built a Billion (capital B please) dollars worth of phones that they're stuck with.

They simply didn't realize the wheels had come off a year ago. Hubris.
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