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Could you please take me through each step of how to put it in handbrake and make all the files as one and then put it on my iPod touch 2nd gen.
Could you please take me through each step of how to put it in handbrake and make all the files as one and then put it on my iPod touch 2nd gen.

OK, here's how I do it.

Rip the DVD using whatever ripping app. If you use RipIt, I think you end up with a file using the .dvdmedia extension. Handbrake is expecting a VIDEO_TS folder. What you can do is pull the VIDEO_TS folder out of the .dvdmedia file by right clicking and selecting "Show Package Contents".

Once you have the VIDEO_TS folder, open Handbrake and click on Source. Drill down to the VIDEO_TS folder you want to convert. It'll scan and after a few seconds, you'll notice that the "Title" drop down will have filled in. For most movies, this will be filled in with the main movie. If that's what you want, leave it alone.

Select a encoding preset (choose one of the iPod settings), choose a location for the file to save, click start.

That's it for the encoding part.

The next part is to get it onto the iPod. Just drag the file into your iTunes library. Modify the tags if you want. Add some artwork (Amazon usually has good picutres). Then sync.
when i downloaded handbrake it came up as 'terminal', i tried dragging the folder of ripped chapters in it but that didnt get me far, i dont know what controls to use to 'do whats best for me'
wait what is terminal though thats what handbrake comes up as when i open it.

Sounds like you may have downloaded the wrong file. Make sure you've downloaded the GUI version of Handbrake. There's a version for CLI that opens in Terminal. This is for guys that really know what they're doing.

If you download the right version, it's really self explanatory. Check out these screenshots.

As for settings that are "right for you" ... what I mean is that you should try a few encodes at the various presets to see if you notice a difference. Then decide whether you want maximum quality, or small file size, or something in between. But the presets are usually pretty good.
OK, here's how I do it.

Rip the DVD using whatever ripping app. If you use RipIt, I think you end up with a file using the .dvdmedia extension. Handbrake is expecting a VIDEO_TS folder. What you can do is pull the VIDEO_TS folder out of the .dvdmedia file by right clicking and selecting "Show Package Contents".

Once you have the VIDEO_TS folder, open Handbrake and click on Source. Drill down to the VIDEO_TS folder you want to convert. It'll scan and after a few seconds, you'll notice that the "Title" drop down will have filled in. For most movies, this will be filled in with the main movie. If that's what you want, leave it alone.

Select a encoding preset (choose one of the iPod settings), choose a location for the file to save, click start.

That's it for the encoding part.

The next part is to get it onto the iPod. Just drag the file into your iTunes library. Modify the tags if you want. Add some artwork (Amazon usually has good picutres). Then sync.

FYI...I use Rip It to rip my dvds and you don't need to drill down to the VIDEO_TS folder---just select the .dvdmedia file and Handbrake will autoscan for the appropriate title. Only time I've had to select a specific title is with some of the Disney DVDs that Rip It has difficulty with--usually have to just encode directly from the VIDEO_TS folder on the source DVD using Handbrake/VLC.
i am waiting for my registration to through for mtr4. but i was having the same issue with ripit which made me stop using it. also have problems with mtr3.

Ripit problems. When i would rip a tv show dvd which has multiple episodes per dvd it would rip with no problem. it would play fine in apple dvd player. but when you burn it it will only play the first episode and the dvd would stop when you pressed the menu button. I tried burning it with toast and "burn" neither worked. i tried compressing them with dvd2one and toast. didn't matter. so i thought it had to be ripit. i was right.

mtr3 problems. I never use to have problems until recently. Almost every dvd i would burn was having issues where it would stop at some random spot in the dvd. It's really really annoying. I was using verbatim discs. So i tried a different disc. Didn't matter. I tried using a slow speed. I tried using a different burner. didn't matter. I am pulling my hair out!

So i am waiting to see if mtr4 will be better.
RipIt does odd things to the DVD image that causes Handbrake and some other applications based on similar libraries to crash.

