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I too must chime in and say RipIt is phenomonal when it comes to just flat-out ripping a DVD "as-is", to a file on a Mac.

I've used it for a few months and absolutely LOVE IT. Well worth the fee. I've NEVER had a problem ripping a DVD...and I've tried DVDs from the 90s to some that just came out.

Question though for those who use it...I'm well aware that Handbrake can convert the RipIt files usable for iTunes, etc...but what additional app(s) are needed to then take that RipIt version and burn a backup DVD in order to play in a DVD player (and not just on a Mac)???

I'd really appreciate a direct answer, since I've searched the boards and always find partial answers to this question :)


I would love to know this as well!!
Question though for those who use it...I'm well aware that Handbrake can convert the RipIt files usable for iTunes, etc...but what additional app(s) are needed to then take that RipIt version and burn a backup DVD in order to play in a DVD player (and not just on a Mac)???

I'd really appreciate a direct answer, since I've searched the boards and always find partial answers to this question :)


what format does Rip-It rip the DVDs? if it just rips the VIDEO_TS files then you are sweet, pop your DVD in and put that file onto the DVD and burn. if it makes an image file, open it with Disk Utility and burn that..

MTR uses the VIDEO_TS folder method, i find it so easy to do..
what format does Rip-It rip the DVDs? if it just rips the VIDEO_TS files then you are sweet, pop your DVD in and put that file onto the DVD and burn. if it makes an image file, open it with Disk Utility and burn that..

MTR uses the VIDEO_TS folder method, i find it so easy to do..

You say: "if it just rips the VIDEO_TS files then you are sweet, pop your DVD in and put that file onto the DVD and burn"

Which file??? I know you can option click the RipIt file and it displays the VIDEO_TS folder. But within that, I believe there are multiple files. So based on your reply...WHICH file should be put onto the DVD?
You say: "if it just rips the VIDEO_TS files then you are sweet, pop your DVD in and put that file onto the DVD and burn"

Which file??? I know you can option click the RipIt file and it displays the VIDEO_TS folder. But within that, I believe there are multiple files. So based on your reply...WHICH file should be put onto the DVD?

sorry, i should of said folder. a DVD is made up of two folders:


on older DVDs and the like the VIDEO_TS contains all of the video files, whilst AUDIO_TS contained the audio, now-a-days only the VIDEO_TS folder contains everything, newer DVD players dont really care if there is a AUDIO_TS folder or not.

so in saying that, take the VIDEO_TS folder and burn it to the root directly of the DVD.

using Disk Utility can sometimes cause problems with this because it doesnt allow you to choose the format of the DVD (needs to be UDF), which is why i would recommend Toast Titanium or similar to burn (costs money though) - but if it works using DIsk Utility for you then go for it! (maybe try on a RW DVD first?).
If you have some files that RipIt produced in .dvdmedia format, just rename those files and remove the .dvdmedia extention. This will turn it into a standard folder that contains the VIDEO_TS (and optional AUDIO_TS) folders. Then proceed as above.
If you have some files that RipIt produced in .dvdmedia format, just rename those files and remove the .dvdmedia extention. This will turn it into a standard folder that contains the VIDEO_TS (and optional AUDIO_TS) folders. Then proceed as above.

seems like a lot of work... MTR ftw!:rolleyes:
seems like a lot of work... MTR ftw!:rolleyes:
It is really quite simple, and works far better for me than MTR ever did; Of course, I haven't used v3 and newer, but the old version kept crashing on me, and doing incomplete rips. I don't see that I would ever go back to MTR.
It is really quite simple, and works far better for me than MTR ever did; Of course, I haven't used v3 and newer, but the old version kept crashing on me, and doing incomplete rips. I don't see that I would ever go back to MTR.

hmm ok then, MTR 3 was very effective for me - i experienced a whole bunch of problems there one time but found out my DVD drive was dying (still havent fixed haha). i now use my external DVD burner & my hackintosh. works great, never had a DVD that i couldnt rip..

each to his own in this case!
Love to recommend Rip-it, but until they fix the "update" button, I'll keep recommending MTR. I no longer have the ability to update via the built-in updater, and was told to use the original download link in the original email. Don't have that anymore. Now I'm told I'm SOL. If I had known that the update feature would not work, I would have kept the email. But one of the features touted with Rip-it was free updating via the built-in updater, not "better hang on to an email for years because that update button is just for show".:confused:

Say what you want about MTR, but I've always received excellent help on their boards, much better than Rip-it. Cheers.
If it jsut weren't so slow (1.5-3 hours per movie). This is perhaps because I usually use the AppleTV preset but modify the screen output to 4:3 (I have an :apple:TV forced to 4:3 mode); for widescreen movies I use the standard AppleTV preset.

Handbrake set to the AppleTV preset with no changes on my brand new Dell with 2GB RAM has taken 5 or more hours on every DVD that I've ran through it. I'd take 1.5-3 hours any day.
If you have some files that RipIt produced in .dvdmedia format, just rename those files and remove the .dvdmedia extention. This will turn it into a standard folder that contains the VIDEO_TS (and optional AUDIO_TS) folders. Then proceed as above.

