Anyone use this?
I am trying to find out if it removes DCSS or at least allows you to make a back-up of a DVD.
We have a DVD player in our car, but I do not like the kids to take original movies due to fench fries and chocolate milk
Right now I am still using Bootcamp, AnyDVD and Clone DVD to resolve this problem but am looking for a MAC solution.
Any suggestions?
I realize that this thread is closing in on a year old, but in case anyone reads this, perhaps I will have given some help. What I do for the kids in the car...
Note: this will require hardware purchases but really is the best solution in my opinion. Not saying you should do everything I do (it might be expensive to do it all at once)
1) Philips DCP951/37 9-Inch Portable DVD Player with iPod Docking
2) 160GB iPod Classic
Cost: $350-400
1) HandBrake
2) Music Rescue
Cost: HandBrake is free and Music Rescue is $15 I believe.
I have a DVD player with iPod dock (not that expensive really) about $100 on Amazon with about a 9" screen.
What I do is use the maximum quality of rip from HandBrake that will play on iPods (it's very good quality) which allows me to load my iPod with (at this point) about 50 animated/kids movies! I still have about 90GB to fill more movies. No DVD can touch the capacity and the quality is just as good on the small screen.
Also... the movies are ripped at such a good rate that I play them on my Mac Mini through my 50" Vizio. So, the files are pulling double duty as they are great at home and great on the road.
Also... being that you have gigs of stuff of the iPod, it can save your bacon if you lose your movies (which happened to me recenly) -- I thought I had lost ALL of those children's movies files on a recent crash (I saw HOURS UPON HOURS of re-ripping work ahead of me to)... then I realized that with the movies on the iPod, I could use software to get them back on the Hard Drive,... enter Music Rescue. Within 3 hours, I had all of the movies back where they belonged.
It is so much better than even making road discs because:
1) The capacity is so much greater. You have eveything on the iPod which is in the player so it takes up no extra room VERSUS a DVD Binder that's probably a foot square and 3" high that gets in the way.
2) Road discs can still be scratched beyond use.
3) One road disc at a time per movie (2 movies if you have the right software) is no match with carrying 100+ movies around so Selection is awesome
4) If you're scared to let the kids touch the disc, this works great because you don't have to be involved if the kids are old enough to use the on-screen menu which is easy to use. So you can stop having to be the manager of the discs to keep them in good order (which I used to be so careful with). Without discs, there's nothing to ruin.
5) God forbid, if the unit is stolen, you're just out the equipment. Which is sad, yes, but once replaced (hopefully with insurance), you just reload the iPod with all the movies back at home and you're ready for the next trip. IF you had been using road discs and they were in a big DVD Binder which got taken too, you're screwed because you have HOURS UPON HOURS of work ahead of you to get yourself back to square one with re-ripping DVDs. You're totally hosed if you've been ripping DVDs from Netflix Rentals as going back and reordering all those movies to re-rip would be a nightmare.
6) Without using the DVD player, the unit will actually not have the wear and tear on it that it usually would. IF you ever sell it, letting people know the drive was never used (due to your sole use of the iPod dock) will help make the transaction go quicker and probably put more money in your pocket.
I realize this is a RipIt thread, but wanted to share what's worked very well for me. Thanks for your patience and indulgence if you've read this far.