You can disable libdvdnav in Handbrake to resolve some of these issues, but RipIt's developers really need to correct the problems in their own software.
No Crashes here

I'm using the RipIt in conjunction with handbrake and haven't yet had any occurences of crashes with Handbrake; so far using the Apple TV setting I have about 200 GB of encoded films so these crashes shouldn't be assumed to be a problem for everyone.

I have had the occasional DVD that RipIt has failed to rip, and the odd rip that Handbrake could find no valid source from (maybe 10 problematic DVDs so far combined) - but in these cases using Handbrake direct from the DVD has worked in every case.

My opinion is that RipIt is worth the registration fee. You can always try it for free for a few rips first to find out how it works for you.

I'm using the RipIt in conjunction with handbrake and haven't yet had any occurences of crashes with Handbrake; so far using the Apple TV setting I have about 200 GB of encoded films so these crashes shouldn't be assumed to be a problem for everyone.

I have had the occasional DVD that RipIt has failed to rip, and the odd rip that Handbrake could find no valid source from (maybe 10 problematic DVDs so far combined) - but in these cases using Handbrake direct from the DVD has worked in every case.

My opinion is that RipIt is worth the registration fee. You can always try it for free for a few rips first to find out how it works for you.


+1. Exactly the same situation for me. I've never had crash issues though similar to StuB, I do have the sporadic occasion where RipIt can't handle the rip---seems to usually be Disney produced. In those cases, I just rip directly from the disk usually Handbrake/VLC.

My MTR 4 Registration went through quite quickly, all within 4 or 5 days... I don't find the back alley paypal giftware method as sketchy as some, but I also went into the situation perfectly willing to loose the money... MTR4 can deal with some discs that I have not been able to rip otherwise...

That said, I use MTR4 to extract the titles I want, and then handbrake them to the apple tv setting...

to the OP, MTR4 will allow you get the right information off a disc to re burn it... there are other sollutions as well, but I find MTR4 works well for me...
I use MTR 2.6.6 on my Macbook quite a lot, but it can be very flaky. It crashes to the desktop quite often, fortunately after it is done ripping in most cases. This seems to be especially true if I have my screen set to sleep. .

I'm sure you are aware that MTR266 is pretty old and you are more then lucky to have it work in your intel mac.

There is a intel version but you have to pay for it unless you find it somewhere in cyberspace.

Here is another ripper you could try:
go to download DVDRemaster trash it ( unless you decide to buy it ) but use Fairmount which is open source ripper.

After ripping i like to use DVDRemaster because you can do some fairly extensive editing such as removing those FBI scenes, cutting out the thousand or so languages, cutting out those trailers for movies in production.
For me it was worth the monies to buy DVDREmaster.
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tjanuranus said:
ugh. still waiting for MTR 4!

me too... Maybe they've given up lol :(
I would definitely try the process again. I was given admittance in only 5 minutes after sending an email. I've been an MTR fan for a long time and one thing I've learned is if you don't do everything to the letter, their automated system simple disregards you and you'll end up waiting forever.

BTW-I've seen the 4.01 update Geezerbutt is rolling out and it is truly amazing. If only he would extend this app to Blu-ray, all would be right in my world.
Is it better to rip the Video_ts folder to your HD rather than just encoding right from the DVD with handbrake?

Don't think it really makes a difference. The benefit of ripping to your HDD is that you can rip a bunch of DVDs then queue up all of the encodes to run on your computer while away/overnight, etc. Every once in a while, I have a DVD rip that Handbrake can't handle from the HDD copy so I just encode directly from the DVD.
Does handbrake riping process create Audio/TS folders ?

Then using TOAST burn a DVD disc that would be playable by a DVD player for watching on a TV monitor ?
Can RipIt rip specfic titles instead of the whole disc? I don't see it anywhere in the options.
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