Danny, I removed the .dvdmedia like you said and the folder does become a VIDEO_TS folder but when I try to use the iDVD to burn it, it will only let me select one (not all) of the files within the VIDEO_TS folder. Can you tell me what I am missing? Thanks
I've used Rip-It for quite some time and obviously own a copy and today noticed something interesting. I was checking out the new app Evom, by the little app factory, and Rip-It now appears on their site. Could they have purchased the app? Could we see a new version of Evom with simple conversion options from Rip-It? (I really hope so!)
I'll borrow this thread for a moment if I may.

I am interested in backing up my DVDs in a complete package without any compression and RipIt does indeed just that. The problem is that I want to put these on my PS3 and watch them just like I would if I popped in a DVD. When I try to watch the ripped film from RipIt on the PS3 all chapters and menus are individual files which means I will have to start a new file for every chapter. How can I merge everything so that clicking on the file gives me the exact same thing as popping in the actual DVD?
I purchased Ripit with the last MacUpdate $50 package. It is fantastic in that it copies your DVD completely then you can use any other program to take out what you don't want. I use DVDremaster if I want to reduce the size of the file. After using Ripit you will not need Fairmont. Anything that did not work using Fairmont has worked using Ripit first.
Anyone use this?

I am trying to find out if it removes DCSS or at least allows you to make a back-up of a DVD.

We have a DVD player in our car, but I do not like the kids to take original movies due to fench fries and chocolate milk :)

Right now I am still using Bootcamp, AnyDVD and Clone DVD to resolve this problem but am looking for a MAC solution.

Any suggestions?
I realize that this thread is closing in on a year old, but in case anyone reads this, perhaps I will have given some help. What I do for the kids in the car...

Note: this will require hardware purchases but really is the best solution in my opinion. Not saying you should do everything I do (it might be expensive to do it all at once)

1) Philips DCP951/37 9-Inch Portable DVD Player with iPod Docking
2) 160GB iPod Classic

Cost: $350-400

1) HandBrake
2) Music Rescue

Cost: HandBrake is free and Music Rescue is $15 I believe.

I have a DVD player with iPod dock (not that expensive really) about $100 on Amazon with about a 9" screen.

What I do is use the maximum quality of rip from HandBrake that will play on iPods (it's very good quality) which allows me to load my iPod with (at this point) about 50 animated/kids movies! I still have about 90GB to fill more movies. No DVD can touch the capacity and the quality is just as good on the small screen.

Also... the movies are ripped at such a good rate that I play them on my Mac Mini through my 50" Vizio. So, the files are pulling double duty as they are great at home and great on the road.

Also... being that you have gigs of stuff of the iPod, it can save your bacon if you lose your movies (which happened to me recenly) -- I thought I had lost ALL of those children's movies files on a recent crash (I saw HOURS UPON HOURS of re-ripping work ahead of me to)... then I realized that with the movies on the iPod, I could use software to get them back on the Hard Drive,... enter Music Rescue. Within 3 hours, I had all of the movies back where they belonged.

It is so much better than even making road discs because:

1) The capacity is so much greater. You have eveything on the iPod which is in the player so it takes up no extra room VERSUS a DVD Binder that's probably a foot square and 3" high that gets in the way.

2) Road discs can still be scratched beyond use.

3) One road disc at a time per movie (2 movies if you have the right software) is no match with carrying 100+ movies around so Selection is awesome

4) If you're scared to let the kids touch the disc, this works great because you don't have to be involved if the kids are old enough to use the on-screen menu which is easy to use. So you can stop having to be the manager of the discs to keep them in good order (which I used to be so careful with). Without discs, there's nothing to ruin.

5) God forbid, if the unit is stolen, you're just out the equipment. Which is sad, yes, but once replaced (hopefully with insurance), you just reload the iPod with all the movies back at home and you're ready for the next trip. IF you had been using road discs and they were in a big DVD Binder which got taken too, you're screwed because you have HOURS UPON HOURS of work ahead of you to get yourself back to square one with re-ripping DVDs. You're totally hosed if you've been ripping DVDs from Netflix Rentals as going back and reordering all those movies to re-rip would be a nightmare.

6) Without using the DVD player, the unit will actually not have the wear and tear on it that it usually would. IF you ever sell it, letting people know the drive was never used (due to your sole use of the iPod dock) will help make the transaction go quicker and probably put more money in your pocket.

I realize this is a RipIt thread, but wanted to share what's worked very well for me. Thanks for your patience and indulgence if you've read this far.
Danny, I removed the .dvdmedia like you said and the folder does become a VIDEO_TS folder but when I try to use the iDVD to burn it, it will only let me select one (not all) of the files within the VIDEO_TS folder. Can you tell me what I am missing? Thanks

iDVD won't work with a Video_ts file. You need to create an image of the video_ts folder, then you can burn it using disk utility or other burn software. If it doesn't need compression, you can use the free DVD Imager (Google for download location). If you need compression, you will need another program. DVD2OneX (AKA: DTOX) works especially well with RipIt. DTOX is not free beyond the trial period. DTOX will burn for you, or you can create an image for later burning. If you are backing up your DVD all the way to another DVD, or want all the functionallity of the original DVD intact, a complete tool kit should include the latest available Mac The Ripper and DTOX. Many use Roxio Toast or Popcorn instead of DTOX. I suggest visiting the forums at for more complete information.
RipIt from the Little App Factory is working just fine under 10.5.7 on a early 2008 MacPro. HandBrake takes the file from RipIt and makes a fine reduced version.

This combo can be recommended to work without issue, at least for my on a 12GB MacPro quad system. :D YMMV.
Following that logic, you could also obtain RipIt for free as well... shareware be damned. :(

Except RipIT probably isn't open source.

MTR is technically open source, as it uses GPL (copyleft) components under the hood, is not legal for them to close the source.

As such, you should be able to obtain a copy of the source code by contacting them. You can the compile this source to make your own binary.

So from my POV, if I find a binary out there and download it, I don't know who compiled it, and it saves me some time trying to find and compile the source myself.

I recently figured this out as I wanted to use MTR for the first time since i upgraded to SL, and it asked me to install Rosetta. NO THANKS. I would happily pay money if the developer asked for some donations, but I'm turned off by his current attitude. I'm also a developer, and I think you have to draw a line between what you do for money and what you do just out of love. I thought MTR was a labor of love, but apparently the author's not happy with other folks using his work freely.
RipIt from the Little App Factory is working just fine under 10.5.7 on a early 2008 MacPro. HandBrake takes the file from RipIt and makes a fine reduced version.

This combo can be recommended to work without issue, at least for my on a 12GB MacPro quad system. :D YMMV.

Exactly. Although in my case I lack Mac Pro. :(
RipIt has a small problem in Saving to MOVIES folder

I am evaluating RipIt and so far very much impressed by this clean straightforward MacApp.

However I did discover a small problem in its automatic saving to Movies folder.

I had a two DVD set for Monsters, Inc. When RipIt ran the second DVD it just overwrote the first one. :eek::eek::confused:What a surprise to me and what a waste of time.

My work around was to change the name (just added D1) of the first rip in the Movie folder and then proceed to rip the second DVD.

Perhaps the programmer of RipIt could modify the "saving" to/as of RipIt.

Anyone else here have a better answer/solution.
RipIt for Mac OS-X

It seems to me that this forum " RipIt for Mac OS-X " should have categories to make it easier to navigate thru the topics. As I see it now it's just a massive page after page of postings.
It seems to me that this forum " RipIt for Mac OS-X " should have categories to make it easier to navigate thru the topics. As I see it now it's just a massive page after page of postings.

I don't mean to have a go but this " RipIt for Mac OS-X " forum (as you call it) isn't a forum, it's a thread within the MacRumors forum.

a thread will have pages and pages of discussions about the topic... that's the whole point.

if you are trying to find something specific then you can use the "search this thread" link...

there's only 3 pages (as of writing this) so it'll hardly take much time to scan them...

and from my point of view, RipIt is a very neat app.. works with 10.6.1, is clean and does the job. Not had any problems with it. I have 1 more rip left of the free trial before I intend to purchase it.

my $0.02 worth anyway... hehe
I am evaluating RipIt and so far very much impressed by this clean straightforward MacApp.

However I did discover a small problem in its automatic saving to Movies folder.

I had a two DVD set for Monsters, Inc. When RipIt ran the second DVD it just overwrote the first one. :eek::eek::confused:What a surprise to me and what a waste of time.

My work around was to change the name (just added D1) of the first rip in the Movie folder and then proceed to rip the second DVD.

Perhaps the programmer of RipIt could modify the "saving" to/as of RipIt.

Anyone else here have a better answer/solution.

You can also change the filename of the rip before it starts---just change the name in the textbox above the Rip and Eject buttons.
I don't mean to have a go but this " RipIt for Mac OS-X " forum (as you call it) isn't a forum, it's a thread within the MacRumors forum.

a thread will have pages and pages of discussions about the topic... that's the whole point.

if you are trying to find something specific then you can use the "search this thread" link...

there's only 3 pages (as of writing this) so it'll hardly take much time to scan them...

and from my point of view, RipIt is a very neat app.. works with 10.6.1, is clean and does the job. Not had any problems with it. I have 1 more rip left of the free trial before I intend to purchase it.

my $0.02 worth anyway... hehe

Opps. I had no intention to offfend.

Let me toss in another 2cents: RipIt is the best and easiest I've used to date. I deliberately ran a couple of "tough" to crack DVD's and RipIt sailed through them without a hiccup. It's a very elegant programme.
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